

单词 underlining
释义 un·der·lin·ing 英ˈʌndəˌlaɪnɪŋ美ˈʌndɚˌlaɪnɪŋAHDŭnʹdər-lī'nĭng 高八COCA⁴²⁰⁵⁵BNC²⁰⁹³⁰iWeb⁵¹⁶⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 underline:
give extra weight to a communicationdraw a line or lines underneath to call attention tounder-在…下-lining⇒n.在下面划线;强调动词underline的现在分词形式.用作名词Buffon makes Juve pledgeGianluigi Buffon has insisted that he is not interested in a move to Inter afterunderliningthat his future is with Juventus.布冯表示他对于加盟国际米兰并不感兴趣,这位意大利门将强调自己将会继续留在尤文图斯。
Paine found both the language and the programme to attract working people to politics,underliningits relevance to their experience of economic hardship.潘恩不仅用语言也用设计好的社会经济改革方案来吸引劳动者来关心政治,并强调他们经济上的困苦体验与政治间的关联。as in.emphasis
同义词 attention,insistence,intensity,priority,significance,strength,stress,weightaccent,accentuation,force,headline,highlight,impressiveness,moment,positiveness,power,preeminencedecidedness,underscoring
反义词 ignorance,lethargy,triviality,unimportance,incompetence,weaknessinsignificanceas in.mark
同义词 impression,imprint,line,point,record,scar,score,signature,spot,stain,stamp,streak,symbolautograph,blaze,blot,blotch,brand,bruise,check,cross,dent,dot,ink,label,logo,nick,pock,register,representation,scratch,sign,smudge,splotch,stroke,tag,ticket,trace,trademark,Xbrand name,John Hancock,John Henry
反义词 blank
emphasesnoun importance, prominence
emphasisnoun importance, prominence
marknoun blemish;character
John Hancock,John Henry,X,autograph,blaze,blot,blotch,brand,brand name,bruise,check,cross,dent,dot,impression,imprint,ink,label,line,logo,nick,pock,point,record,register,representation,scar,score,scratch,sign,signature,smudge,splotch,spot,stain,stamp,streak,stroke,symbol,tag,ticket,trace,trademark,underlining And underlining his promise to stop interference by Iran and Syria, and to destroy their networks, on January11th American troops raided an Iranian consular office in northern Iraq.
布什强调,他发誓要阻止伊朗与叙利亚干涉伊拉克,还要摧毁它们的关系网,美军于1月11日,突袭了位于伊拉克北部的伊朗领事馆。 ecocn

The statements culminated with Hillary Clinton, America’s secretary of state, underlining how her country would intercede to ensure safe passage through international waters.
局面最终由美国国务卿希拉里控制,她强调说她的国家能够从中调解,确保国际海域的安全通行。 yeeyan

Underlining their role as an engine for, rather than product of, development, exports have swelled from roughly6% of services output in poor countries in1985 to almost10% in2005.
出口贸易作为贫穷国家发展的引擎,而不是发展的后果,在1985年大约只占服务业产品的6%,在2005年已经增加到几乎占了10%。 ecocn

European leaders sought yesterday to banish the spectre of protectionism stalking the EU, responding to the financial crisis by underlining the sanctity of Europe's single market.
昨日,欧洲领导人寻求消除欧盟渐兴起的贸易保护主义根源,强调欧洲单一市场的神圣不可破坏以应对金融危机。 yeeyan

However, the primary distinction between SWT and other toolkits revolves around SWT's use of an operating system's underlining GUI widgets.
然而, SWT与其它工具箱之间的主要区别在于 SWT使用操作系统的底层 GUI窗口小部件。 ibm

It also raised the melamine scandal's death toll from four to six infants, underlining the impact of the country's worst safety scare in years.
而因这场三聚氰胺丑闻致死的婴儿数也从四名上升到六名,这也增加了因这场食品安全危机而造成的恐慌。 yeeyan

New leftists have a variety of reactions to discussions of press freedom, underlining the diversity of people to whom the label is applied.
新左翼分子对新闻自由的讨论有着各种各样不同的反应,突显出贴有这一标签的人们的多样性。 ecocn

Note the underlining of the validity error.
注意打了下划线的有效性错误。 ibm

Once you pinpoint the underlining emotions, you can work on better ways for dealing with your feelings.
如果你准确地描述突出的情绪,你可以更好地处理你的情感。 hxen

The rich text editor enables your users to edit text through standard functions such as typing text, selecting fonts, and underlining.
富文本编辑器允许用户通过标准功能编辑文本,比如输入文本、选择字体和加下划线。 ibm

The effect is more one of underlining an aesthetic, or even an ideology, of the planet as an engine of ceaseless self- stabilising change.
这种内核影响更像是强调美学概念或是强调一种理念,即认为地球是一个发动机,能进行永不停息的变化、实现自我稳定。 ecocn

These bonds saw strong demand and traded higher in the secondary market once they were priced, underlining the appetite for this debt.
这些债券迎来了强劲的需求,发行后在二级市场的价格均出现上涨,突显出市场对此类债券的需求之大。 iciba

When the link is selected, instead of just underlining it or changing its color, it should change the background color, even if the link is in the middle of a paragraph.
当链接被选中时,要能有相应的反馈,比如改变字体颜色、增加下划线、改变背景色等等,即使这个链接是附在图片上的。 yeeyan

Underlining the urgency of the matter, the secretary-general issued a personal appeal to all Kenyans.
潘基文强调情况的紧迫性,并向所有肯尼亚人发出了个人呼吁。 voanews

Underlining the importance of the bill and its fragile political support, Obama made a personal appearance on Capitol Hill before the vote, working behind the scenes to sway undecided Democrats.
奥巴马在表决前亲赴国会山,对没有拿定主意的民主党人做幕后说服工作,凸显了该法案的重要性及其脆弱的政治支持。 yeeyan




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