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词汇 unchanging
释义 un·chang·ing 英ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ美ʌnˈtʃendʒɪŋAHDŭn-chānʹjĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸⁷⁵⁷BNC²⁰⁰⁶⁷iWeb²²⁷⁶⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
conforming to the same principles or course of action over timeshowing little if any change;

a static population

蒋争熟词记忆un-不change改变-ing…的⇒不变的un-不change改变-ing…的⇒不变的近义词 set放置rigid坚硬的fixed固定的stable稳定的static静态的abiding持久的ageless不老的constant不变的orderly有秩序的permanent永久的invariable不变的equable性情温和的unchangeable不变的consistent始终如一的inflexible不可弯曲的

用作形容词Nothing is eternallyunchangingexcept the change itself.世间没有什么是永恒不变的,除了变化本身是永恒的。
Our friendship is everlasting andunchanging.我们的友谊天长地久。adj.constant, permanent
同义词 abiding,enduring,eternal,immutable,rigidchangeless,consistent,continuing,equable,even,fixed,imperishable,invariable,lasting,perpetual,same,stabile,static,unchanged,unfading,unfailing,unfluctuating,uniform,unvarying
反义词 changeable,ephemeral,flexible,transientchanging,inconstant,intermittent,temporary
changelessadjective permanent
conservativeadjective cautious, moderate
bourgeois,cautious,constant,controlled,conventional,fearful,firm,fogyish,fuddy-duddy,guarded,hidebound,holding to,illiberal,inflexible,moderate,not extreme,old-fashioned,orthodox,sober,stable,steady,timid,traditional,traditionalistic,unadventurous,unchangeable,unchanging,uncreative,undaring,unimaginative,unprogressive
consistentadjective constant, regular
come-through,dependable,even,expected,homogeneous,invariable,logical,of a piece,persistent,rational,same,steady,true,true to type,unchanging,undeviating,unfailing,uniform,unvarying
constantadjective fixed
connected,consistent,continual,equable,even,firm,habitual,homogeneous,immutable,invariable,like the Rock of Gibralter,monochrome,monophonic,monotonous,nonstop,of a piece,permanent,perpetual,regular,regularized,solid as rock,stabile,stable,standardized,steadfast,steady,together,unalterable,unbroken,unchanging,unflappable,unfluctuating,uniform,uninterrupted,unvarying
continualadjective constant, incessant
drabadjective dull, colorless
arid,blah,bleak,boring,brown,characterless,cheerless,desolate,dingy,dismal,dreary,dry,dull as dishwater,faded,flat,gloomy,gray,grungy,lackluster,lusterless,muddy,murky,run down,same,shabby,somber,subfuse,unchanging,uninspired,vapid,zero The notion of unchanging Islam and the Muslim essence are purely intellectual constructs of the West.
所谓一成不变的伊斯兰和穆斯林本质的概念纯粹是西方的知识建构。 yeeyan

What the human- robot marriage lacks in challenge, growth and balance, it makes up for with steadfast, unchanging devotion.
人与机器的婚姻虽然缺少激情,成长和平等,却有着坚定,不变的热情。 yeeyan

According to string theory, space and time are a fixed background that has a geometric structure—an unchanging stage on which nature's play takes place.
根据超弦理论,时空是一个具有几何结构的固定背景,自然的戏剧就在这个不变的舞台上演。 ecocn

An example of an unchanging rule is kindness.
关于不变法则的一个例子是善意。 yeeyan

But locals like Ohno Mitsuo, a real estate agent who works at the local Hatano Real Estate company, thinks that CET has its own, unchanging agenda.
但像大野光夫这样的当地人士,在波多野房地产公司工作的一位当地房地产经纪人,认为 CET中央东部东京有其自身不变的议程。 yeeyan

In humans, most body parts are controlled at a single, unchanging location.
而人体的大多数部位都只受一个不变的位置的控制。 yeeyan

It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unchanging.
也许,随着时间的推移,我们会慢慢习惯于变革,就像在此以前,我们的思想状态使我们习惯于停滞不变一样。 ebigear

It functions implicitly as if God had no clear and unchanging character— as though there were no divine measure for human character.
它的职能隐含如果上帝没有明确的和不变的性质,好像没有人的神性措施。 yeeyan

Most of think of our memory as something static and unchanging.
我们大多都会认为我们的记忆力就是个静止不变的东西。 yeeyan

Once seen as unchanging, or unsalvageable, India is now widely recognised as a dynamic, innovative, soon-to- be economic powerhouse.
曾经被视作不可改变,或不可救药的印度目前被公认为充满活力,不断创新,即将成为经济强国。 ecocn

Precisely because geography is so overpowering and unchanging a factor in a state's destiny, there is a danger of taking it too far.
确切地说,由于地理位置是国家命运的一个无法抗拒且不易改变的因素,因而就存在一种危险,即过分地依赖它。 yeeyan

Rather than a dead and unchanging world, it could in fact be a very dynamic and interesting one.
与其说月球是个死亡不变的世界,事实上不如说它可能是个非常活跃而有趣的世界。 iciba

Regardless of circumstances and how you feel, hang on to God's unchanging character.
不论环境怎样,也不去理会你的感觉,持守在神不变的性情上。 yeeyan

Taylor and Fayol worked within contexts where the purpose of their efforts was well known and unchanging.
泰勒和法约尔所工作的环境其目的已经完全确定而不变。 yeeyan

The Moon seems unchanging, as if for eons it has been there, controlling the tides, going through its phases every month and inspiring poets and lovers.
月球看起来似乎不曾改变,就像千万年来它一直就在那里那样,掌控着地球的潮水涨落,经历着自身的一月一次的阴晴圆缺和激发诗人和情人们的灵感与情思。 hqyl

The people of Asia know full well that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that applies to all countries in the world.
亚洲人民深知,世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路。 putclub

The HTML5 specification is getting close to being solidified and unchanging, right now in 2011.
而 HTML 5规范正接近于固化不变,就是现在,2011年。 yeeyan

They are unchanging, that's the heavenly sphere.

Those standards are universal and unchanging—unlike the official kilogram.
这些计量标准普遍通用、亘古不变,而千克的参照标准则不然。 yeeyan

Until the mid-1970s we were all working under a legacy which said that communities are on a trajectory towards an unchanging equilibrium, the climax.
直到上世纪70年代中期,我们所有人都在前人的学说下工作,即生态圈正趋向不变的平衡,达到顶点。 yeeyan

When all the currencies are pegged to gold, then of course their exchange rates with each other are stable and unchanging.
当所有货币都与黄金挂钩,它们之间的汇率当然稳定不变。 yeeyan

While your mate is growing and developing new interests, it is claimed, you are lagging behind and unchanging.
如果你的配偶说他在不断成熟、有了新的爱好,而你却一成不变。 yeeyan

Why not focus on attaining the unchanging truth instead?
为什么不集中注意力去追求永恒不变的真理? yeeyan

You may be familiar with snapshotting from Linux LVM; using snapshots, you can create an unchanging“ view” of an existing filesystem, which comes in handy for backups.
您可能熟悉 Linux LVM的快照;使用快照,您可以创建现有文件系统的不变“视图”,这对于备份很方便。 ibm

Your body doesn't share in your enthusiasm. It follows one simple, unchanging principle: gradual adaptation to stress.
你的身体并没有和你的热情一样高涨,它只遵循一条简单而不可改变的原则:逐渐适应这种压力。 yeeyan

Unchanging process risk.
不变的过程风险。 ibm




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