

单词 uncomfortably
释义 uncomfortably 英ʌn'kʌmftəbli美ʌn'kʌmftəbli 高COCA¹⁹⁰¹⁰BNC¹¹⁶⁷¹iWeb²¹⁰¹⁰Economist¹⁰⁸²⁸

in physical discomfort;

she lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted

近义词 uneasily不安地trickily欺骗著awkwardly别扭地anxiously焦急地painfully痛苦地worryingly焦虑地dangerously危险地disturbingly令人不安地unpleasantly令人不愉快地…反义词 comfortably舒服地

As there wasn't anything to do in the place but work they wereuncomfortablyconspicuous loafing about the streets.因为这个地方除工作外无事可做,他们在街上到处闲逛,招遥过市。
He shifteduncomfortablyin his chair.他在椅子不舒服地动来动去。
He wriggleduncomfortablyon the hard chair.他在硬椅子上不舒服地扭来扭去。adv.painfully
同义词 agonizingly,awkwardly,disturbingly,excruciatingly,restlessly,uneasilyannoyingly,distressfully,irritatingly,miserably,wretchedly As a result, many property markets are still looking uncomfortably overvalued.
因此,许多资产市场看起来仍然令人不安的被高估了。 ecocn

The number of people claiming jobless benefits is rising uncomfortably fast.
领取失业救济的人数却令人不安的快速上涨。 ecocn

The question is what he will do with his victory; and also how the rest of the world, which had been praying for a Kerry victory over the uncomfortably muscular Texan, will react.
问题是,他将怎样面对他的胜利;以及世界其他国家会做出怎样的反映。世界上大多数国家一直期盼着克里能够战胜“那个强硬得让人不舒服的德克萨斯人”。 ebigear

“ The fact is, unless you're buying from a beekeeper, you're at risk, ” was his uncomfortably blunt reply.
“事实上,除非你从养蜂人那里买,否则都有买到掺假蜂蜜的风险,”这是他的直率回答。 yeeyan

“ Well, ” he said uncomfortably, “ which part?”
“哦,”他很不舒服地说,“你指哪一部分?” ebigear

As for the young themselves, the picture is uncomfortably mixed.
至于年轻人自己,却是一幅令人不安的混合景象。 yeeyan

But many of those positions are uncomfortably new: he has softened his opposition to health-care reform since defecting from the Republican Party, and stiffened his opposition to offshore drilling.
但这些立场有许多是新的,这令人不快:从共和党变节之后,他对医疗改革的反对软化了,而他对海上钻井的反对变得更为强烈。 ecocn

But most of Miami’s right-wing Cuban-Americans leaders have fallen uncomfortably silent.
但是此刻,绝大多数迈阿密的右翼美籍古巴领导者们却陷入了令人不安的沉默之中。 ecocn

But plenty of the humour comes from situations that are uncomfortably plausible.
但是大量幽默来自那些令人不快却貌似合理的情景。 ecocn

But uncomfortably for President Obama, it pits school lunch advocates against people with no lunch.
但是奥巴马总统会感到不安,因为它激起了午餐支持者与反对者之间的争议。 yeeyan

Economic growth is weak and prices are rising uncomfortably fast.
经济增长会放缓,价格会上涨飞快。 ecocn

Fear of losing more talent has kept the brokers’ compensation ratio at60%, and the firm’s overall ratio at an uncomfortably high54%, well above Goldman’s.
各部门害怕失去更多的人才,这让经纪人的佣金率保持在60%,而公司整体佣金率却处于令人不安的高水平54%,这远远高于高盛的。 ecocn

However, after a little while longer in the uncomfortably warm shop, I decide that I need an iced latte more than I need a new life as a cowboy.
然而,在热得很不舒服的店里呆了太久之后,我觉得自己与其需要牛仔新生活,倒不如来一杯冰拿铁咖啡。 yeeyan

In a slump, inflation often falls uncomfortably low: prices might rise by only1% over the year, for example.
在衰落过程中,通货膨胀通常会跌倒让人难以忍受的低点,比如说价格的年增长率仅为1%。 ecocn

One lodged between his collar and neck; it was uncomfortably warm and he snatched it out.
有一片夹在后颈和衣领之间,带着很不舒服的温热。他把它捉了出来。 yeeyan

Sometimes a liar is so intent on proving his sincerity he'll stare into your eyes for an uncomfortably long time, trying to prove to you that he has nothing to hide.
有时说谎的人为证明他的忠诚,会长时间地凝视着你的双眼,看的时间长得让人感到不舒服,他们试图向你证明他们没有隐瞒什么。 yeeyan

The same day the Fed said “ inflation could persist for a time” at uncomfortably low levels.
同一天,美联储称通货膨胀率可能会在不恰当的低水平持续一段时间。 ecocn

The money supply is now shrinking in Britain, suggesting its uncomfortably high inflation will pass.
英国现在的货币供应量正在萎缩,表明其令人不安的高通胀即将过去。 ecocn

This would be a shame, as it is intensely and uncomfortably thought- provoking.
这将是一件憾事,因为这本书会引起人们强烈地、不自在地深思。 ecocn

Though rarely asked out loud, this question lurks uncomfortably in the back of every art student's mind.
虽然很少有人提出,但这个问题潜藏在每一个艺术系学生的心底。 yeeyan

To my American eyes, it looks uncomfortably familiar.
从我一个美国人的视角出发,这些看起来有点熟悉到让人感到不舒服。 yeeyan




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