

单词 underscored
释义 un·der·score·d 英ˌʌndə'skɔːʳ美ˌʌndər'skɔːr COCA²⁶⁹⁹⁵BNC⁶²⁸⁸⁵Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
a line drawn underneath especially under written matter
give extra weight to a communication;

Her gesture emphasized her words

draw a line or lines underneath to call attention toword underscore character字下划线符, 字下划…underline在…下面划线…
近义词 stress压力feature特征emphasise强调emphasize强调highlight强调point out指出accentuate重读underline在…下面划线…draw attention to促使 … 注意…call attention to引起对 … 的注意…

用作及物动词Let meunderscoretwo of many reasons for this concern.值得担忧的原因很多,让我着重说明其中两点。
Pleaseunderscorethe word three times for emphasis.为了强调起见,请在该词下面划三条线。
Let meunderscorethat you should focus on an important problem.让我强调一下:你必须关注于某一重要问题。
These resultsunderscorethe importance of context in studies of social capital.这些结果强调了社会资本研究中环境的重要性。用作名词They must begin with a letter or theunderscorecharacter开始部分必须为一个字母或是下划线verb.underline, emphasize
同义词 accentuate,highlight,indicate,mark,stressaccent,caption,feature,italicizecall attention to,draw attention to,give emphasis,point to The episode underscored how hard it remains for Japanese companies to use cost- cutting as the logic for merging.
这件事情显示了对日本公司而言把成本削减作为一种并购逻辑有多困难。 ecocn

The financial crisis underscored how opaque the books are at a lot of companies, and before that came the massive corporate frauds at Enron and WorldCom.
金融危机凸出显示很多公司的账目是如何的含混不清,而之前还出现了安然和世界通讯公司的巨骗们。 yeeyan

The fragility of Britain’s economic recovery was underscored by the biggest monthly fall since April2001 of an index of activity in the service sector, which accounts for three-quarters of GDP.
英国脆弱的经济复苏变得更加举步维艰,上月英国的服务业商业活性指数的下跌幅度是自2001年四月以来最大的。这占到了整个 GDP的四分之三。 ecocn

The labor market's tough road was underscored by Thursday's report on weekly applications for unemployment insurance.
就业市场的艰难困境在周四公布的每周首次申请失业救济人数中得到了体现。 iciba

“A lot of error, ” he underscored, looking bashfully at the floor of a workroom at Parsons and chuckling.
“无数次失败,”他又一次强调,窘迫不安地看着他位于帕森学院的工作室的地板。 yeeyan

But the fragility of world food markets has been underscored by the tragic events of this summer.
但今夏一些悲剧性事件更突显了脆弱的世界粮食市场。 yeeyan

Diana’s own belief that Charles would never become king and that her main role was grooming Prince William for his destiny merely underscored the unique irrelevance of the current Prince of Wales.
戴安娜唯一的信仰就是查尔斯永远不会当上国王,她要努力将威廉王子培养成未来的君主,这使现在的威尔士王子显得出奇地无足轻重。 yeeyan

Initial reaction to the negotiating text submitted yesterday underscored the split between the US- led wealthy countries and developing countries still struggling to catch up with the modern world.
对昨天递交的谈判文本的最初反应,强调了以美国为首的富裕国家和仍在努力赶上现代世界的发展中国家之间的分歧。 yeeyan

Noting both countries significant investments in energy efficiency, the two Presidents underscored the enormous opportunities to create jobs and enhance economic growth through energy savings.
注意到两国在能效领域的巨大投资,双方强调,通过能源节约将带来创造就业和促进经济增长的大量机遇。 ecocn

The crisis has underscored the attractions of two business models.
这场危机强调了两种商业模式的魅力。 ecocn

The wannabe viral video shows River with a pair of normal sized khakis tossed over his right shoulder underscored by a prominent graphic revealing the man’s scale shattering weight of570 pounds.
那个想要变得很流行的视频显示着布莱尔·里弗及一条正常尺码的卡其裤扔在他的右肩上,用突出的图像来强调表明这个人打破刻度的570磅体重。 yeeyan

This week, the urgency of the problem was underscored as wheat prices reached record highs and wheat stores dropped to the lowest level in35 years.
随着本周小麦价格创造了历史新高而小麦产量触及了35年来的最低点,这一问题的紧迫性凸显了出来。 yeeyan

Three lines of the first paragraph were underscored in red ink.

When you hover the mouse over the underscored text, a help string with a suggested action is displayed.
当您将鼠标停留在下划线的文本上时,会显示一个带有建议性操作的帮助字符串。 ibm

While agreeing that the disclosures were not altogether new, some leading Democrats said that the new details underscored deep suspicions they have harbored toward the ISI.
然而当同意这些文档不全部是新的,一些民主党领导人说:很多细节主要强调了跟多的疑惑,他们已经开始向 ISI避难了。 ecocn




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