

单词 unendurable
释义 unendurable 英ˌʌnɪn'djʊərəbl美ˌʌnɪn'dʊrəbl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁸³⁹⁹BNC⁴⁷³⁸³iWeb⁵¹²³¹

incapable of being put up with;

an intolerable degree of sentimentality

近义词 painful痛苦的hateful可恨的agonizing苦恼的offensive令人不快的unbearable无法忍受的excruciating极痛苦的intolerable无法忍受的insupportable不能忍受的insufferable令人无法忍受的…

用作形容词The heat isunendurable.这种热令人难受。
Sometimes the sadness is almostunendurable.悲伤有时候几乎令人无法忍受。
To endure what isunendurableis true endurance.忍受无法忍受的事情才是真正的忍耐。adj.unbearable
同义词 intolerablea bit much,enough,heavy-handed,impossible,inadmissible,insufferable,insupportable,last straw,oppressive,unacceptable,unsufferable,unsupportable,unsurpassable
excruciatingadjective torturous, painful
insufferableadjective horrible, intolerable
insupportableadjective unbearable
a bit much,enough,heavy-handed,impossible,inadmissible,insufferable,intolerable,last straw,oppressive,unacceptable,unendurable,unsufferable,unsupportable,unsurpassable
intolerableadjective unacceptable;beyond bearing
a bit much,enough already,excruciating,extreme,impossible,insufferable,insupportable,last straw,offensive,painful,unbearable,undesirable,unendurable
unbearableadjective very bad;too much
a bit much,enough,heavy-handed,inadmissible,insufferable,insupportable,intolerable,last straw,oppressive,unacceptable,unendurable,unsurpassable
unsufferableadjective unbearable
a bit much,enough,heavy-handed,impossible,inadmissible,insufferable,insupportable,intolerable,last straw,oppressive,unacceptable,unendurable,unsupportable,unsurpassable In the vast land of China, about 80% of the Romanists live in the poor countryside and the existing conditions and natural environment there are relatively hard and unendurable.
地域辽阔的中国,天主教民约80%生活在农村,然而农村生存条件,自然环境都相对贫困和恶劣。 xdsf

The continuous exchanges further confused their wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness.
大概意思是,长期的互相影响使得他们的头脑更加混乱,…一种难以忍受的寂寞。 blueidea

The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke.

Friday in the afternoon the last class is unendurable, because previous day was the weekend has a vacation.

He is under unendurable domestic pressure.
他处于难以忍受的家庭压力之下。 tdict

He reads through three letters that speak of unendurable emotional pain.
他读通过三个字母谈论难以忍受感情痛苦。 lwdx123.com

I felt the long, spread out boredom ahead of me to be almost unendurable.
我觉得面前漫长的无聊生涯简直难以忍受。 joyen

In it, you'll feel an unendurable sense of being absolutely alone, forever cut off from the one thing you really need, the thing for which praise is a shoddy substitute.
在这个状态下,你会感觉到一种感觉是难以忍受的绝对孤独,永远和你真正所需东西隔离,那个让表扬只是一种冒牌替代物的东西。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

John discovers and outside isolation that kind of feeling is unendurable.
约翰发现与外界隔绝的那种感觉是难以忍受的。 wto8

Many developed countries own its modern way of underway traffic systems to solve this traffic jam problems. Therefore to alleviate the traffic pressure and extremely unendurable burden.
许多发达国家拥有自己现代的地下交通运输体系来解决交通拥堵的问题,缓解地上交通的压力和不堪重负。 blog.sina.com.cn

Seemingly unendurable tragedies— paralysis, the death of a loved one— cause grief and despair, but the unhappiness doesn't last as long as people think it will.
貌似那些让人无法承受的悲剧才会导致悲伤和绝望,比如瘫痪、挚爱离去,不开心其实来的快走的也快。 yeeyan

She shivered as though the topic was unendurable.
她浑身发抖,好像这是她无法容忍的话题。 exams

The storm could not last forever and the discomfort was not unendurable.
暴风雨不会永不停息,任何不适也并非难以容忍。 ebigear

The thought of pleasing Skinny Zyama or of sitting at the bar to watch Ivetta dance another night seemed unendurable.
一想到要继续取悦瘦子季曼,或坐在酒吧再看艾薇塔跳一晚上舞,他就觉得无法忍受。 yeeyan

Which cities topped the list with the most unendurable commutes in the world?
那么,哪些城市是世界上最难以忍受上下班交通的地方呢? blog.sina.com.cn

Without efficient optimization, the mixed transmission will result in frequent interrupt during the normal call or unendurable transfer delay of the data transmission.
如果没有有效的机制,语音信号的传输常常会被数据信号所阻断,而数据信号的时延也会令人无法忍受。 cnki




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