

单词 underway
释义 un·der·way 英ˌʌndə'weɪ美ˌʌndər'weɪ ★★☆☆☆高COCA¹⁰²⁵⁴BNC⁹¹⁶⁶iWeb⁶³⁹⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

currently in progress;

there is mischief afoot

plans are afoot

preparations for the trial are underway

under way在进行中be underway在办理中way路hours underway航海时间underway transfer航行中传送
under-在…下-way⇒adj.正在进行中的近义词 afoot徒步的ongoing进行的on the go很忙in motion动着proceeding行动happening偶然发生的事…in progress在进行中在发展中…

用作形容词At St Eloi Cathedral funeral preparations areunderway.在圣伊洛大教堂 葬礼的准备工作正在进行中
Now, the semifinal of the track and field event isunderway.现在,田径项目的半决赛正在进行。adj.in motion
同义词 afoot,ongoingadvancing,begun,commenced,in progress,initiated,moving,started,undertaken
反义词 halted,stopped The reconstruction of the city is underway.
这个城市的重建正在进行中。 hjenglish

There are several research projects underway to significantly improve the sorts of invariants we can specify for a component.
目前正在进行多项调研项目以显著改进我们可以规定用于组件的不变量的种类。 ibm

What is billed as Spain's first national siesta championship is underway in Madrid to find the best napper and help revive the tradition of taking a snooze after lunch.
西班牙首届国家午睡锦标赛正在首都马德里举行。如宣传的一样,本次比赛是为了找到最厉害的午睡者,促进复兴饭后午睡的传统。 yeeyan

Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.
保加利亚国家空间研究所科学家说,破译外星人发送给他们的一组复杂符号的工作正在进行中。 yeeyan

All of which puts you in a key position for the transformation already underway.
转变已经在进行。而这一切都迫使我们站到了一个关键的位置。 yeeyan

And there are more underway, as shown in Figure1.
还有更多的正在进行之中,如图1所示。 ibm

Authorities say an investigation into the incident is underway and some prison officials are also being questioned to see if they had played any role.
有关当局说,目前正在对这次事件进行调查。一些监狱官员也在接受问讯,以确定他们是否参与了这起事件。 ebigear

But at the World Water Week, a conference now underway in Sweden, they have revealed some early findings.
但在目前正在瑞典举行的“世界水周”会议上,他们已披露了一些早期的研究发现。 tingvoa

But efforts are already underway to unlock the funds so they can be used by anti- Gadhafi forces.
但是,解除资金冻结的努力已经展开,这样,这些资金就可以交由反卡扎菲力量使用。 hxen

Even in tightly controlled China, a debate on nuclear safety seemed to be underway.
即使在严格控制的中国,一场关于核安全的讨论似乎也在进行中。 yeeyan

Examine every opportunity along the lines of time vs. projects already underway.
时时检查你的时间安排和现在已经进行中的项目。 putclub

For example, if garbage collection is underway or if there are lots of requests in the incoming queue, requests may take longer to be processed.
例如,如果正在进行垃圾收集或传入队列中有大量的请求,那么处理请求的时间可能稍长些。 ibm

Given reforms underway, many countries in the region could effectively use a doubling of aid over the next five years.
鉴于该地区正在进行改革,该地区在未来五年可以有效地利用一倍以上的援助资金。 worldbank

In fact, the intense debate about how to care for children and bring them whole out of the war’s devastation was already underway before the end of hostilities.
实际上,关于如何照顾战后受到创伤的儿童以及如何带领他们走出创伤的激烈争论早在战争结束前就已经开始了。 yeeyan

In large organizations with many concurrent development projects underway, it may make sense to have shared system test environments.
在有许多正在并行开发项目的大型组织中,共享系统测试环境也是有意义的。 ibm

In this mode of operation it is important that a dialogue is underway to identify how the demand will be satisfied in the event the proposal becomes an approved project.
在运作的这种模式中,在建议被批准成为一个项目时,对话是一种有效的手段来识别要求将如何被满足,这一点是十分重要的。 ibm

Many organizations have dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of IT projects underway at any given time.
许多组织在任意给定的时间都会有几十,有时候几百个 IT项目在进行。 ibm

Preparations for the Expo are still underway. We will release relevant information in due course.
目前博览会筹备工作尚在进行中,我们将适时发布相关消息。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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