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un·fold·ed 英ʌn'fəʊldɪd美ʌn'fəʊldɪd 高COCA¹⁹⁴³²BNC²⁷⁴⁵²iWeb⁴⁴²⁶⁰Economist¹⁷⁸¹¹ 基本英英例句例句 adj.展开的⁸⁰;解开的¹⁰动词unfold的过去式和过去分词形式¹⁰.原型unfold的过去式和过去分词 动词 unfold: develop or come to a promising stageopen to the viewextend or stretch out to a greater or the full lengthspread out or open from a closed or folded state 形容词100% 用作形容词At the same time, we reveal the subsequent triadic role structure thatunfoldedamong communities, the boundary organizations they designed, and firms.同时,我们揭示了随后在社区,他们设计的边界组织和企业中展开的三合一的角色结构。 A similar dynamic has unfolded over the past thirty years regarding U.S. relations with Iran. 过去三十年美国和伊朗的关系也展现出相似的情况。 yeeyan The first wars of the21st century have also unfolded there, in Afghanistan, Iraq, western Sudan and Lebanon. 21世纪开场的战争也并未在那儿以及阿富汗、伊拉克、苏丹西部和黎巴嫩闭幕。 ecocn The dawning day gilded this happy thing, the great law, “Multiply,” lay there smiling and august, and that sweet mystery unfolded in the glory of the morning. 升起的太阳把这个安乐窝照得金光闪闪。 “传种接代”的伟大规律在这儿微笑并显示出它的庄严,一种温存的奥秘展现在清晨的灿烂光辉里。 ebigear The leaders of the opposition seemed to take an important lesson from the way the rally unfolded: once a crowd gets riled up, it can be encouraged to march anywhere it's told to. 从展开游行的方式反对党领导人似乎上了重要的一课:一旦抗议者情绪高涨起来,它能带动更多的人群加入其中。 yeeyan The National Guard was called out, and the by now predictable scenario unfolded: tear gas, beating, looting, fires. 国民警卫队被调来,这时,可以想象到的场面展开了:催泪瓦斯、殴打、抢劫、大火。 yeeyan “ De” is the unfolded and expanded Dao and it makes use of Dao to give guidance to social, political and human life. “德”则是道的展开,以及其在人生、社会与政治生活中具体的指导和应用。 ecocn.org All flowers unfolded around them and sent them incense; and they opened their souls and scattered them over the flowers. 所有的花都在他们的周围开放,向他们献出香气,他们,也展开各自的灵魂,撒向花丛。 ebigear All this was unfolded as confidently as Augustine's tracts against the Pelagians, which he knew backwards. 这一切象奥古斯丁反对贝拉基主义者他从过去了解了它的小册子一样自信地展现出来。 ecocn Another reason Marsh decided to make Project Nim was the rich seam of human drama that unfolded around the chimp. 马什拍这部片子的另一个原因是围绕这只黑猩猩展开的大量戏剧性场面。 yeeyan At last the candle was lighted; he leaned his elbows on the table, unfolded the paper, and read. 最后,他的蜡烛算是点上了,他两肘支在桌上,展开那张纸来看。 ebigear But her death nonetheless seemed like the wrong outcome—an instant that could have gone differently, a story that could have unfolded otherwise. 但是她的死亡看起来像是一个错误的开始——或说是一段该特别的应该展开的故事情节。 kekenet But the scene that unfolded next underscored the moral complexity of a world in which some girls are ambivalent about being rescued and not all brothel owners are monsters. 但下个展现的情景强调了这个世界的道德复杂性,这个世界里的一些女孩子对获救的心情是矛盾的,而且也并非所有的妓院老板都是恶魔式的人物。 yeeyan From these accidental starts, careers unfolded and lasted. 从这些偶然的开始,事业展开并慢慢发展。 yeeyan His writing also upset local officials in Khimki, a suburb of Moscow where a battle has unfolded over plans to build a road through a forest. 他的言论也让希姆基的地方官员感到心烦,在莫斯科的郊区希姆基,正展开一场关于穿过森林修建公路计划的斗争。 ecocn I wanted to preserve the whole of the wonderful vision to be unfolded before my waking eyes in the morning light. 我想完整地保存那全部美好无比的景象,以便在晨光微曦之中眼睛一睁开就能重新展现在面前。 yeeyan In the meanwhile she had unfolded the petition addressed to “the benevolent gentleman of the church of Saint- Jacquesdu-Haut-Pas.” 这时,她展开了那封写给“圣雅克·德·奥·巴教堂的行善的先生”的信。 ebigear In the warmth, as it were, another memory unfolded. 仿佛,确实有一段回忆在温暖中展开。 yeeyan Long negotiations have unfolded over how much public access will be allowed: to the architect’s distress, CCTV’s directors have threatened to close off two public roads that cut through the site. 在多大程度上可以允许公众接近的问题上展开了长时间的商讨:让建筑师烦恼的是,中央电视台的领导威胁要关闭里两个穿过这个地点的公共道路。 yeeyan Nor am I writing to make further predictions, as most of my forecasts in previous letters have unfolded or are in the process of unfolding. 我也不是写信作进一步的预测,因为在以往的信件中,我的大部分预测已经展现或者正在展现的过程中。 yeeyan Photos, letters, clippings, and other family documents should be stored unfolded because folding and unfolding breaks paper along the fold lines. 照片、信件、剪报或其他家庭文献应该以展开的方式储藏,因为折叠和展开会损害纸张的折线。 chunfengqiushui.blog.tianya.cn Tess Durbeyfield's route on this memorable morning lay amid the northeastern undulations of the Vale in which she had been born, and in which her life had unfolded. 在这个难忘的早上,苔丝·德北菲尔德要走的路是从布莱克原野谷东北部高低起伏的中间地带穿过,她在这个谷中出生,她的人生也是在这个谷中展开的。 hjenglish Then he unfolded a universal map. 然后他展开一幅宇宙地图。 ebigear They were less good at starting from scratch, ie, a fully unfolded protein. 人类在从零开始的问题上要差一些,例如,一组完全展开的蛋白质。 ecocn They were less good at starting from, ie, a fully unfolded protein. 玩家并不太擅长某些方面:例如从一条完全展开的蛋白链开始。 ecocn What unfolded may have been the most polite, most apologetic, and least competitive game of musical chairs in the history of the world. 这展现给我们的是他们的礼貌和深深的歉意。 然而这不过是世界上最小竞争的一个抢椅游戏。 yeeyan |