

单词 unexplained
释义 un·explained 英ʌnɪk'spleɪnd美,ʌnɪk'splend ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁸¹⁰BNC¹⁵⁵⁵⁹iWeb¹³⁷¹⁵Economist¹⁷⁸⁰⁹

not explained;

accomplished by some unexplained process

having the reason or cause not made clear;

an unexplained error

sudden unexplained infant death婴儿不明原因猝死…sudden unexplained death原因不明的猝死…unexplained accident不明事故unexplained variance不可解释的变异数…
un无|不-explain-ed如|被…的⇒adj.未得到解释的近义词 secret秘密arcane神秘的mysterious神秘的unsolved未解决的baffling令人困惑的inexplicable无法说明的impenetrable不能穿过的

用作形容词He died inunexplainedcircumstances.他死因不明。
Hisunexplainedabsences fed our suspicions.他的无故缺席引起了我们对他的怀疑。
There are too manyunexplainedmysteries in the world.世界上有太多解不开的谜。
Truthfully, there have been someunexplainedoccurrences around the house.老实说,这房子的周围发生过一些无法解释的现象。as in.unknown
同义词 anonymous,exotic,foreign,nameless,new,remote,strange,uncharted,undiscovered,unexplored,unfamiliar,unidentified,unnamed,unrecognizedX,alien,dark,far,secretconcealed,desolate,distant,far-off,faraway,hidden,humble,incog,incognito,little-known,such and such,unapprehended,unascertained,uncelebrated,undistinguished,unheard-of,unnoted,unperceived,unrenowned,unrevealed,unsung,untold
反义词 common,familiar,identified,known,named,native,normal,regular,relevant,usual
unknownadjective obscure, mysterious
X,alien,anonymous,concealed,dark,desolate,distant,exotic,far,far-off,faraway,foreign,hidden,humble,incog,incognito,little-known,nameless,new,remote,secret,strange,such and such,unapprehended,unascertained,uncelebrated,uncharted,undiscovered,undistinguished,unexplored,unfamiliar,unheard-of,unidentified,unnamed,unnoted,unperceived,unrecognized,unrenowned,unrevealed,unsung,untold Approximately,10 days ago, there were unexplained deaths of chicken in the patient's household. She participated in the disposal of the dead poultry.
在发病前约10天左右,在病人家里出现不明原因的鸡禽死亡,她曾参加死禽处理工作。 who

North Korea’s state media reported that a conference of the ruling Korean Workers’ Party is due to begin on September28th, following an unexplained postponement.
经历了不明原因的延期之后,朝鲜国家媒体报道,执政党朝鲜工人党将于9月28日召开会议。 ecocn

The charge is denied, of course, but it is undeniable that several journalists, parliamentarians and policemen who have investigated the bombings have either met unexplained deaths or gone to prison.
当然,指控被否认,但无法否认的是,数位调查爆炸案的记者、议员及警察不是死得不明不白,就是锒铛入狱。 ecocn

The initial symptoms of rabies are fever and often pain or an unusual or unexplained tingling, pricking or burning sensationparaesthesia at the wound site.
狂犬病最初症状是发热,伤口部位常有疼痛或有异常或原因不明的颤痛、刺痛或灼痛感感觉异常。 who

The night before the pig's birth, villagers say they witnessed unexplained bright lights hovering in the sky, and so they attributed the piglet's bizarre features to foul play by aliens.
猪出生前的夜晚,村民们说,他们目睹了不明原因的明亮灯光在天空盘旋,由此他们把猪的奇特容貌归咎于外星人的卑鄙行径。 yeeyan

A later look at ground-based radar showed an unexplained band of snowfall in the area.
随后的地面雷达观测到了该区域不明原因的小范围降雪。 yeeyan

An outbreak of RVF in animals frequently manifests itself as a wave of unexplained abortions among livestock and may signal the start of an epidemic.
动物中暴发裂谷热,常常就是成批牲畜出现原因不明的流产,并可能表明流行病的开始。 who

Ashley was diagnosed with unexplained infertility after suffering several miscarriages: “By the third miscarriage, I had become numb to the whole thing,” she says.
几次流产之后, Ashley被诊断为原因不明性流产。她说:“第三次流产之后,我对整个事情都麻木了。” yeeyan

But sudden, unexplained weight loss can be even more worrisome.
不过原因不明的体重突降也许更值得担。 ebigear

For Japan the news was the piece of a jigsaw that went towards solving the puzzle of numerous unexplained disappearances.
对于日本而言,这个消息就如同拼图上的关键一角,为解决多起原因不明的失踪案件提供了线索。 yeeyan

For unexplained reasonsbecause honestly, it’s not possible, Earth’s core has stopped spinning, causing our planet’s protective magnetic field to collapse.
由于不明原因,地核停止了转动,于是星球的保护性磁场开始消失。 yeeyan

Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash.
一旦有长出不明疹子的迹象时就着手治疗。 iciba

If you find that small cuts, scrapes, or burns take a very long time to heal or if you experience unexplained bruising from light pressure, see a doctor.
如果你发现即使很小的割伤、擦伤、烧伤都要很长时间才能愈合,或者经常有不明的瘀青,这时就要去看医生了。 wlcfan

In a recent British study of sudden infant deaths, almost two-thirds of those that were unexplained occurred when the bed was being shared.
近日英国一项针对婴儿猝死的研究指出,近三分之二的不明猝死事件都是在和母亲同床睡时发生的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that they had found more unexplained traces of uranium in Syria, which still denies having a secret nuclear programme.
国际原子能组织观察员报告称已在叙利亚发现了更多来源不明的铀的踪迹,但叙利亚仍否认其拥有秘密核项目。 topsage

Last month he returned to the kingdom after two years’ absence for an unexplained convalescence.
经过两年原因不明的康复期,上个月他回到沙特王国。 ecocn

Many of these people have demonstrated higher anxiety levels, multiple unexplained physical symptoms and subjective poor health compared to non- exposed populations.
与未暴露于污染的人口相比,他们中许多人存在高度紧张,各种原因不明的身体症状以及自觉健康不良。 who

Soon after that episode, Ghazi Kanaan, a former Syrian interior minister who for many years ran Syria’s intelligence service in Lebanon, committed suicide in unexplained circumstances.
这段插曲后不久,叙利亚前内政部长 Ghazi Kanaan曾在黎巴嫩的叙利亚情报机构任职多年自杀,原因不明。 ecocn

The analysis found a significant association between sudden unexplained death and the use of a stimulant at the time of death.
研究分析发现死时在原因不明的猝死和兴奋剂的使用上存在显著相关。 yeeyan

The shift appears to reflect the unexplained technical difficulties or closures experienced by the militant sites in recent months.
这个变化预示着那些激进组织网站可能在最近几个月里遇到了原因不明的技术困难,或是已经关闭。 yeeyan

They don’t capture the large number of primary- care patients— about25 percent— with unexplained medical symptoms.
他们不包括高达百分之二十五左右的有不明原因症状的初级保健病人。 yeeyan

They also say the discovery opens the way for more study of some of the unexplained matter.
他们还说这一发现为进一步研究一些无法解释的物质打开了门路。 jukuu




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