

单词 undulated
释义 un·du·lat·ed 英'ʌndjʊleɪtɪd美'ʌndjəˌleɪtɪd COCA⁶⁸⁸⁷⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
动词 undulate:
stir up water so as to form ripplesoccur in soft rounded shapesmove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motionincrease and decrease in volume or pitch, as if in wavesundulate波动的undulated sheet iron瓦楞铁皮,陨铁…undulated ipecac波纹吐根
At the same time, the resource disposition efficiency of entire industry was gradually dropping; the scale structure efficiency enhanced stably; technology advanced rate always undulated.
同时,整个产业的资源配置效率在逐渐下降,规模结构效率稳步提高,技术进步率时有波动。 fabiao

So, in obviously undulated mountain area, electromagnetic surveying is efficient to poor geographical bodies and the further investigation of their lateral structure.
在起伏较大的山地区,使用电磁法探测不良地质体,并进一步研究它们的纵横向结构,证明该方法是有效的。 cnki

The new findings in this experiment is unlike the explicit memory process, the mental state undulated very slightly, and the emotional state was stable in implicit memory pro-cess.
本实验新发现,内隐记忆过程中,心理状态波动甚微,情绪状态稳定,有别于外显记忆过程。 cnki

The tall grasses undulated like eels under the north wind.
长高的野草在寒风中象鳗鲡似的蠕蠕游动。 ebigear

Besides, there are discussions about the undulated control of the undulated biomimetic thruster, namely the coordinated control of multi motors.
此外,对波动仿生推进器的波动控制技术,即多电机的协调控制方法也作了相应论述。 cnki

Conclusion: The key point of anesthesia for RACAB is to deal with hypoxemia and undulated hemodynamics as a result of single right- lung ventilation and CO2 pneumothorax.
结论:对于机器人冠脉搭桥手术,麻醉的关键是预防和处理单肺通气和 CO2气胸引起的缺氧和血流动力学波动。 www.301xuebao.com.cn

Gravel-dashed houses alternated with square60s offices, and the wide pavements undulated with cracks and litter.
布满砾石的房屋与60年代四四方方的办公楼房互相交错,宽广的人行道蜿蜒,沿路有碎片和垃圾。 blog.sina.com.cn

Just as a real swallowtail would, the robot's body undulated up and down in flight.
就像一只真正的燕尾蝶一样,这个模型也一上一下地波状飞着。 yeeyan

Ripples of cold undulated over Harry's skin.
一波波寒意掠过哈利的皮肤。 okread.net

Stones of grotesque forms are often attractive with undulated lines and water holes.
奇形怪状的石头常带有引人注目的波纹线条和水孔。 kekenet

While I was surveying, the ice, which was sixteen inches thick, undulated under a slight wind like water.
当我勘察的时候,十六英寸厚的冰层,也像水波一样,会在微风之下有些波动。 www.for68.com




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