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词汇 Uncle Sam
释义 Uncle Sam 英sæm美sæmAHDsăm 
n. 山姆大叔指美国政府或美国人

a personification of the United States government山姆大叔是美国的绰号,产生于1812年美英战争时期。纽约州一位诚实能干的肉类包装商被人们亲切地称为山姆大叔。他担任纽约州和新泽西州的军需检验员,负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。人们发现该厂的牛肉桶上都盖有E.A.-U.S.的标记。本来,E.A.是一个军火承包商的名字,U.S.是美国的缩写。碰巧山姆大叔Uncle Sam的缩写与美国的缩写U.S.相同,人们就管美国叫山姆大叔。美国人把山姆大叔诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以及爱国主义精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。1961年,美国国会正式承认山姆大叔为美国的民族象征。Uncle Samis portrayed as scruffy, mean and bitter.山姆大叔的形象被画得衣着邋遢、吝啬且心胸狭窄。
No one knows whyUncle Samsuddenly dropped dead.没人知道山姆大叔为啥卒死。
Uncle Samis always popular with children.萨姆叔叔总是很受孩子们的欢迎。
He owed $20000 in tax toUncle Sam.他欠美国政府2万元税款。
Uncle Sam: “An idea has struck me.山姆叔叔:”我想起一个主意。noun.united states of america personified
同义词 Brother Jonathan,US government,Washington
governmentnoun management, administration
Washington,authority,bureaucracy,command,control,direction,domination,dominion,empire,execution,executive,governance,guidance,influence,jurisdiction,law,ministry,patronage,political practice,politics,polity,power,powers that be,predominance,presidency,regency,regime,regimentation,regulation,restraint,rule,sovereignty,state,statecraft,superintendence,superiority,supervision,supremacy,sway,the feds,union In this1919 cartoon, Uncle Sam, busy working on the League of Nations and peace treaties after WWI, has to break off as trouble flares again.
这幅绘于1919年的漫画中,一战过后,山姆大叔正忙于国际联盟事务和和平条约,当麻烦重新燃起的时候,又不得不中断。 yeeyan

The days when Uncle Sam could afford to maintain a quasi- empire are over.
山姆大叔指美国能维持一个准帝国的时代已经过去了。 yeeyan

“ The days when the debt-ridden Uncle Sam could leisurely squander unlimited overseas borrowing appeared to be numbered,” said a Xinhua commentary.
“债台高筑的山姆大叔能够从容挥霍无止境海外借款的日子似乎不多了,”新华社的一篇评论文章称。 okread

As much as Uncle Sam is borrowing, he has no shortage of lenders.
只要山姆大叔想借钱,愿意借给他的人有的是。 iciba

Foreigners, who currently hold around half of US Treasury debt, up from18% in 1990, will not finance Uncle Sam’s self- indulgence for ever.
外国债权人持有美国财政部发行的国债比例从1990年的18%上涨到今天近半数,可他们不会永远为山姆大叔的放纵买单。 ecocn

IF THERE is one thing that Latin American politicians and pundits tend to complain about more than Uncle Sam's meddling in their affairs it is his apparent neglect of them.
如果说除了抱怨山姆大叔干涉其内政之外,还有让拉美的政治家和学者对山姆大叔抱怨更多的,那就是美国对他们显而易见的疏忽了。 ecocn

Medicaid, the scheme for the poor, is organised at the state level but co- financed with Uncle Sam.
专门针对穷人的联邦医疗援助计划,虽然组建在各州的层面上,但是与山姆大叔共同提供资金。 ecocn

Only one counterforce was available, and that was you, Uncle Sam.
只有一种反作用力,那就是你,山姆大叔。 yeeyan

Remember the foreign government that lent money to Uncle Sam?
还记得借钱给山姆大叔的外国政府吗? hjenglish

So Uncle Sam chooses the easy way to make money, just make it.
所以山姆大叔选择用最简单的方法来赚钱,就是印钞票。 hjenglish

That covers only about half the actual cost. Uncle Sam would pick up the rest.
但这只是实际健康保障成本的一半,剩下的部分要由山姆大叔来买单。 yeeyan

This means the Uncle Sam has even less income and even more expenses.
这意味着山姆大叔的收入减少,而开销更大了。 hjenglish

Today, we present some of the cars people tried to import under Show and Display that were rejected by Uncle Sam.
今天,人们在车展上看到并试图进口的一些车被山姆大叔拒绝进口。 yeeyan

With Uncle Sam offering cash on the barrel, however, it may be tempting for firms to enter a game of chicken and demand a price that will allow their shareholders and management to suffer little.
山姆大叔掏出大桶现金,然而,这可能诱使那些公司进入一场小鸡游戏,为了减少持股人和管理层的损失而要求一个不当的价格。 yeeyan

Uncle Sam did arm, of course, during the conflict with Spain and World War I, creating an outstanding Navy.
当然,在与西班牙的冲突以及在一战期间,山姆大叔挥动大棒,并由此缔造一支杰出的海军。 yeeyan

Uncle Sam owns big chunks of General Motors and Chrysler, among other companies.
山姆大叔有大量通用汽车和克莱斯勒,以及其他许多公司。 ecocn




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