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释义 UNESCO 英ju:ˈneskəʊ Economist¹⁴⁵¹⁶
abbr.联合国教育科学文化组织¹⁰⁰=United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts It was designated as aUnescoWorld Heritage site in 1983.1983年,联合国教科文组织将它定为世界文化遗产。 The forests of British Columbia, Unesco says, are home to more life per square yard than anywhere else on Earth: elk, wolves, hawks, bears… Yet there was barely a bird in the trees.
联合国教科文组织认为,在不列颠哥伦比亚省每平方码的土地上,动物比世界上任何其它地方都要多:驼鹿,狼,秃鹰,熊…,然而我没有看见树上有一只鸟。 yeeyan

What UNESCO should be protecting, he says, is not stones but human values; cities must develop in ways that cater to present needs but also respect and integrate the past.
他说,联合国教科文组织应该保护的不是砖石,而是人类价值,城市的发展必须兼顾现实需要和对历史的尊重与继承。 ecocn

According to Unesco, more than88 percent of the city’s old residential quarters are gone, including many government- designated heritage zones whose protections existed only on paper.
根据联合国教科文组织统计,超过88%的城市老居民迁出,包括许多政府认定的遗址保护区域,现在这些保护只存于纸面。 yeeyan

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, he could note that UNESCO had joined him in this conviction.
在二十一世纪之初,他注意到联合国教科文组织已经同他一道对此深信不疑。 yeeyan

But equally beguiling is Luang Prabang, now a Unesco World Heritage Site, a pinch-yourself perfect time capsule of a French colonial town, caught in a fork between the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers.
但同样诱人的还有首府琅勃拉邦,现在是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产地,这是一个令人难以置信的法国殖民时代城市,坐落于湄公河和南康河之间。 yeeyan

From the names of the streets to the bricks within them, this UNESCO World Heritage Site has a history unparalleled in modern America.
从街道的名字到地砖都反应了现代美洲的历史,因此被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。 yeeyan

He said Tiwanaku would not lose its world heritage status because the government halted the makeover earlier this year when told to do so by Unesco.
他说,蒂瓦拉库不会丢掉其世界遗产的地位,因为年初,政府按联合国教科文组织的要求已中止了外部的粉刷。 yeeyan

In 1952, on the request of UNESCO, he wrote Race and History, which was to become a classic of antiracist literature.
1952年,应联合国教科文组织之请,他撰写了《种族与历史》一文,该文后来成为反种族主义文献的经典。 yeeyan

In addition to UNESCO and the Library of Congress,26 other libraries and institutions in19 countries have contributed to the project.
除联合国教科文组织和国会图书馆外,还有来自19个国家的26个图书馆和研究机构向该项目提供了档案。 yeeyan

In2005, the perspective of UNESCO had reversed by comparison with this initial conception.
在2005年,联合国教科文组织的观点较之这最初的观念已经发生逆转。 yeeyan

Officials at UNESCO had suggested the authorities should build a tunnel under the River Elbe instead of the bridge.
联合国教科文组织官员曾建议该市修建穿越易北河底的隧道,而不是跨河大桥。 joyen

Officials from the UN heritage agency, Unesco, are due to visit Tiwanaku to determine if its main attraction should be removed from the list of world archaeological treasures.
联合国教科文组织世界遗产机构的官员拟定造访蒂瓦拉库,以确定这个著名景点是否需要被从世遗名录中除名。 yeeyan

The Three Gorges is a source of intense national pride, nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in2001, as well as one of China's biggest tourist attractions.
三峡大坝是中国人强烈的名族自豪感的一个来源,其在2001年被提名为联合国教科文组织世界遗产,同时也是中国最大的一个旅游景点。 yeeyan

The humanist stance of the anthropologist and the mission of UNESCO have found a new resonance.
这位人类学家的人道主义立场与联合国教科文组织的宗旨找到了新的共鸣。 yeeyan

Then there are some private agencies that try to do the same job as UNESCO on a smaller scale.
此外也有私人机构试图在小规模和联合国教科文组织做同样的工作。 ecocn

Thus, by making exchanges the fundamental condition for progress, Race and History was in perfect harmony with the ideology of cooperation, whose propagation UNESCO wished to promote.
这样,通过将交流作为进步的根本条件,《种族与历史》与联合国教科文组织希望推进其传播的合作思想达成了完美的和谐。 yeeyan

Today, only the debris of the empire's glory remains, forming part of what is now known as the Ayutthaya Historical Park, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
如今,昔日帝国光辉只有残骸留存,大城府已成为大城历史公园的一部分,联合国教科文组织把它列入世界文化遗产名录。 yeeyan

Tomorrow in Paris, a team of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO experts will meet to commemorate the disaster and hear the team's results.
就在明天,联合国教科文组织的一些专家将在巴黎会面以纪念这次灾难,并听取埃莫林小组的结论。 yeeyan

UNESCO’s latest attempt to look at patents has therefore focused on the offices of America, Europe and Japan, as these are deemed of “ high quality”.
因此,联合国教科文组织检看专利的最新尝试集中在美国、欧洲和日本的专利局,因为这些专利局被视为“高品质”。 ecocn

UNESCO likes to boast of the mind-concentrating effect of the mere suggestion of delisting.
联合国教科文组织喜欢吹嘘仅靠暗示除名带来的警醒作用。 ecocn

UNESCO officials have called for calm and say experts will be sent to assess damage to the temple.
联合国教科文组织官员呼吁双方保持冷静,并说将派遣专家评估神庙受到的损坏。 voanews




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