

单词 underfunding
释义 un·der·fund·ing 英ˌʌndə'fʌnd美ˌʌndə'fʌnd 高COCA⁷²³⁴⁵BNC⁴⁶⁰¹²iWeb³⁹⁶³²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. 对…提供资金不足¹⁰⁰过去分词underfunded现在分词underfunding三单underfunds Much of this is due to the underfunding and overstretching of their statistical agencies.
其原因主要是资金匮乏和统计部门勉力而为。 ecocn

The underfunding of health care is another issue Stafie worries about.
卫生保健的资金不足是 Stafie担忧的另外一个问题。 who

The effect of this chronic underfunding on the pension scheme for the police and firefighters is shown in chart3.
然而,警察和消防队员的养老保险金长期以来得不到保障,养老金不足对他们的影响在下表表3中有着清晰的体现。 ecocn

The states are systematically underfunding their pensions.
目前,各州的养老金都存在系统性缺口。 fortunechina

To many judges, as the American Bar Association puts it, “the underfunding of our judicial system threatens the fundamental nature of our tripartite system of government.”
美国律师协会如下一句话代表了很多法官的心声:“司法系统的资金不足已经威胁到了政府三权分立体系的基石。” yeeyan

A concern expressed by public broadcasters is that such a policy would lead to a vicious downwards spiral of underfunding and declining audiences.
由公共广播所表达的这种担忧就是,这样的政策会导致缺少资金和听众减少的可怕的怪圈。 iciba

As a nation, we may be over funding the quest for unlikely cures while underfundingvt. research on humbler therapies that could improve people's lives.
作为一个民族,我们可能在寻求不可能奏效的治疗方法上花钱太多,而在研究能提高人们生活质量的更平常的方法上花钱太少。 emuch.net

As a nation, we may be over funding the quest for unlikely cures while underfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve people's lives.
作为一个民族,我们可能在寻求不可能奏效的治疗方法上花钱太多,而在更平常的提高人们生活质量的研究上花钱太少。 topsage

However, says Mr Msall, the plan“ will not solve Illinois’s dramatic underfunding of its pensions”.
但是,姆梭尔先生也说到,该计划“并不能解决伊利诺伊州的巨大的养老金基金缺口。” ecocn

Many innovation specialists recognize the so-called“ valley of death, ” characterized by underfunding and under managing the development of an idea.
许多创新专家承认所谓的“死亡谷”,其特点是发展创意时企业时的资金的管理能力都不足。 yeeyan

Stein and other activists from a range of countries and civil society groups warned that underfunding would be particularly problematic for sub-Saharan Africa.

To many judges, as the American Bar Association puts it, “the underfunding of our judicial system threatens the fundamental nature of our tripartite system of government.”
正如美国律师协会说的,对许多法官来说,“我们资金匮乏的司法系统正威胁着政府权力分立的根基”。 topsage

Years of underfunding mean that more contributions to public- sector plans are needed, and soon.
多年来的注资不足意味着公共部门的养老金计划需要缴纳更多的费用,而且时间紧迫。 ecocn

Yet, current progress is at risk from underfunding, especially efforts to combat drug-resistant TB.
但目前的进展正面临着投资不足的风险,尤其是在抗击耐药结核病的努力方面。 who




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