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词汇 uncomfortable
释义 un·com·fort·a·ble 英ʌnˈkʌmfətəbəl, -ˈkʌmftə-美ʌnˈkʌmfətəbəl, -ˈkʌmftə-AHDŭn-kŭmʹfər-tə-bəl, -kŭmfʹtə- ★★☆☆☆初高四六I牛4COCA⁴⁹¹⁰BNC⁵¹¹⁵iWeb⁴⁶⁵⁰Economist⁴³²⁷

conducive to or feeling mental discomfort;

this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable

the uncomfortable truth

grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye

an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest

the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable

providing or experiencing physical discomfort;

an uncomfortable chair

an uncomfortable day in the hot sun

uncomfortable level不舒适级
蒋争熟词记忆un-不comfort舒适;安慰-able…的⇒不舒服的;不自在的un-不comfort舒适;安慰-able…的⇒不舒服的;不自在的近义词 tight紧的itchy痒的sore疼痛的upset心烦的rough粗糙的bumpy颠簸的tricky棘手的painful痛苦的prickly多刺的awkward尴尬的troubled不安的bothered烦恼的scratchy潦草的difficult困难的ill at ease不安embarrassed尴尬的disconcerted不安的unnerving使人胆怯的distressing使人痛苦的disturbed有心理疾病的…embarrassing令人为难的unpleasant使人不愉快的…uneasy不自在的 心神不安的 不…反义词 comfortable舒适的

用作形容词But women alway wearuncomfortableshoes.可是女人们总是穿不舒服的鞋子。
I have anuncomfortablefeeling deep in my throat.喉咙底部有不舒服的感觉。
I'muncomfortablebeing introduced to a new person.你会觉得给别人介绍你才去的时候有不自在的感觉吗?
And lookinguncomfortablemade me look terrible!不舒服自在的穿着,使我看起来糟透了。adj.painful, rough
同义词 annoying,awkward,bitter,difficult,distressing,hard,harsh,troublesomeafflictive,agonizing,cramped,disagreeable,dolorous,excruciating,galling,grievous,ill-fitting,incommodious,irritating,thorny,torturing,vexatious,wearisome
反义词 agreeable,easy,kind,mild,nice,pleasant,pleasing,simple,soft,straightforwardcomfortable,content,happy,painlessadj.distressed, upset
同义词 angry,annoyed,awkward,confused,embarrassed,fatigued,harsh,miserable,nervous,restless,self-conscious,tired,uneasy,wearyaching,anguished,chafed,cheerless,comfortless,discomfited,discomposed,disquieted,disturbed,exhausted,galled,hurt,ill at ease,in pain,pained,smarting,sore,stiff,strained,suffering,troubled,vexed,worn,wracked,wretched
反义词 activated,calm,easy,energized,fresh,happy,joyful,lively,refreshedcomfortable,content,painless
awkwardadjective embarrassing
compromising,delicate,difficult,embarrassed,ill at ease,inconvenient,inopportune,painful,perplexing,sticky,thorny,ticklish,troublesome,trying,unpleasant,untimely
cheerlessadjective depressing, unhappy
austere,black,bleak,blue,comfortless,dark,dejected,dejecting,depressed,desolate,despondent,disconsolate,dismal,dispiriting,dolorous,drab,draggy,drearisome,dreary,dull,forlorn,funereal,gloomy,grim,in the dumps,jarring,joyless,melancholy,miserable,mopey,mournful,oppressive,sad,somber,sorrowful,sullen,tenebrific,uncomfortable,wintry,woebegone,woeful
closeadjective oppressive, humid
crampedadjective congested, overcrowded
awkward,circumscribed,close,closed in,confined,crabbed,crowded,hemmed in,illegible,incommodious,indecipherable,irregular,jammed in,little,minute,narrow,packed,pent,restricted,small,squeezed,tight,tiny,tucked up,two-by-four,uncomfortable
embarrassingadjective humiliating, shaming
ill at easeadjective not feeling at ease
anxious,apprehensive,awkward,discomfited,disquieted,disturbed,doubtful,edgy,faltering,fidgety,hesitant,insecure,nervous,on edge,on pins and needles,on tenterhooks,out of place,restless,self-conscious,shy,suspicious,tense,uncomfortable,uneasy,unrelaxed,unsettled,unsure Always look off to the side or straight ahead, but never look down if you feel uncomfortable.
如果你觉得不舒服,可以看旁边或者直视前方,但绝不要低头看下方。 yeeyan

And I am each of these all at once, unless I am in the shower. Then I am not outfits, because that would be uncomfortable.
我是以上的所有除非我正在洗澡,那时我不可能穿着衣服,因为那样会很不舒服。 yeeyan

It is very uncomfortable to be alone, and I think that is why we, as a globe, have fetishized connection the way that we have.
独自一个人是很不舒服的,我想这就是为什么我们作为一个整体是如此迷恋我们所处的那种关系。 yeeyan

That’s extra information about the history of the universe, over and above what we normally glean from the laws of physics, and it makes us uncomfortable.
关于宇宙的历史,与我们通常从物理学定律中收集到的相比,那意味着更多也更超前的信息,而这让我们不安。 yeeyan

But more often than not these uncomfortable feelings are not meteors at all.
但是通常情况下,这些不安的情绪并不像流星那般简单。 yeeyan

But when we turn to matters of the spirit, some parents are uncomfortable.
但是,当我们谈及灵性问题时,有些家长就会开始不安。 yeeyan

Embrace change. As uncomfortable as it is sometimes, change allows us to stretch and grow.
请拥抱改变,虽然它偶尔会让你感到不舒服,但是是改变让我们成长。 hjenglish

However, some children do not ask questions about sexuality because they have sensed that adults many be unwilling or uncomfortable about answering them.
但是,有些孩子不问性问题,因为他们已经感觉到,成人许多都对回答它们感到不适或者不情愿。 yeeyan

I covered myself up to my chin with the heavy blankets, making myself hot and uncomfortable, but too scared to move in fear that It would grab me.
我把厚重的毯子一直拉到下巴处,把自己裹起来,虽然很热很不舒服,但害怕它会抓住我,我只能一动不动。 eol

I do not think it can be questioned that sympathy is a genuine motive, and that some people at some times are made somewhat uncomfortable by the sufferings of some other people.
我认为同情心作为一种真诚的动机之存在是无可置疑的。若他人遭受痛苦,某些人在某些时候,会感到某种程度上的心理不适。 yeeyan

I get more time to finish what I need to and no one feels uncomfortable.
这样我就有时间把自己的事情弄完而且没有人会感觉不舒服。 yeeyan

I was laughing on the inside; I knew the girl was uncomfortable, but this was silly.
我是在里面笑,我知道女孩是不舒服,但是这是愚蠢的。 yeeyan

If I had to pay for an uncomfortable device that compressed my male parts, and then walk around in it for several hours, I would be pissed off.
如果说我必须为一件挤压我男性私人部位的不舒服的衣服付款,而且穿着它四周走上几个小时,我想我一定会被气死的。 yeeyan

If this is your first baby, you may not be in maternity clothes yet, but you’ve probably stopped wearing your smaller blouses and tighter jeans, if only because they’re uncomfortable.
如果这次是你的第一次怀孕,你可能还没有穿上孕妇装呢,但你可能也不再穿着瘦小的衬衫和紧身的牛仔裤,因为他们穿着不再舒适。 yeeyan

If you feel uncomfortable, try running in socks on grass.
如果你觉得不舒服,试试穿着袜子在草地上跑步。 yeeyan

If you feel uncomfortable because of any article in this section, please let us know.
如果您因为这部分的任何文章而感到不适,请让我们知道。 yeeyan

It is one thing to identify something uncomfortable or painful you wish to change, and another to sit and complain about it and do nothing.
此外,确定你希望改变的让你不舒服或痛苦的东西是一回事,而坐下来空抱怨却是另一回事。 hjenglish

It quickly went into the trash because it was uncomfortable and only intermittently picked up my heart rate.
它很快变成垃圾,因为它非常的不舒服,并且只是间断的测出我的心率。 yeeyan

One of them has the grace to look quite uncomfortable and sorry; the other is merely bored, as if he wants this unpleasant part over with.
他们俩一个是看起来很不舒服和抱歉的样子,另外一个则无聊之极,仿佛他想这令人不愉快的事情赶快结束。 yeeyan

One thing I’ve noticed is that when people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortable.
我注意到一件事,就是当人们在等待的时候,人们会变的没有耐心、焦躁不安。 cnblogs

Perhaps this person has the capacity, authority, or ability to intimidate or bully people, to do something unpleasant or uncomfortable to other people.
也许这个人具有威胁或者恐吓他人、做出让他人感到难受或者不舒服的能量、能力或者权势。 yeeyan

The bed was uncomfortable because too dirty.

Then, on the day of donation, they undergo an uncomfortable extraction procedure which involves a very long needle and punctured ovaries.
然后,在捐献那天,还得经历一个非常不舒服的提取程序,包括用一根很长的针穿刺卵巢。 ecocn

When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable.
当有人太靠近时,他会觉得不舒服。 kekenet

Why I feel uncomfortable about all interviews from my friends who talk about me?
为什么朋友们在访谈中谈论到我,会让我感觉不舒服? yeeyan




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