

单词 undeserving
释义 undeserving 英ʌndɪ'zɜːvɪŋ美,ʌndɪ'zɝvɪŋ 高COCA⁶⁶⁰⁵⁴BNC⁷³⁰³⁶iWeb⁴⁹⁹⁶¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

not deserving;

the undeserving poor

un无|不-deserv-ing动名词⇒adj.不值得的³³;不配受到的⁶⁷近义词 pitiful慈悲的unfit不合适的unworthy无价值的worthless无价值的contemptible可鄙的

用作形容词He wasundeservingof her affections.他不配得到她的爱。as in.unworthy
同义词 inappropriate,ineligible,shameful,unfit,unsuitablebase,beneath,blamable,contemptible,degrading,disgraceful,dishonorable,disreputable,good-for-nothing,ignoble,improper,inexcusable,no-account,no-good,not deserving,not fit,not good enough,not worth,nothing,offensive,out of place,recreant,reprehensible,unbecoming,unbefitting,unmerited,unseemly,valueless,vile,wretched,wrong
反义词 appropriate,proper,qualified,suitablehonorable,useful,valuable,worthwhile,worthy
unworthyadjective not of value
base,beneath,blamable,contemptible,degrading,disgraceful,dishonorable,disreputable,good-for-nothing,ignoble,improper,inappropriate,ineligible,inexcusable,no-account,no-good,not deserving,not fit,not good enough,not worth,nothing,offensive,out of place,recreant,reprehensible,shameful,unbecoming,unbefitting,unfit,unmerited,unseemly,unsuitable,valueless,vile,wretched,wrong It is also hard to argue that food-stamp recipients are undeserving.
同样,对这些受保人不足受保的争论也是站不住脚的。 ecocn

It's natural to feel humbled by a wonderful career development, but those who didn't get the raise don't want to hear how undeserving you feel, said Lewis Rowe.
Lewis Rowe说,你得到一次极好的职业发展机会自然会感到自己卑微,但是没有获得提拔的人们可不希望听见你说自己多么不配。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The irony is that in their determination to punish the undeserving, voters are punishing themselves: by rejecting fiscal stimulus and debt relief, they’re perpetuating high unemployment.
具有讽刺意味的是,他们决意惩罚那些不值得的人,选民们在惩罚他们自己:拒绝财政刺激和债务减免,他们正在让高失业永久化。 yeeyan

At least part of the reason is that officials were so worried that they might be accused of helping the undeserving that they ended up helping almost nobody.
部分原因至少是政府官员担心被指责为救助那些不值得帮助的人,结果,几乎谁也没有得到救助。 yeeyan

AT THE best of times, the self-made rich are usually held up in fiction as shallow, contemptible and undeserving of sympathy even when their wealth leads to misery and ends in ruin.
即使在最好的情况下,在小说中白手起家的角色往往被塑造成肤浅、卑鄙无耻、不值得同情的人,就算他们的财富最终导致悲剧和毁灭。 ecocn

Far from epitomising capitalism, the undeserving rich undermined it: it was socialism for the wealthy.
这些人非但不能为资本主义增光,反而削弱了它,因为资本主义已成为富人的社会主义。 ecocn

Finally, though the British tell pollsters that they long to soak the undeserving rich, choosing how— even defining who is rich— is“ hazardous territory”, says a government source.
最后,英国人告诉民调者,他们希望向那些不配富有的富人征税。然而,怎么征,甚至是向谁征,都是“危险区域”,这是来自官方的说法。 ecocn

For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.
有很长时间我一直无法理解,为什么像他一样有能力的人长期忠诚于这般没有吸引力的职位。 yeeyan

Free markets shun seemingly worthy causes, whereas the frivolous or apparently undeserving are rewarded.
自由市场回避一些看似有价值的做法,却回报那些轻率且看似不太值得的做法。 ecocn

I believe that one of the big problems with the financial bail-out package is the perception that the undeserving got help, while the deserving were left to pay the bills.
我相信,金融救助方案的一大问题就是要察觉不该得的得到帮助,而该得的却被迫偿贷。 ecocn

I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious.
我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

No, in the universe of the Republican Party we found ourselves in a crisis because Representative Barney Frank forced helpless bankers to lend money to the undeserving poor.
根本不是,在共和党的世界里,我们处于危机之中,仅仅巴尼·弗兰克众议员强迫无助的银行家向那些不值得借钱的穷人借了钱。 yeeyan

One explains that Singapore needs to weed out undeserving claimants and shakes his head at the potential cost of a comprehensive welfare service.
一个社工解释道新加坡需要在保持综合福利服务的潜在支出的基础上摒弃那些不值得救助者并且使他们警醒。 yeeyan

The press has surely been another party undeserving of our support.
新闻界是不值得我们支持的另一方。 yeeyan

They are often considered taboo in an application, which many developers consider to be an undeserving distinction, because of the usefulness of having an always available object for use.
它们通常被认为是应用程序的禁忌,因为许多开发人员认为创建一个总是可用的对象用处不大,因此他们并不太注意这一点。 ibm

They denounce debt relief, calling it a reward for the undeserving.
他们谴责债务减免,说那是对没有信用人士的奖赏。 yeeyan

Unlike the “deserving” rich entrepreneurs who set up Microsoft and Google, the“ undeserving” traders and brokers just shuffled money around the system to nobody’s profit but their own.
与建立了微软和谷歌的‘该’富的企业家不同,这些“不该”富的经纪人只是在体系内把钱倒来倒去而唯一的获益人就是他们自己。 ecocn

Whenever you do something good for an undeserving person, you are acting on the power of agape.
每当你善待一个不配的人,便是靠著神的爱所赋予的能力行事。 blog.sina.com.cn




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