

单词 unfathomably
释义 un·fath·om·ably 英ʌn'fæðəməblɪ美ʌn'fæðəməblɪ COCA¹¹⁵²⁸⁷iWeb⁴⁶⁹⁷⁹
The development of education is directly related to talents training and knowledge transmission, and unfathomably greatly influences the development of other social careers as well.
教育事业的发展直接关系到人才的培养和知识的传承,并对社会其他各项事业的发展产生不可估量的影响。 fabiao

There would be no point in asking Zaphod, he never appeared to have a reason for anything he did at all: he had turned unfathomably into an art form.
问赞法德没有任何意义,他做的每件事情在表面上看都没有理由可言:他把深奥难解变成了一门艺术。 douban

M- theory, the dominant version of string theory, holds that the universe is made up of unfathomably small slices of a2-dimensional membrane, wriggling in11-dimensional space.
膜理论 M理论是弦论的一个主导性版本,它认为宇宙是由许多细小的深奥的二维膜片构成的,这些二维膜片在11维空间中蠕动。 yeeyan

Payment systems are unfathomably complex and highly variable.
支付系统复杂到让人难以理解且充满变数。 ecolion.cn

The intangible cultural heritages are unfathomably potential and valuable.
非物质文化遗产具有不可估量的潜能和价值。 dictall

The point is that there were not many Gouveias, nor were there big families anywhere else in the unfathomably complicated plotline.
重点是,那里不再有像戈维亚这样的家庭了,在其他家庭情节复杂莫测的地方也不再有类似的大家庭了。 yeeyan

We will have a better understanding of how matter behaves at the unfathomably high temperatures and pressures of the early universe.
同时,我们将进一步了解物质在宇宙初期不可思议的高温高压下,是如何表现的。 tingroom




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