

单词 undiluted
释义 undiluted 英ʌndaɪ'luːtɪd美,ʌndaɪ'lutɪd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵¹⁴⁰⁴BNC³⁴⁷²²iWeb²⁷³⁰⁵

not diluted;

undiluted milk

an undiluted racial strain

undiluted juice未稀释汁
un无|不-dilut-ed如|被…的⇒adj.未稀释的⁴⁵;未搀假的¹¹;未冲淡的⁴⁴近义词 pure纯的neat整洁的straight直的unmixed未混杂他物的…unadulterated无搀杂的反义词 diluted冲淡的

用作形容词Essential oils should never be usedundilutedon the skin.精油绝对不能未稀释,就应用到皮肤。
I looked back on that time withundilutedpleasure.我在回顾那段时间时,兴味仍不减当年。adj.straight
同义词 concentrated,full-strength,neat,out-and-out,plain,pure,strong,thoroughgoing,unadulterated,unblended,unmixed,unmodified,unqualifiedadj.pure
同义词 absolute,neat,perfect,plain,sheer,simple,straight,unadulterated,unmixed
concentratedadjective condensed, reduced
boiled down,complete,crashed,entire,evaporated,fixed,full-bodied,lusty,potent,rich,robust,straight,strong,stuffed,telescoped,thick,thickened,total,unadulterated,undiffused,undivided,unmingled,unmixed,whole
condensedadjective concentrated
full-strengthadjective straight
more concentratedadjective condensed, reduced
boiled down,complete,crashed,entire,evaporated,fixed,full-bodied,lusty,potent,rich,robust,straight,strong,stuffed,telescoped,thick,thickened,total,unadulterated,undiffused,undiluted,undivided,unmingled,unmixed,whole
pureadjective unmixed, genuine
24-carat,authentic,bright,classic,clear,complete,fair,flawless,kosher,limpid,lucid,natural,neat,out-and-out,pellucid,perfect,plain,plenary,pure and simple,real,simple,straight,total,transparent,true,unadulterated,unalloyed,unclouded,undiluted,unmingled
purestadjective unmixed, genuine
authentic,bright,classic,clear,complete,fair,flawless,kosher,limpid,lucid,natural,neat,out-and-out,pellucid,perfect,plain,plenary,pure and simple,real,simple,straight,total,transparent,true,twenty-four carat,unadulterated,unalloyed,unclouded,undiluted,unmingled Place a small amount of the diluted essential oil never use essential oils undiluted on the skin on the inside of your elbow and apply a bandage.
在肘关节内侧擦拭少量稀释精油不要使用未经稀释的精油,掺上绷带。 blog.sina.com.cn

The club offers an undiluted enjoyment of a hundred-year old virgin forest and the mesmerizing tranquility of undulating mountain ridges.
俱乐部周围享有百年历史的古森林,建筑形式模仿起伏的山川。 julemei

A thought that is thought upon by many, in a very clear undiluted fashion, as from Nonphysical Perspective where there is no resistance, becomes physical matter.
一个被思考过很多次的思想,在一种非常清晰、不掺杂的模式下,当从没有抗拒的非物质视角思考时,会变成物质实体。 songtaowang.com

But you can often quell the infection, and quickly ease the itching, by rinsing your feet three or four times a day for a few days with undiluted apple cider vinegar.
每天将脚浸泡在纯苹果醋三四次,连续重复几天,就可以很快的去除感染,缓解疼痛。 kekenet

Can be taken undiluted, or mixed with water or juice.
可采取稀释,或与水或果汁混合。 goohao

Latest polls show that the PP is some15% ahead of Zapatero's socialists, which should give Rajoy an absolute majority in parliament and the freedom to introduce undiluted reforms quickly.
最近的民意测验显示,人民党领先于萨帕特罗领导的社会党大约15%,这会让拉霍伊在议会中占有绝对的优势和特权,来迅速实施全新的改革。 yeeyan

Liverpool fans will have watched Owen's goal celebration with a mixture of anger and dismay, their former prolific striker showing such undiluted joy at scoring for their fiercest rivals.
利物浦球迷看到他们曾经的前锋欧文在他们最主要的球队进球以及他之后兴奋的庆祝动作,他们混合着愤怒和失望。 fans1

Meanwhile, Sven-Goran Eriksson declared England possessed10 of the world's50 best players as he voiced his undiluted faith in his team's ability to make a big impact at the World Cup finals.
同时,埃里克森认为英格兰拥有世界50个顶级球员中的10人,并且他坚信他的队伍有能力在明年的世界杯上有所作为。 qieerxi

Our Bulgarian Rose Water is pure, undiluted, food-grade product. The rose water does not contain any preservatives, additives, or synthetic ingredients.
我们引进的保加利亚纯露是纯净,未经稀释,不添加防腐剂、添加剂或人工原料的食品级产品。 zmeidian

Place a couple of shallow dishes filled with undiluted white vinegar around a freshly painted room to quickly get rid of the strong paint smell.
在刚粉刷过的房间里放置几个盛满白醋的碟子,这样强烈的异味就会很快消失了。 yeeyan

Pour a bit of undiluted white vinegar onto a soft cloth and use it to wipe your chrome faucets, towel racks, bathroom mirrors, doorknobs, and such.
在软不上倒上纯度醋,用来擦拭水龙头,毛巾架,浴室镜,门把手,等等。 kekenet

Saturation is the degree to which the hue of the color is undiluted by its complimentary color to form white.
饱和学位在哪个颜色颜色因为白色要形成的它的称扬的颜色是没有冲淡的。 sztianpu.cn

That may not be undiluted good news.
这可能会稀释好消息。 edu.sina.com.cn

To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.
用半个柠檬擦拭表面之后,再用稀释的柠檬汁冲洗,就可以去除异味,让砧板更卫生。 yeeyan

Use undiluted white vinegar to wash dried concrete or mortar off your skin, then wash with warm, soapy water.
你可以先用没有稀释过的白醋洗掉皮肤上的干泥和灰尘,然后用温肥皂水洗净。 yeeyan

We would not support undiluted PR, which often means party barons choose who forms a government, and as in Israel and Germany hands too much power to small parties.
我们不支持权力未稀释的比例代表制,因为这通常意味着上议院议员选出组建政府的人,将过多的权力交给少数的党派如以色列和德国那样。 ecocn

Won't100% bleach cause pain or damage to the user? Will undiluted bleach hurt the user if it gets into the bloodstream?
的漂白粉会不会对吸毒者造成伤害?未稀释的漂白粉进入到吸毒者的血液循环系统会不会造成伤害? www.1x1y.com.cn




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