

单词 unevenness
释义 unevenness 美ʌn'ivənnɪs 高COCA⁶³⁸³²BNC⁴³⁷¹¹iWeb³⁶³⁵⁶

the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformitythe quality of being unbalanceduneven不平坦的wall unevenness壁厚不均weight unevenness重量不匀率unevenness of stand林木分布不均; 茎干…unevenness of application撒药不匀度,施肥不均…yarn unevenness纱线不匀率
uneven-ness名词后缀⇒n.不平坦²²;不平衡⁴⁵;不匀性³³近义词 roughness粗糙disparity不一致asymmetry不对称variability易变inequality不平等jaggedness粗糙度bumpiness碰撞撞击disproportion不均衡patchiness补缀的性质irregularity不规则性反义词 evenness平均

用作名词Thisunevennesscomes about because topics are developed in a logical order.所以出现这种不平衡,是因为课题是按逻辑顺序展开的。
It can be predicted that the general revolutionary situation will grow further at certain stages in the future but that theunevennesswill remain.在将来,可以想到,在某些阶段里,革命的总的形势是更加发展了,但是不平衡状态还会存在着。noun.(irregularity
同义词 aberration,asymmetry,break,bump,bumpiness,change,crookedness,dent,deviation,distortion,flaw,hole,hump,imperfection,inconsistency,inequality,jaggedness,roughness,shift,spasm,stop,twist,uncertainty,variability,variation
反义词 conformity,continuation,evenness,perfection,regularity,sameness,similarity
asymmetrynoun irregularity
crookedness,dissymmetry,imbalance,inequality,lack of balance,lopsidedness,skewness
coarsenessnoun rudeness, vulgarity
bawdiness,boorishness,callousness,crassness,crudity,earthiness,harshness,indelicacy,offensiveness,poor taste,rawness,ribaldry,roughness,smut,smuttiness,uncouthness,unevenness,unrefinement
crookednessnoun irregularity
disparitiesnoun difference
disparitynoun difference
disproportionnoun imbalance
asymmetry,difference,discrepancy,disparity,imparity,inadequacy,inequality,insufficiency,irregularity,lopsidedness,unevenness,unsuitableness An angle of the wall being given, with the tension of his back and legs, with his elbows and his heels fitted into the unevenness of the stone, he raised himself as if by magic to the third story.
他在墙角里把肘弯和脚跟靠紧石块上的不平处,便能利用背部和腿弯的伸张力,妖魔似的升到四楼。 ebigear

By contrasting the two states we'll gain the static uplifting amount and calculate the elasticity of the corresponding points of contact wire and the elasticity unevenness in all- in span.
对比接触网系统的初始状态和抬升力作用下的状态,从而得出静态抬升量,并计算出接触线上对应点处的弹性和整个跨距内的弹性不均匀度。 dictall

For this, rotary jet grouting and static grouting were adopted for strengthening the roadbed, and the unevenness and cracking have been well controlled.
为此,对该路基采用了旋喷注浆和静压注浆加固,使不均匀和开裂得到了有效的控制。 cnki

The dynamic buckling behavior of the thin- wall cylindrical shell is more complicated than that of the thick shell due to its more unevenness.
由于薄壁圆柱壳比厚壁圆柱壳的不均匀性更大,薄壁圆柱壳的轴向动力屈曲比厚壁复杂得多。 cnki

The effect of solution viscosity on unevenness of distribution is very little.
发现液体粘度对分布不均匀度的影响不大; cnki

The empirical formula concerning the unevenness of illuminance is derived from experimental data.
实验中总结出照度分布不均匀规律的经验公式。 cnki

The information dimension of population patterns quantifies the scale variation degree of pattern intensity, and discloses the unevenness of individual distribution.
种群格局信息维数能够刻划格局强度的尺度变化程度,揭示出种群个体分布的非均匀性状况。 dictall

The practice of setting new type auto leveler in JF226 high-speed carding machine shows that it can control card sliver weight deviation and unevenness effectively.
新型自调匀整装置安装应用于 JF226型高速梳棉机的实践证明能有效控制生条的重量偏差和不匀率。 cnki

The unevenness of eutectic carbide distribution is one of the important factors that effect the quality of tool steel.
共晶碳化物分布的不均匀性是反映工具钢质量的重要指标之一。 cnki

Autoleveller is an important device to solve card sliver weight unevenness and difference on blowing-carding- drawing unit.
自调匀整装置是棉纺清钢联系统解决生条重量不匀率及重量偏差的重要装置。 cnki

By means of the proposed method, it is possible to study quantitative the unevenness of charging of individual cylinder.
用这种方法可以定量研究多缸内燃机各缸进气充量的不均匀性。 cnki

Control principle and methods of quality indexes such as combing waste percentage, combing neps, evenness CV of combing sliver, weight unevenness and so on were summarized.
总结出精梳落棉率、精梳棉结、精梳条条干 CV值、重量不匀率等质量指标的控制原理及控制方法。 chemyq

Further suggested are the conceptions of the image and the spectrum of slide resistance factor to illustrate the unevenness of the stability of cataclastic rock slope.
进而提出了抗滑系数图和抗滑系数谱的概念,以反映碎裂岩体稳定因素的不均匀性。 cnki

In order to solve the problem that there were injection molding bugs on the products caused by the unevenness of the thickness, and the insert in the product, second injection mold was applied.
为了解决产品由于壁厚不均匀且带有嵌件而产生的注射成型缺陷问题,决定采用二次注射的方法。 dictall

It can display the sliver unevenness indexes and the irregularity curve continuously, ft can be used separately or used with self-regulation equipment.
它可以连续不间断的显示熟条的不匀指标和不匀曲线,从而可以准确的判断不匀率出现的原因。 cnki

Rebuilding guide axis, regulating operating method of folding and double twisting tender, controlling twist unevenness of front process can control compound yarn entanglement defect of double twister.
通过改造导纱轴、规范并线挡车工和倍捻挡车工的操作方法、控制好前工序的捻度不匀率,可有效控制倍捻机上股线扭结疵点。 chemyq

The key to improve roving quality lies in reducing weight unevenness and improving yarn evenness.
提高粗纱质量的重点是降低纱的重量不匀率,提高粗纱条干的均匀度。 cnki

The step feeding test, the unevenness test by cans, shifts and days and pressure sensors function test are the practicable and available methods for evaluating the action of long- term auto leveller.
文中提出的阶跃喂入试验,生条筒间、班间、日间不匀率试验和传感器性能试验,是评价清钢联长片段自调匀整效果现实而可靠的方法。 cnki

The test shows that the influence of roving elongation percentage on roving weight unevenness and evenness CV is evident, and the control of roving tension is very important.
通过试验测试发现粗纱伸长率对粗纱重量不匀率和条干 CV值影响显著,强调了控制粗纱张力的重要性。 cnki

There exists current distribution unevenness in large current switch apparatus parallel branch.
大电流开关电器的并联支路中存在电流分配不均匀性。 dictall

This paper puts forward a method of ultrasonic on-line monitor to detect the unevenness of the thickness of shielded electric or optic cable sheath, and verified by sample machine developed.
本文研究了超声测厚用于对具有屏蔽层的光电线缆护套厚度均匀性的在线检测方法,并通过研制的样机进行了验证。 cnki

This unevenness in damage is because the storm’s winds in that area are aligning with the forward motion of the storm generally northwest, which enhances the wind speeds.
这种破坏上的不平衡是因为该地区暴风的风向与其移动方向一致一般是西北向,使风速得到提高。 yeeyan

Veronica had a favorite summer dress, with a wide oval neck and half-length sleeves, of orange, orange distributed with a tie-dyed unevenness.
维罗妮卡穿过一件她最喜欢的夏季连衣裙,椭圆形的领口,半截袖,橘色的,经过扎染的色调分布很不均匀。 yeeyan

Yarn hairiness and twist unevenness affect fabric quality seriously.
纱线毛羽与捻度不匀严重影响织物质量。 cnki




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