

单词 unconquerable
释义 un·con·quer·a·ble 英ʌnˈkɒŋkərəbəl美ʌnˈkɑŋkərəbəlAHDŭn-kŏngʹkər-ə-bəl ISCOCA⁸²⁷⁰¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb⁴³⁸¹⁸

not capable of being conquered or vanquished or overcome;

a tribute to his courage…and his unconquerable will

faced unconquerable difficulties

incapable of being surmounted or excelled;

insuperable odds

insuperable heroes

非常记忆le un不〖词缀〗+conquer征服〖熟词〗+able能〖熟词〗⇒不能被征服的人能被称为坚不可摧的蒋争熟词记忆un-不conquer征服-able可…的⇒不可征服的;不可战胜的un-不conquer征服-able可…的⇒不可征服的;不可战胜的近义词 courageous勇敢的invincible不可征服的unbeatable难以战胜的unassailable攻不破的unattainable难到达的undefeated未被击败的indomitable不屈不挠的impregnable坚不可摧的insurmountable无法解决的insuperable困难难以克服的…反义词 conquerable可征服的

用作形容词There is nothingunconquerableunder the sun.世上没有不可征服的东西。
Hope which is to beunconquerablemust be large and impersonal.把放弃建立在不可征服的希望之上的人,行动则截然不同。adj.insurmountable
同义词 impregnable,indefeasible,indomitable,inexpugnable,innate,insuperable,intractable,invincible,invulnerable,irrepressible,resistant,secure,unbeatable,unsurpassable,unyielding
反义词 conquerable
dauntlessadjective bold, courageous
indomitableadjective steadfast, unyielding
insurmountableadjective impossible
forget it,hopeless,impassable,impregnable,inaccessible,indomitable,ineluctable,insuperable,invincible,no-win,not a prayer,overwhelming,unbeatable,unconquerable,unmasterable
invincibleadjective indestructible
irresistibleadjective compelling;inescapable
unbeatableadjective not beatable
invincible,unconquerable,unexcelled,unsurpassable As a Greek saying goes, skill and confidence make an army unconquerable.

But the problems to plagiarists are unconquerable while our problems are easy to overcome since we are the force with a bright future.
我们的困难是能够克服的确,因为我们是有光明前途的势力。 blog.sina.com.cn

The procuratorial organ in our country has unconquerable defects in itself, which results in disorder in practice.
我国检察机关的刑事审判监督权有自身难以克服的弊端,造成了刑事诉讼实践的紊乱。 cnki

There are unconquerable difficulties as to how to explain those raw materials of prehistoric archaeology in the respect of the theory, of the background, and of the ways of thinking.
如何解释史前考古原物材料,从理论到背景到思维都有难克服的困难。 cnki

After surmounting your unconquerable horror of the bed, you will retire to rest, and get a few hours' unquiet slumber.
你克服了对那张床铺压抑不住的恐惧之后,便上床休息,惊扰不安地睡了几个钟头。 tingroom

All is not lost—the unconquerable will.
什么不会失去——不可征服的意志。 blog.sina.com.cn

All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to overcome?

For my unconquerable soul.
不可征服的灵魂。 blog.sina.com.cn

Here is the Henley's poetry: Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
这里是亨利的诗:晚上,涵盖了我,黑色的从南极到北极的坑,我感谢任何神明可能是我不可战胜的灵魂。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

However, it meets many unconquerable problems on economy or technique when it is used in those corporations in which the yield is under 10,000 tons annual or the raw material is non- wood.
而非木材纤维原料制浆和制浆规模小于1万吨的企业在应用碱回收技术处理黑液污染物时,遇到了无法克服的经济、技术问题。 cnki

However for some unconquerable malfunction, the government, in the new adjustment of agricultural structure, should strengthen its behavior and lead farmers to do efficiently for the adjustment.
但由于市场无法克服它自身的“失灵”问题,因此在新一轮农业结构调整中,必须加强政府行为,引导农民有效地搞好农业结构调整。 cnki

In this lonely, unconquerable on earth, who is strong and fragile, civilization can be forever and easy to destroy, depending on the wisdom of the man.
在这个孤单、桀骜不驯的地球上,人既坚强而又脆弱,文明既可长存又易毁灭,这取决于人的智慧。 zhongguojixiewang

It is loyalty, elegance, fight, success, and unconquerable essence.
是忠诚,是高贵,是奔驰,是成功,是不可征服。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of those myths, for example, is that Afghanistan is inherently unconquerable thanks to the fierceness of its inhabitants and the formidable nature of its terrain.
例如,众多谜团之一:由于其原住民的彪悍和其地势的险恶,阿富汗从本质上就是不可征服的。 yeeyan

Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
真正的困难是可以克服的,想象出来的困难是难以征服的。 blog.sina.com.cn

She died on June1,1968, an outstanding example of the unconquerable human spirit.
海伦·凯勒于1968年6月1日与世长辞,她可以说是人类不屈不挠精神的最佳典范。 hjenglish

The fortified city of Singapore was once considered unconquerable. In1942, however, this citadel fell to the Japanese.
人们一度认为新加坡这个设防的城市是无法征服的,然而在1942年,这个要塞落入日本人之手。 blog.sina.com.cn

The human spirit is truly unconquerable.
人类的精神力量真是压抑不了的。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are neither difficulties insurmountable nor fortress unconquerable for them as long as they remain united as firm as a rock around the great Party.
对于朝鲜人民来说,只要他们依旧像现在一样坚如磐石一般团结在伟大的劳动党周围,就没有战胜不了的困难,征服不了的堡垒。 yeeyan

Traditional processing method is difficult to ensure the curved surface precision, has the unconquerable obstacles.
传统加工方法难以保证曲面精度,存在无法克服的障碍交替传译。 fanyi51

While as the substantial impartiality, judicial impartiality and impartial judicature, the procedural impartiality, both have their unconquerable limitations.
而作为实体公正的司法公正与作为程序公正的公正司法都有其不可克服的局限性。 cnki




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