

单词 underlines
释义 un·der·line·s 英ˌʌndə'laɪn美ˌʌndər'laɪn COCA³⁵⁷⁵⁷BNC¹⁶²⁷⁷Economist¹⁰⁸³¹
vt. 在…下面画线

draw a line under a word, etc.

vt. 加强,强调


a line drawn underneath especially under written matter
give extra weight to a communication;

Her gesture emphasized her words

draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to
用作动词 v.
~+名词underline problem强调问题underline situation强调局势underline the word在这个字下面划一横线
近义词 stress压力accent重音feature特征play up强调emphasise强调emphasize强调highlight强调point out指出accentuate重读underscore划线于bring to the fore使 … 处于显要地位…
S+~+ n./pron.Underline the sentence.在这个句子下面画线。
Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的句子下面画一条线。
He underlined the important words and phrases in the text.他在课文中的重要词语下划了线。
Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
He wrote down the title of the essay and underlined it.他写下了文章的标题并在下面画了线。
Now underline the words I read.现在,在我读的词下面画线。
That article underlined the same problem.那篇文章强调了同一个问题。
In his speech he underlined several points.他在讲话中强调了几点。
She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out.她退席以表示不赞成这些做法。
The sudden summoning of the Cabinet underlines the seriousness of the situation.内阁会议的突然召开,突出了局势的严重性。
The rice crisis underlined an embarrassing problem that the government faces.大米危机使政府面临的困窘问题更为突出。
The accident at the factory underlines the need of better safety standards.工厂里发生的事故表明了需要更高的安全标准。
The book is underlined for publication next month.这本书预告下月出版。
British weakness was underlined when the French fleet escaped from Toulon.法国舰队从土伦逃遁一事反映出了英国的弱点。



用作动词Pleaseunderlinethe important items.请在重要事项的下面划线。
In writing you shouldunderlinetitles of books.写作时你该在书名下画线。
These different rolesunderlinethe importance of these cells.这些不同的作用强调了这些细胞的重要性。 The editor flags the validation error with red markers in the left and right margins and underlines the invalid syntax with a red squiggly line.
编辑器会左右两侧用红色标记标明验证错误,并给无效的语法加一条红色波浪型的下划线。 ibm

But the incident underlines the sensitivities in France surrounding any new rules that appear to target Muslims.
但此事件突显法国社会面对任何貌似针对穆斯林的新法令时的敏感性。 ecocn

Mr Daschle’s disappearance underlines one of the Obama administration’s biggest problems: the difficulty of managing the gap between the rhetoric of political campaigns and the reality of governing.
达施勒先生的撤职突显了奥巴马政府中一个最大的问题:应付政治竞选活动的花言巧语和管理国家的现实之间差距的困难。 ecocn

The case, lodged by the United States, the European Union and Mexico, dates from2009 and underlines the anxiety in the West about the way China is consolidating its trading dominance.
此项由美国,欧盟和墨西哥于2009年提起的诉讼,突显出西方世界对中国为巩固其贸易优势所采取方式的担忧。 yeeyan




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