

单词 uncharted waters
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And on the road ahead, we will continue to objectively critique life, respectfully entertain audiences, and always, explore new uncharted waters.
前进的道路上,我们客观地批判生活,尊重地娱乐民众,无休止地寻求创新。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ We are in totally uncharted waters, people are ad- libbing to deal with the situation,” he said.
我们正处理完全未知的领域,人们即兴地来处理这种情况。 yeeyan

Because when you know you're treading uncharted waters, you're following the compass of your heart.

In many ways today, the Fed is in uncharted waters.
在现行的许多方法中 很多都是一个未知的领域. yeeyan

Is the project entering uncharted waters without a guide?
是不是项目进入了没有向导的水域? bypassglobal

Markets are currently wading through some uncharted waters here, but the bottom line is that you should be prepared for the potential of wild volatility in currency markets.
市场目前正在一些未知领域艰难地跋涉,但最基本的一点是,投资者必须做好准备迎接外汇市场潜在的剧烈波动。 blog.sina.com.cn

Neither does he abandon ship because it rains. Nor does he fret and abandon plans and change course into dangerous and uncharted waters.
他不会因为暴雨就弃船而逃,也不会因为焦虑就改变航程使整个航行进入了危险的不可知的水域。 islamcn.net

Our search for solutions will take us into hitherto uncharted waters and to complex issues relating to setting priorities for policy.
我们寻求出路会使我们陷入迷茫,面临有关制定政策优先权的复杂问题。 sts.zju.edu.cn

Rahat Huq, Red94: In carrying a young Grizzlies team to uncharted waters, Zach Randolph defined himself as the game's best power forward.
能够带领一支如此这般年轻的球队前进,扎克兰多夫已经证明了他是联盟中最好的大前锋。 yeeyan

Relations between Washington and Islamabad, already at a low ebb, have been pushed into uncharted waters.
美巴关系本来就已经处于低潮,现在则被此事推到未知的境地。 hjenglish

We are definitely in uncharted waters, particularly given that the spent fuel pool appears to either not have water or have very little water. It's completely exposed to the atmosphere.
我们无法预知事态将如何发展,尤其现在乏燃料池缺水严重,已经完全暴露在空气中了。 hjenglish




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