

单词 undergrowth
释义 un·der·growth 英ˈʌndəˌgrəʊθ美ˈʌndɚˌgroθAHDŭnʹdər-grōth' ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA³¹⁵⁵⁵BNC¹²⁵⁹³iWeb²⁸⁶⁸⁸

the brush small trees and bushes and ferns etc. growing beneath taller trees in a wood or forestundergrowth planting下木栽植thick undergrowth茂密灌木丛
蒋争熟词记忆under-不足growth生长;发育⇒发育不全under-不足growth生长;发育⇒发育不全近义词 bush灌木丛scrub用力擦洗brushwood树枝vegetation植物underbrush矮树丛understorey下层木understory林下叶层underwood树林下的草丛…bushes动词bush的第三人称单…

用作名词We hacked our way through theundergrowth.我们披荆斩棘在矮树丛中前进。
There was a sudden movement in theundergrowth.矮树丛里突然有什么东西动了一下。
Their daily trips through the jungle have made a path in the thickundergrowth.他们每天往返穿过丛林,已在茂密的矮丛中踩出了一条小路。noun.underbrush
同义词 thicketbrake,brush,brushwood,bush,coppice,copse,underwoodboscage,boskage,understorynoun.plants under larger plant
同义词 brush,brushwood
brushnoun dense bushes;thicket
junglenoun wilderness full of plant and animal life
boscage,bush,chaparral,forest,labyrinth,maze,morass,primeval forest,tangle,undergrowth,wasteland,web,wood,zoo Beams from the flashlights bounced crazily among the trees, and the search party crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling over stumps and fallen logs, passing me by.
手电筒的光芒疯狂地在树林里跳跃,搜寻人员经过我的身旁,他们在灌木丛中跌跌撞撞,在树桩和倒下的树干间磕磕碰碰。 ebigear

The thickness of the undergrowth forced him to draw nearer to them.
树丛的密度迫使他不得不走近他们。 ebigear

The undergrowth at the side of the scar was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering.
孤岩侧面的矮灌木林丛被摇晃着,大量的雨珠啪嗒啪嗒地直往下掉。 jukuu

“ Miracle it away,” said Crowley, scanning the undergrowth for any more management trainees.
“用神迹把他搞掉啊,”克鲁利扫视着草丛,寻找其他管理学员的踪迹。 yeeyan

A ferocious animal, it often hid in the undergrowth and beaters were employed and ordered to go straight in to chase it out.
一种凶猛的动物,它经常躲在灌木丛里,于是人们请来了公猪的克星,让它笔直的冲进灌木将公猪逐出。 kekenet

Each dawn I set out alone, following the little streams as I explored the valleys one by one, forcing my way through the dense undergrowth or scrambling up the steep slopes.
每天黎明我孤身一人出发,顺着这些小溪出发,穿过茂密的森林或爬过陡峭的斜坡,一个个地探索这些山谷。 yeeyan

He flung himself resolutely into the tangle of undergrowth.
他果断地钻进了缠手绊脚的荆棘丛。 ebigear

In the fading light, we spotted lizards scuttling from the undergrowth and egrets stalking through the grass in search of one last edible insect.
在渐暗的天色中,我们可以看见地下乱爬的蜥蜴,草地上还有觅食的白鹭。 yeeyan

Like invasive species, they create“ silent forests” that are devoid of wildlife, undergrowth and water.
像入侵者一样,这些树形成“寂静之林”,在这里,没有野生动物,傍生植物,也没有水。 yeeyan

Once, Cho called a halt and pointed at something in the undergrowth.
一次,曹喊停止并指着灌木丛里的东西。 yeeyan

Perhaps Mr Obama’s new edict will hack away some of the regulatory undergrowth that has flourished over the decades.
也许,奥巴马总统新颁布的法令将使过去几十年发展不得力的法规问题有所改观。 ecocn

Ranging from Canada to Mexico, they are generally seen scampering through the undergrowth of a variety of environments from alpine forests to shrubby deserts.
从加拿大到墨西哥,通常人们看到它们蹦蹦跳跳穿过各种环境下的矮树从-从阿尔卑斯山的森林到灌木覆盖的沙漠地区。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The result is perhaps the most enigmatic evidence yet. The footage shows a large hairy biped slowly strolling into the undergrowth.
这段影片可能是大脚怪传说中最神秘的证据:一只全身覆盖着毛发的巨大两足动物不紧不慢地走进树丛里。 yeeyan

The forests no longer seemed hostile after I learned to creep along pig trails instead of forcing my way through the undergrowth.
在我学会了如何顺着野猪的行走路线而不是不得不通过茂密的森林之后,森林似乎对我来说不再是什么让我觉得害怕的敌人。 yeeyan

The previously- unknown insect was found leaping around in undergrowth inside the Table Mountain National Park near Cape Town.
这种在之前从未被人类所知的生物是在南非开普敦的桌山国家公园的灌木丛中所发现的。 ebigear

The22- second- long video footage shows the rare cat snaking its way through the dense jungle undergrowth.
这段长22秒的录像显示了这种珍稀大型猫科动物在茂密的灌木丛林中潜行的情景。 yeeyan

Their daily trips through the jungle have made a path in the thick undergrowth.
他们每天往返穿过丛林,已在茂密的矮丛中踩出了一条小路。 ebigear

They can also be found on the edges of parks, in wooded thickets, by railway lines and cycle paths, at field edges and as undergrowth in forests.
在公园边上,灌木丛中,铁路旁,车道边,田头林间,哪里都有它们的身影。 yeeyan

We made our way through the thick brush, undergrowth, and the trees until we came to a wooden post fence with barbed wire.
然后我们所有人都下了车,穿过茂密的矮灌木丛、和那片树林来到一排木栅栏外,栅栏上围着铁丝网。 yeeyan

We moved slowly through the yard, keeping hidden in the tall undergrowth, weeds, and the various trees spread throughout the yard.
我们慢慢地穿过院子 院子里到处长满了高高的灌木丛、杂草还有各种树木,正好便于我们藏身。 yeeyan

Yet in the gloom, even in this manicured enclave, I can barely see a few feet into the undergrowth.
然而,在幽暗处,甚至在这个被修剪得整整齐齐的领地上,我仿佛看见有几只脚在灌木丛里若隐若现。 yeeyan

Yet in the undergrowth, conspiracy theories about the air crash are flourishing amid cries of a cover-up.
尽管空难阴谋论在掩盖的痛哭声中仍在继续。 ecocn




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