

单词 underdark
释义 underdarkCOCA²⁴⁹⁷⁵³
The powers that had ruled them so mercilessly had also kept the city secure from the dangers of the wild Underdark.
那些过去以残酷手段管制他们的统治家族,也让城市免受野蛮混乱的幽暗地域威胁。 tianseyiwan

Although life was hard in the Underdark, and Menzoberranzan was facing a new and frightening level of chaos, most drow saw no other option.
尽管在幽暗地域生活已经很艰难,而且魔索布莱正面临着全新的极为可怕的混乱程度,但大多数卓尔却看不到还有其他路可走。 tianseyiwan

The Underdark did not know seasons and had no cycle of light and dark, but the drow still went about their business according to the ancient, forgotten rhythms of their light- dwelling ancestors.
而幽暗地域并不知道春夏秋冬四季变幻,也没有光与暗的往复循环,但是卓尔仍然根据古代早已被遗忘的地表生活祖先们的规律生活着。 cndkc

This is the Underdark.
这就是幽暗地域。 cndkc

To Dinin's superior eyes, which translated subtle variations of heat into vivid and colorful images, the Underdark was far from a lightless place.
在狄宁锐利的双眼中,温度细微的差异都被转换成鲜明、生动的影像,幽暗地域也不再是黑暗无光的世界。 blogbus




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