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词汇 Berne
释义 Berne 英bɜːn, bern美bɝn, bɛrnAHDbûrn, bĕrn 
the capital of Switzerland; located in western SwitzerlandBerne Convention伯恩公约
近义词 Bern伯尔尼瑞士首都…

用作名词Andreas Missbach from theBerneDeclaration, a rare Swiss group that campaigns to lift bank secrecy for tax evasion.他来自伯恩申报组织,一个杰出的致力于揭露利用银行保密制度逃税的团体。 Lightning in the sky of Berne, capital of Switzerland.
瑞士首都伯尔尼的天空。 kekenet

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property has its headquarters in Berne and is responsible for all matters relating to Intellectual Property in Switzerland.

The Visual Artists Rights Act VARA was enacted to adapt the Copyright Act to the Berne Convention.
《视觉艺术家权利法》是美国加入《伯尔尼公约》后对其国内法的修订。 iciba

The Berne Union, a group that includes the30 biggest public and private insurers in the field, says its members have over$113 billion in policies outstanding.
伯尔尼联盟,囊括30家保险界规模首屈一指的公立与私立保险公司联盟,发布消息说他们在政治风险方面的业务额超过1139亿美元。 ecocn

These are not tourists in Berne on their first visit.
伯尔尼没有初次拜访的旅行者。 douban

After a year, she comes to live with him in Berne.

For if the time needed to count a thousand Swiss franc notes is ten minutes in Berne and one hour in Zurich, how can the two cities do business together?

In 1880 Rodolphe Lindt, in his factory in Berne in Switzerland, invented a machine which produced a smoother, better tasting chocolate.
1880年,鲁道夫·林特在其瑞士伯恩的工厂里,发明了一种更顺滑口味更佳的巧克力机器。 tianya

In Berne the still gloomier argument can also be heard that the EU is becoming a much tougher bilateral partner.
从伯尔尼联邦议会上,听到了一个更加令人沮丧的争论,欧盟正在成为一个更加强硬的双边合作伙伴。 ecocn

It first appeared in1967, the “ Berne Convention” Stockholm text, expressed as a result of the three conditions, so it is called three-step test.
它最早出现在1967年的《伯尔尼公约》斯德哥尔摩文本中,因表述为三个条件,故被称为三步检验法。 boshuo

Members of the Berne Union, the largest group of providers of such cover, wrote only$36 billion of new policies in 2009, down38% on the previous year.
全球最大的保险提供联盟——伯尔尼联盟的成员,在2009年的新政策保险业务额只有360亿美元,较2008年下降38%。 ecocn

November4,1993, Bolivia becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
1993年的11月4日,玻利维亚成为布宜诺斯艾利斯版权条约的成员国。 ebigear

Planetary scientists Erik Asphaug of the University of Santa Cruz and Martin Jutzi of the University of Berne propose just such an occurrence in the latest issue of Nature, published Wednesday.
圣克鲁兹大学行星科学家艾瑞克•阿斯方和伯恩大学的马丁•加西在星期三出版的最新的一期《自然》杂志中提出这样的观点。 yeeyan

Since the Berne Pledge and the World Copyright Convention, copyright trade in China has developed on a speedway.
自加入“伯尔尼公约”和“世界版权公约”以来,中国的版权贸易发展驶入了历史的快车道。 cnki

Such nativism is common of the federal parliament in Berne, with its William Tell statue and painted tributes to such Swiss virtues as “ Wisdom” and“ Prosperity”.
在伯尔尼联邦议会上,瑞士的这种排外主义随处可见,比如威廉泰尔的雕像,对瑞士美德中的“智慧”和“繁荣”表达敬意的油画。 ecocn

That provision had been found in violation of the Berne Convention and the WTO's TRIPS Agreement by WTO's dispute- settled organ in2009.
这项规定已由世贸组织的争端解决机构在2009年被发现违反了伯尔尼公约和世界贸易组织的 TRIPS协定。 zhongyinlawyer

Then there was a nominal request for his permission for a Russian translation, that country being likewise outside the Berne Convention.
还有一份名义上申请批准俄文译本的信,那个国家也同样没有参加伯尔尼公约。 ebigear

These are the citizens of Berne.
他们都是伯尔尼的公民。 douban

What took seconds in Berne might take hours in Fribourg, or days in Lucerne.

Berne Convention is the most important and most effective world copyright protection convention.
《伯尔尼公约》是最重要、影响最大的世界性版权保护公约。 iciba




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