

单词 undersaturated
释义 undersaturated 英'ʌndə'sætʃəreɪtɪd美ˌʌndə'sætʃəˌreɪtɪd BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
Fluid-expansion drive is caused by the volumetric expansion of undersaturated crude oil in the reservoir with the relief of reservoir pressure due to production.
弹性驱动是由产油期间储层压力释放时储层中的欠饱和原油的体积膨胀所造成。 www.infopetro.com.cn

In this paper, a set of differential equations of an undersaturated oil reservoir in a finite aquifer system is established for the first time based on the material balance principle.
本文首次建立了有限含水层未饱和油藏物质平衡微分方程组。 cnki

The Shiling sodalite syenite, Guangdong Province, is the only Early Cretaceous SiO2 undersaturated alkali syenite known in the Nanling area, southeastern China.
广东省从化市石岭方钠石正长岩是南岭地区唯一已知的早白垩世硅酸不饱和碱性岩。 dictall

The Shiling sodalite syenite, Guangdong province, is only early Cretaceous SiO2- undersaturated alkali syenite known in Nanling area, southeastern China.
广东省从化市石岭方钠石正长岩是南岭地区已知惟一的早白垩世硅酸不饱和碱性岩。 dictall

Calcium saturation in the gulf has reached down to about 500 meters, he says. But his data are showing that undersaturated waters are creeping up higher.
钙的饱和区域可以延伸到水下五百米,但是他说资料显示不饱和的水层正在向上发展。 yeeyan

In undersaturated zones, the calcium- and aragonite- poor water effectively robs those elements from the shells that sea creatures are trying to form.
在不饱和水域,也就是钙和霰石的缺乏的区域,事实上海水正在掠夺甲壳类生物努力合成甲壳的所需的这类物质。 yeeyan




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