

单词 unfailing
释义 un·fail·ing 英ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ美ʌnˈfelɪŋAHDŭn-fāʹlĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA⁵⁰²⁴⁸BNC³⁰⁶⁶⁹iWeb³⁰³¹⁵

not liable to failure;

a foolproof identification system

the unfailing sign of an amateur

an unfailing test

always able to supply more;

an unfailing source of good stories

a subject of unfailing interest


unfailing loyalty

unfailing good spirits

unflagging courtesy

unfailing performance可靠性能unfailing service可靠服务,无故障的工…
词根记忆un不+fail失败+ing → 经久不衰的 ⇒无尽的蒋争熟词记忆un-不fail衰退-ing…的⇒经久不衰的词根记忆un+failing有尽头,失败的=没有尽头的GRE红宝书un不, fail失败, ing: 经久不衰的近义词 firm公司sound声音sure肯定的true真实的loyal忠诚的secure安全的stable稳定的certain确定的abiding持久的lasting永久的reliable可靠的constant不变的faithful忠诚的enduring持久的steadfast坚定的dependable可靠的substantial大量的foolproof不会错的unflagging不疲倦的trustworthy可信赖的consistent始终如一的unshakable不可动摇的

用作形容词Their discipline and good behaviour wasunfailing.他们的纪律和良好行为始终如一。
She fought the disease withunfailinggood humour.她始终抱乐观态度同疾病斗争。
Nature is always anunfailingfountain of inspiration.大自然永远是灵感的泉源。
Everyone admired her patience andunfailinggood humour.人人都佩服她的耐心和永不衰减的好脾气。
He can not have succeed without theunfailingsupport of his wife.若没有他妻子给予的可靠的支持,他是不可能成功的。adj.certain, unchanging
同义词 bottomless,boundless,eternal,inexhaustible,steadfast,unflaggingabsolute,assiduous,ceaseless,come-through,consistent,constant,continual,continuing,continuous,counted-on,delivering,dependable,diligent,dyed-in-the-wool,endless,faithful,infallible,invariable,loyal,never-failing,persistent,reliable,rock solid,same,solid,staunch,straight,sure,surefire,there,tried-and-true,true,trustworthy,unlimited,unrelenting
反义词 changing,limitedfailing,impermanent,uncertain,unsure
come throughadjective reliable
consistentadjective constant, regular
come-through,dependable,even,expected,homogeneous,invariable,logical,of a piece,persistent,rational,same,steady,true,true to type,unchanging,undeviating,unfailing,uniform,unvarying
constantadjective loyal, determined
continualadjective constant, incessant
dependableadjective reliable, responsible
always there,carrying the load,certain,come-through,constant,faithful,good as one's word,loyal,rocklike,secure,stable,staunch,steadfast,steady,sturdy,sure,to be counted on,tried,tried-and-true,true,trustworthy,trusty,unfailing
foolproofadjective infallible
certain,dependable,fail-safe,faultless,flawless,goofproof,guaranteed,idiot-proof,never-failing,perfect,reliable,safe,sure,surefire,tested,tried,unassailable,unerring,unfailing A few verses later, the same distressed David is declaring, “ But I trust in your unfailing love” v.5.
一些诗句之后,同样痛苦的大卫宣告到,“但我依靠你的慈爱” v.5。 yeeyan

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.
你凭慈爱领了你所赎的百姓; ebigear

In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.
凭你的慈爱剪除我的仇敌,灭绝一切苦待我的人,因我是你的仆人。 ebigear

Is your unfailing availability makes you procrastinating, makes you feel like a martyr?
你的老好人态度有没有把你变得拖拖拉拉,让你觉得自己像个殉道者? yeeyan

Plus the unfailing determination to help my ailing mother have the care she needed to survive.
病痛缠身的母亲需要你的照料, 你决心铁定让死神逃避诚惶诚恐。 kekenet

The pain of discipline will grant you your desires, while the pain of regret will only grant you more unfailing regret.
纪律约束的痛苦会担保你会得到你想得到的结果,而悔恨的痛苦只会保证你得到更多的、源源不断的悔恨。 yeeyan

The sovereign, he said, was an“ unfailing rock” who would not be deterred by the“ idle chatter” of critics.
国家,君主说,是一块“永恒基石”,它不会为“夸夸其谈”的批评者们吓倒。 ecocn

The unfailing arrival of spring is a sure sign of God's faithfulness.
春天从不失约的脚步是个确切的神迹,显明了神的信实。 jukuu

We can only deeply regret this unfortunate misunderstanding, and assure you of our unfailing regard.
对此不幸误会,同仁等深以为憾,谨对先生再申敬佩之忱,并致谢意。 ebigear

“ SPORT”, as George Orwell noted more than60 years ago, “ is an unfailing cause of ill-will.”
乔治.奥威尔在60多年前就说过:“运动是坏人们的不朽事业。” ecocn

Commit your marriage to God, placing all your hope in Him and trusting in His unfailing love.
把你的婚姻交给神,把你所有的希望都放在他那里,相信他的永远不变的爱。 tianyablog

First, we need unfailing commitment and leadership at all levels. From heads of state and heads of government, ministries of health, development and finance, right down to the community level.
第一,我们需要在各个层面做出坚定的承诺并发挥领导作用,上至国家和政府首脑、卫生、发展和财政部委,下至社区一级。 who

In such emergencies, Hester's nature showed itself warm and rich; a well- spring of human tenderness, unfailing to every real demand, and inexhaustible by the largest.
在这种紧急情况下,海丝特显示了她那可贵的温厚秉性:那是人类温情的可靠源泉,对任何真正的需要都有求必应,哪怕需要再大,也绝不会枯竭。 hjenglish

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.
但愿人因耶和华的慈爱,和他向人所行的奇事都称赞他。 ebigear

My sincerest hope is to speak to you of the vast and unfailing presence of Love, accessible to you at any time.
我最真诚的希望就是告诉你们:那无穷的、永恒的爱,任何时候都是对你们开放的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.
耶和华阿,求你使我们得见你的慈爱,又将你的救恩赐给我们。 ebigear

The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
他喜爱仁义公平。遍地满了耶和华的慈爱。 ebigear

They were unfailing in their attendance at the secret meetings in the barn, and led the singing of ‘ Beasts of England’ with which the meetings always ended.
他们从来没有缺席过大谷仓的秘密聚会,而且每次都要在聚会结束时唱《英格兰兽》。 yeeyan

Turn, O Lord , and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.
耶和华阿,求你转回,搭救我。因你的慈爱拯救我。 ebigear

When King David writes, “ Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me, ” he’s not saying, “ Surely only good things will happen to me!”
当金大卫写道,“当然,您的善与爱将指引我,”他并不是说“当然,只有“善事”发生在你身上!” yeeyan

Whether sixty or sixteen,but there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing child-like appetite of what's next, and the joy of the game of living.
无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。 hjenglish

Whether60 or16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.




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