

单词 uneventfully
释义 un·e·vent·ful·ly 英ˌʌnɪ'ventfəli美ˌʌnɪ'ventfəli 高COCA⁶⁹⁹²⁷BNC⁵⁶²³⁸iWeb⁵⁰⁴⁵³

in an uneventful manner;

the space shuttle landed uneventfully

近义词 dully模糊地drearily沉寂地monotonously单调地boringlyboring的副词形式…
The rest of the detective's night passed uneventfully.
这位警探的后半夜倒是平安无事。 jtben

The authors consider that preoperative psychological nursing and adequate preparations are the requisite conditions to complete the IMP uneventfully;
认为术前心理护理和术前准备是顺利完成 IMP的必要条件; cnki

Who can experiment uneventfully with drugs and who will be undone by them results from a complex interplay of genes, environment and psychology.
由于基因、环境和心理因素的相互作用,有些人接触毒品之后可以丝毫不受其影响。 yeeyan

I couldn’t face another run-in with the Tamiflu, so the night passed relatively uneventfully between dizzying trips to the bathroom and sweat- soaked sheets.
我无法再次忍受达菲的副作用,那天夜里除了几次迷迷糊糊的上厕所和湿透的床单,相对来说还算安稳。 yeeyan

Last year, the first deployment of the Type071 amphibious transport vessel to anti- piracy duties off Somalia passed uneventfully.
去年,为防范索马里海盗,首次部署了071型两栖运输舰,不过护航行动平平淡淡地过去了。 yeeyan

Results: The patient recovered uneventfully with the good healing of the incision.
结果:术后患者切口一期愈合,原位肠代膀胱恢复正常储尿排尿功能。 chemyq

Results All the operations were completed uneventfully without conversions to open surgery.
结果手术全部成功,无中转开放手术。 cnki

RESULTS No patient died, and all patients were discharged uneventfully.
结果无死亡病例,所有患者发绀明显减轻,顺利出院; wendian

The gastric subserosal hematoma was treated with percutaneous drainage and the patient recovered uneventfully.
胃浆膜下血肿穿刺引流治疗,病人恢复顺利。 syyxw.com

Wound heals uneventfully soon after pulling off the cannulate.
所有病例拔管后伤口愈合好。 cnki




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