

单词 uncontrollably
释义 un·con·trol·la·ble 英ˌʌnkən'trəʊləbl美ˌʌnkən'troʊləbl 高COCA²⁶²⁹⁴BNC²⁴⁸⁵⁹iWeb²³¹²³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
difficult to solve or alleviate;

uncontrollable pain

of persons;

the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly

incapable of being controlled or managed;

uncontrollable children

an uncorrectable habit

impossible to repress or control;

an irrepressible chatterbox

uncontrollable laughter

uncontrollable condition失去操纵的状态…uncontrollable maneuver失去控制的动作…uncontrollable costs不能控制的成本…uncontrollable expense不能控制的费用…uncontrollable expenses不能统制费用,不可控…uncontrollable spin不可控制的螺旋…
近义词 wild野生的strong强烈的intense强大的violent猛烈的unruly难控制的frenzied疯狂的indocile不听话的abandoned被抛弃的disorderly无秩序的disobedient不服从的hysterical歇斯底里的unmanageable难处理的overpowering压倒性的ungovernable难管制的indomitable不屈不挠的overwhelming势不可挡的out of control失去控制irrepressible抑制不住的uncorrectable无法改正或纠正、校正…

There was an uncontrollable note of fear in her voice.她的声音中有一种控制不住的害怕。as in.amuck
同义词 murderouslyberserk,destructively,ferociously,frenziedly,in a frenzy,insanely,madly,maniacally,savagely,violently,wildlyas in.excitedly
同义词 breathlessly,eagerly,frantically,furiously,heatedly,madly,passionately,tensely,wildlyapprehensively,erratically,excitably,feverishly,frenziedly,hotly,hysterically,restlessly,tempestuously,uncontrolledlyas in.fiercely
同义词 angrily,boldly,brutally,ferociously,forcefully,frantically,furiously,madly,mightily,passionately,savagely,severely,vehemently,viciously,wildlyawfully,forcibly,frenziedly,frighteningly,hard,horribly,impetuously,in a frenzy,irresistibly,like cats and dogs,maleficiently,malevolently,malignly,monstrous,no holds barred,riotously,roughly,stormily,tempestuously,terribly,threateningly,tigerishly,tooth and nail,turbulently,venomously,with bared teethas in.frantically
同义词 desperately,excitedly,madly,wildlyagitatedly,amok,berserk,crazily,franticly,hectically,helter-skelter,hysterically,wild
amuckadverb crazily
berserk,destructively,ferociously,frenziedly,in a frenzy,insanely,madly,maniacally,murderously,savagely,violently,wildly
excitedlyadverb agitatedly
fiercelyadverb violently, menacingly
angrily,awfully,boldly,brutally,ferociously,forcefully,forcibly,frantically,frenziedly,frighteningly,furiously,hard,horribly,impetuously,in a frenzy,irresistibly,like cats and dogs,madly,maleficiently,malevolently,malignly,mightily,monstrous,no holds barred,passionately,riotously,roughly,savagely,severely,stormily,tempestuously,terribly,threateningly,tigerishly,tooth and nail,turbulently,uncontrollably,vehemently,venomously,viciously,wildly,with bared teeth
franticallyadverb frenziedly
agitatedly,amok,berserk,crazily,desperately,excitedly,franticly,hectically,helter-skelter,hysterically,madly,uncontrollably,wild,wildly He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him.
在摄像机前讲述被残暴地摧残的时候,他颤抖失控。 putclub

Inside the room I found my patient with blood spilling uncontrollably from her mouth and nose.
当我走进房间时我发现我的病人的鼻子和嘴里正不停的流血。 yeeyan

These are involuntary movements which can mean that people’s bodies distort or their arms or legs jerk uncontrollably.
无意识的运动指的是人们的肢体扭曲或者手臂或腿无法控制地抽搐。 yeeyan

A woman in a blue T-shirt sat on the bed and sobbed uncontrollably.
一位穿着蓝色 T恤的妇女坐在床上,不由自主地抽泣起来。 yeeyan

As my mum described the scene, I cried uncontrollably, thinking of Helen.
母亲在讲述的时候,我想到海伦,控制不住自己哭了起来。 yeeyan

As several Tang stories show, foxes created illusionary visions for those they possessed, and the victims would go mad, talk nonsense, and laugh and wail uncontrollably.
就像几个唐代故事所示,狐狸让它们附身的人产生幻觉,受害者会不可控制地发疯、胡言乱语和哀号。 yeeyan

But in a flash he is uncontrollably off, leaving his wife to find him passed out in a municipal parking place, a hospital or behind some chemist’s shop in the middle of the night.
而他突然间就失去了自我控制,使得他的妻子每于午夜时分在停车场、医院或者药店门口找到已昏厥在地的他。 ecocn

By that time, he and his wife were watching The Goodies and he laughed uncontrollably for almost25 minutes straight.
当时他和他的妻子正一起观看英国喜剧 The Goodies然后他控制不住地连续大笑了近25分钟。 yeeyan

Cancers were understood to be malignant neoplasms, caused by uncontrollably dividing cells, and Farber was looking for substances that could target and check that division.
癌症被认为是由细胞分裂失去控制而形成的恶性肿瘤,法伯就像寻找能够针对细胞分裂对其加以控制的药剂。 yeeyan

For many drivers, there is something fundamentally terrifying about a car that accelerates uncontrollably.
对许多司机来说,油门失控是一件极其可怕的事情。 yeeyan

He figured it was just the flu, but when he started shaking uncontrollably, he called 911.
他以为只是感冒,但是他开始不受控制地颤抖,于是他打了911电话。 yeeyan

I began to shake uncontrollably, I had to sit down, I felt physically sick.
我开始不由自主地颤抖,不得不坐下,感觉像生病。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Many also fear that some changes are reaching thresholds after which further changes may accelerate uncontrollably.
很多人担心,某些变化正在接近引起进一步的不可控的加速变化的节点。 ecocn

Now, at 35, when I start dreaming of haunted houses and worrying uncontrollably about the future, I know another episode is looming.
现在,我35岁了,当我开始梦见闹鬼的房子,并且抑制不住担心未来时,我知道又一次发作正在迫近。 yeeyan

Nowhere is the inability to resolve minor disputes--and the frightening potential for those skirmishes to escalate uncontrollably-- more apparent than across the region's countless tiny islands.
没有哪个地方的未能解决的小争端——可怕的是,这些小冲突有可能失控,逐步扩大——比这个地区的无数小岛更明显的了。 yeeyan

Places where tourism and other economic activities are expanding uncontrollably may also trample on UNESCO's high principles, which seek to preserve the integrity of sites and their surroundings.
旅游业及其他经济活动发展不受控制的地区,也有可能践踏联合国教科文组织的高标准,这些标准本意是保护文化遗址及其周边四区的完好无损。 ecocn.org

She wears gauzy blouses and braids. She likes to dance in the rain and she weeps uncontrollably if she sees a sign for a missing dog or cat.
她们身着轻薄透明的外衣和各类饰带,喜欢在雨中舞蹈,一见到猫狗走失的寻找启事便会情不自禁,潸然泪下。 yeeyan

The brush in wooded patch proceeded to grow uncontrollably, as it had before we discovered it.
树林里的那些灌木丛开始肆意地生长,像我们发现那里以前一样。 ebigear

This means your blood does not clot and you will bleed uncontrollably.
这意味着你的血液不会凝固,你会控制不住地出血。 yeeyan

This would prevent damaged cells from growing uncontrollably as tumors, she said.
她还说,这可能会阻止损坏的细胞像肿瘤一样失控般地增长。 yeeyan

What starts out as terrifying acts of humiliation and intimidation, quickly and uncontrollably escalates into a night of physical abuse and torturous assault.
一开始只是些羞辱和恐吓,很快却一发不可收拾地发展成整晚的肉体虐待和折磨。 yeeyan

When neuroscientists put electrodes into the periaqueductal gray region of rat brains and stimulated the neurons there, the creatures immediately started to run and jump uncontrollably.
当研究人员在中脑导水管周围灰质内植入电极并且进行刺激时,这些小东西立刻开始奔逃并且不受控制地跳动。 yeeyan




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