

单词 undercarriage
释义 un·der·car·riage 英ˈʌndəˌkærɪdʒ美ˈʌndɚˌkærɪdʒAHDŭnʹdər-kăr'ĭj ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶³⁷⁸⁹BNC²⁹²⁸⁸iWeb²⁶⁵⁷⁶

framework that serves as a support for the body of a vehicleundercarriage springing起落架弹性装置…wheel undercarriage轮式起落架,轮式底盘…undercarriage door起落架舱门amphibian undercarriage水陆两用起落架…undercarriage control起落架收放bicycle undercarriage双轮底盘tail undercarriage尾部起落架bogie undercarriage小车式起落架,多轮式…undercarriage stowage起落架收上undercarriage indicator起落架状态指示器…oleo undercarriage油减震器底盘,油减震…retractable undercarriage伸缩起落架undercarriage cushioning起落架减震
用作名词Theundercarriagewas fully retracted.起落架被完全收起。
The pilot found that theundercarriagecould not be retracted.飞行员发现飞机的起落架不能缩回。
Theundercarriageon light aircraft does not always retract in flight.轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回。as in.bare-bones
同义词 basic facts,basics,core,essential elements,frame,skeletonas in.chassis
同义词 framebody,case,skeleton
bare bonesnoun basic elements
basic facts,basics,cores,essential elements,frames,no-frills,skeletons,undercarriages
bare-bonesnoun basic elements
basic facts,basics,core,essential elements,frame,skeleton
chassisnoun framework
body,case,frame,skeleton,undercarriage Excavators that have wheels for an undercarriage while the more popular type is a crawler excavator.
虽然履带式挖掘机应用更为广泛,但是小松同时也推出了底盘为轮式的挖掘机。 suiniyi

Take- off aborted, undercarriage fire, emergency evacuation passengers.
中断起飞,起落架起火,紧急疏散旅客。 iciba

The development status of aircraft undercarriage manufacturing technology and the application of the advanced manufacturing technology in production in China are introduced.
介绍了我国飞机起落架制造技术的发展概况及先进工艺在起落架制造过程中的应用。 cnki

There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tail wheel in desperation.
至少有两机仓士兵被带上了天空,他们有的拼命抓住飞机的起落架,有的抱住尾轮。 iciba

A dynamic parameter measurement system for absorber of undercarriage based on decision-making control is presented.
介绍一种基于决策控制的半主动起落架减震器控制系统的动力学参数测量系统。 cnki

A passenger plane has crash- landed short of a runway at Heathrow Airport after losing its rear undercarriage.
一架客机由于失去后面的起落架,已经紧急降落在西斯罗机场,偏离跑道。 blogcn

All it requires are some minor changes to the front undercarriage.
唯一要做的不过是对前起落架做一些微小的改动。 ecocn

An undercarriage buffer plunger in an airplane suddenly fractured during the process of reinforcing pressure, and a fragment of a floating piston was thrown out.
某飞机起落架缓冲柱塞在补压时发生突然断裂,同时弹出一小块浮动活塞碎片。 dictall

And contrary to some reports, he says the low-slung wings on the737 do not prevent it being fitted with the larger GTF engines. All it requires are some minor changes to the front undercarriage.
与某些报道相反,他表示737上的短翼并不妨碍安装 GTF发动机,只需略微调整前起落架即可。 ecocn

Another car swerved in the road, its undercarriage passing right over the puppies, a wheel missing one pair by just inches.
又一辆汽车在路上绕了弯子,底盘在小狗头上擦过,车轮离开其中一对小狗才几英寸。 yeeyan

But the frame of the aircraft itself is to blame for the other half: the bumpy air flow over the undercarriage and the slots and flaps of the wings creates the rest of the racket.
而另一半的元凶则是飞机自身的结构问题:颠簸不平的气流穿梭过往时同起落架、翼缝和襟翼等结构相遇制造了另一半噪音。 ecocn

Check undercarriage of all vehicles.
检查所有车辆的底盘。 bbs.anquan.com.cn

China appears to be designing a spacecraft- launcher that attaches to the undercarriage of a large warplane.
中国似乎正设计一种挂在大型军机起落架上的太空飞船运载火箭。 ecocn.org

If you drive on muddy roads consider an undercarriage treatment every time you wash your car.
如果你在泥泞的路上行驶,每次洗车时多照顾一下车底盘。 wcoat

In the paper, the guideline in the undercarriage design, the design criteria proposed of sprocket and recoil spring in detail are provided, respectively.
文章分别提出了履带拖拉机行走机构总体设计的要点,以及驱动轮和履带张紧弹簧的设计方法。 cnki

In the paper, we propose a two-dimensional fatigue model to predict the life of undercarriage structure.
本文提出了计算起落架结构寿命应用同时计及起落次数和地面运动时数的二维模型; cnki

Mounted on the exterior undercarriage of vehicles, they can be removed in about a minute with any standard metal cutting tool.
爬到汽车外底盘上,在一分钟内用任何规格的金属切割具都能把它拆下来。 iciba

Several times, we felt components detach themselves from the undercarriage, and we'd watch as they clattered off down the road.
有几次我们感到似乎有零件从底盘上掉下,我们似乎能看着它们滚到路边去。 yeeyan

SJH Projects, a small British company, has developed a so-called“ stone sponge” material that, fixed to a vehicle’s undercarriage, partially absorbs the blast.
一小型英国公司的 SJH项目,已开发出所谓的“石头海绵”的材料,把它安装在汽车的底盘,吸收部分的冲击波。 ecocn

Swamp bulldozers are equipped with an undercarriage that is configured to enable them to freely move around on a marshy land.
而湿地型推土机则通过其装有的底盘配置确保其在湿地作业运动不受限制。 suiniyi

The aircraft landing sinking speed is one of the major parameters during undercarriage design and undercarriage strength inspection of the aircraft design typing flight test.
飞机着陆下沉速度是起落架设计和飞机设计定型试飞的起落架强度检查中的最主要的参数之一。 dictall

The pilot found that the undercarriage could not be retracted.

The status of an undercarriage at the touchdown instant is studied by analyzing the undercarriage parameters which change with the wheel rotational speed in the drop test.
以某歼击飞机前起落架为例,用落震试验的方法,通过分析起落架有关参数随机轮转速变化的情况,来研究飞机着陆瞬间起落架的状况。 dictall

This article analyses the cause of cracks after brush-plating on undercarriage and brings forward ameliorative measures by experimentation.
分析了飞机起落架电刷镀后产生裂纹的原因,并通过试验的方法提出改进措施。 cnki

This paper discusses the composing of the virtual maintenance environment, builds non- immersion virtual maintenance environment of undercarriage, and establishes a part library management system.
本文论述了虚拟维修环境的组成,构建了某型飞机主起落架非沉浸式虚拟维修环境,建立了维修对象的零件库管理系统; cnki

Until we freed the track, undercarriage and skis, and excavated the engine components, we were going nowhere.
直到我们清理好履带、底盘和滑雪板、以及挖出的发动机零件之前,我们哪也去不了。 yeeyan

While little but the frame and undercarriage remained after the fire, there were no obvious signs of a blast.
尽管在火灾后基本只剩下车身框架和底盘,但没有明显的爆炸痕迹。 suiniyi




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