

单词 berthed
释义 berth·ed 英bɜːθ美bɜːrθ COCA¹¹⁷⁴²⁹BNC⁵²²⁷³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a job in an organization;

he occupied a post in the treasury

a place where a craft can be made fasta bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
provide with a berthsecure in or as if in a berth or dock;

tie up the boat

come into or dock at a wharf;

the big ship wharfed in the evening

berth clause泊位条款safe berth安全船席,安全泊位…berth occupancy泊位用率berth order指定锚泊位sea berth海上停泊处berth throughput泊位吞吐量loading berth装船泊位ferry berth渡船码头berth terms码头条件berth note订舱单quay berth码头泊位open berth开放锚位berth cargo空舱货物building berth船台造船滑道,滑道,…anchoring berth锚泊泊位container berth集装箱船泊位…foul berth不安全泊位,回转不便…to give a wide berth远离give a wide berth to 避开保持距离…fall into a good berth找到一个赚钱多的工作…
近义词 bed床moor荒野dock码头quay码头land陆地post职位slip滑倒bunk铺位spot地点wharf码头place地方tie up扎绑harbor海港billet兵舍mooring下锚come in进来service服务moorage系留position位置office办公室situation形势appointment约会disembark使上岸landing place登陆处(浮码头…

用作名词A steamship moored to itsberthat the pier.一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊。
They took up aberthnear the harbor.他们在港口附近找了个位置下锚。
She gave up her sleepingberthto a pregnant woman.她把卧铺让给了一位孕妇。用作不及物动词This ship is approved toberthhere.这艘船被允许停泊在这儿。
The linerberthedat midday.邮轮中午到达停泊地。
Iberthedbeside him.我睡在他旁边的铺位。用作及物动词The docks canberthover fifty vessels.这个码头可以停泊五十多艘轮船。
Six passengers can beberthedamidships.六位乘客可安置在船的中央部分。as in.land
同义词 dock,settle,touch downalight,berth,debark,disembark,ground,pilot,steer,thumpbring in,check in,come ashore,come down,come in,come to berth,descend upon,drop anchor,flatten out,get down,level off,light on,make land,put down,put in,set down,set on deck,sit down,splash down,take down
反义词 ascend,take offas in.moor
同义词 dock,tether,tie upberth,catch,chain,fix,lash,picket,secure,tiemake fast
反义词 let go,loose,loosen,lose,unfasten,untiepush off,unhitchas in.dock
同义词 anchor,berth,hook up,moor,rendezvous,tie upjoin,unitedrop anchor,link up,put in
反义词 set sail,ship outas in.anchor
同义词 attach,dock,fasten,fix,moor,secure,tie upberth,catch,drop,imbed,plant,stay,tiemake port
反义词 detach,disconnect,loose,loosen,unfasten,loselet go The equilibrium condition of berthed ship is a decisive factor in port design.
港内船舶泊稳条件是港口设计中的一个决定因素。 cnki

The liner berthed at midday.

The Victorian majesty of berthed ships gives no hint of the difficulties the cargo must overcome on its way to and from Santos, which handles27% of Brazil's international trade.
停泊的维多利亚女王号坦露货物来往桑托斯必须克服各种困难,因为桑托斯港口处理的货物占全巴西国际贸易的27%。 ecocn

ABB is supplying Holland America Line with high voltage shore connections HVSCto eliminate the emissions of ships berthed at a leading U. S. port.
ABB正在为荷兰美洲航线提供高压岸上线路 HVSC解决方案帮助一个主要的美国港口减少船只在停泊处的排放。 http://dj.iciba.com

Above, a Chinese fishing boat is berthed along a dried-up river bank on the Yangtze on Jan.5.
上图是1月5号拍摄的一艘中国渔船停泊在干涸的长堤岸旁。 yeeyan

At that time, half of a carrier’s fleet must rely on shore power when berthed in California ports.
届时,船务公司一半的船舶在停泊加州的港口时必须依赖岸上的电力。 forbeschina

EPD intercepted some 4,000 waste computer monitors with cathode ray tubes CRTs from a mainland-bound vessel berthed at Chai Wan Public Cargo Works Area in an operation.
环保署截获一艘停泊在柴湾公众货物起卸区的内地货船,船上约有四千部阴极射线管的废电脑显示器。 iciba

Four days later the Blida's Ukrainian captain sent word that the ship was berthed off the Somali coast near the pirate lair of Garacad.
四天后 MV Blida号的乌克兰籍船长放出消息,他称货船停泊在索马里海湾海盗的老巢嘎拉卡得。 ecocn

I berthed beside him.
我睡在他旁边的铺位。 hotdic

Japan's new unmanned space freighter has been safely berthed to the International Space Station ISS.
日本的新未命名宇宙运输船已经成功停靠在国际空间站。 enread

Like the Kiev, the Minsk berthed near Hong Kong has been turned into a tourist attraction having first been studied closely by Chinese naval engineers.
同“基辅”一样,“明克斯”停靠在香港附近如今也成为了旅游景点,之前中国海军的工程师对它进行了密切的研究。 ecocn

The ship has berthed in New York.

The passenger berthed beside me.

Then you are bringing four of your own people with you, and they tell me some of them are to be berthed forward.
还有,你们带了四个你们自己的人,而他们告诉我,这四人中有的被安置到了前舱。 com

Three passengers can be berthed on the train.




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