

单词 unedifying
释义 unedifying 英ʌn'edɪfaɪɪŋ美ʌn'ɛdɪfaɪɪŋ 高COCA¹⁹⁵²³⁹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

not edifyingun-, 使相反,edifying, 有启迪的,教化的。un无|不-edify-ing动名词⇒adj.无启发性的;道德上不光彩的近义词 unenlightening无启发作用的…反义词 edifying有益的

用作形容词And yet the battle for health-care reform has been both close-run andunedifying.但实际上医改之战只赢在生死线上,而且赢得并不光明正大。 A note suggesting the spotless Mr Singh asked to be kept at “arm’s length” from the sales looks unedifying, at the least.
另有记录表明,辛格要求与许可证销售保持距离、划清界限,这至少看起来是不光彩的。 ecocn

“ Twenty-five years ago researchers in the field were engaged in an unedifying discussion of the relation between skull sizes and intelligence test scores, ” Hunt said.
“25年前,该领域的科研人员都在研究头骨大小和智力测验分数之间的联系这一无甚意义的问题。” Hunt说。 yeeyan

Unedifying was his claim that, since voters re-elected Congress in2009, it was somehow irrelevant to ask whether MPs were bribed earlier.
自2009年国大党再次当选后,他的主张就令人生厌,这在某种方式上无关于所询问的早些时候国会议员是否被收买。 ecocn

Another unedifying reason for the lack of closure is that the war’s architects are busy refighting it in a barrage of self- serving memoirs.
而这场论战无法彻底终结的另一个不可告人的原因是伊拉克战争的“总设计师”们正忙着出回忆录,为这场战争再开论战。 ecocn

Another unedifying reason for the lack of closure is that the war's architects are busy re fighting it in a barrage of self- serving memoirs.
而这场论战无法终结的另一个不可告人的原因是伊拉克战争的“总设计师”们正忙着出回忆录,为这场战争再开论战。 renren

But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit.
但是至少基督教友间在同性恋问题上相互指责的丑行一段时间内应该不会再出现在头条新闻上了。 topsage

He married a number of wives in his declining years, and his life on the whole was by modern standards unedifying.
他晚年娶了好几个妻子,按照现代的标准,他的生活总的来说毫无教益。 jukuu

I was in town to start directing a spectacularly unedifying documentary about a teenage girl who operated a pornographic webcam from her bedroom.
我当时在伦敦导演一部纪录片,内容是关于一少女在自己房间里拍摄色情录像。 yeeyan

The unedifying response to the Wall Street crisis shows that the biggest change we need to make is in our politics.
对于华尔街危机毫无效益的反应表明我们需要做的最大改变应该是我们的政治。 yeeyan




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