

单词 underlings
释义 underlings 英'ʌndəlɪŋz美'ʌndəlɪŋz COCA⁴⁶¹⁶⁹BNC⁴⁹⁶¹⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
名词 underling:
an assistant subject to the authority or control of another For all the chest- thumping, though, China’s leaders are more cautious than either their underlings or the state- controlled publishing industry.
尽管如此,面对如此多的夸夸其谈,中国的领导人要比他们的部下和控制的出版业更为谨慎。 ecocn

The company’s chairman, Jack Ma, is a brilliant speaker and acclaimed visionary and, apparently, too important to walk the plank with his underlings.
公司主席马云是一个出色的演说家并被赞誉为远见卓识,很显然他太重要了不能和他的下属一起走人。 yeeyan

The popular caricature paints Jobs as a brilliant, driven man-child running around Apple in sandals and shorts, screaming at underlings while trying to build the perfect digital machine.
一幅著名的漫画把史蒂夫·乔布斯描绘成身着短裤凉鞋绕着苹果疯跑的天才大男孩儿,他不停地对着下属们尖叫要创造完美的数字机器。 yeeyan

Certainly his underlings dislike the sectarian style Mr Wolfowitz seems to share with the man who appointed him.
无疑,他的下属们都不喜欢他要与任命他的人共享利益的宗派主义风格。 ecocn

CONVENTIONAL law firms charge vast hourly fees and then hand the work to underlings while the partners play golf at clubs their clients are too poor to join.
通常律师事务所会按小时收取高额费用,而后将工作扔给下属,而合伙人得以出入一些客户都支付不起的高尔夫俱乐部。 ecocn

Having established his humility, Mr Murdoch then spent more than two hours telling the MPs that he was— in essence— much too important and busy to have known what his feckless underlings were up to.
为了显示他的谦逊,默多克先生花费两个多小时的时间对议员们解释说他由于大体上忙于处理太多重要的事情而不了解其手下员工的所作所为。 ecocn

He did a job in which killing was necessary, sometimes alongside underlings who stubbed out their cigarettes on prisoners' feet or roughly removed their teeth and eyes.
他的工作必须进行杀戮行为,有时他身旁的部下甚至还会把烟头踩熄在囚徒的脚板上,或是拔出他们的牙齿并挖出他们的眼睛。 ecocn

Heathcliff, on second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against the three underlings; he seized the poker, smashed the lock from the inner door, and made his escape as they tramped in.
希刺克厉夫一转念,决定避免和这三位仆人打斗一场。他抓了把火钳,敲开里门的锁,在他们踏着大步进来时,他已逃掉了。 putclub.com

Her underlings have already declared that it does not present a significant threat to the Ogallala aquifer or to the environment more broadly.
她的手下已经在制造声势说管道不会在更大范围里对奥加拉拉地下含水层或环境造成威胁。 ecocn

Some bosses get shirty if their underlings are unreachable even for a few minutes.
如果下属自律几分钟都做不到,有些老板会发火的。 ecocn

They fear becoming less valued if their underlings get any recognition for exemplary work.
他们害怕下属的出色工作得到认可,自己就会贬值。 yeeyan

They scream at underlings and have sex with the secretaries; they assault hotel maids or at least are accused of such and sleep with the nanny.
他们对跟班的狂喊,和秘书上床,强奸酒店女服务员哪怕是未遂,跟保姆睡觉。 yeeyan

This led to the near- universal adoption of codes of conduct, setting out how coworkers may interact and limiting how bosses may behave towards underlings.
这导致了采用普遍的行为法则,制定出了同事间该如何互动和有哪些被限制的行为以及老板要如何对待下属的规定。 ecocn

Unlike Jack, however, who saw the importance of encouraging and protecting underlings, Nina managed staff by being blunt.
两人的不同之处在于,杰克认为激励和保护下属至关重要,尼娜的领导风格相对生硬直率。 yeeyan

We are your brothers and sisters, your parents and children, your superiors and your underlings. We are the concerned citizens standing next to you.
我们可以是你们的兄弟或姊妹、父母或子女、上司或下属,我们是在你身边的对社会保持关注的公民。 yeeyan




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