

单词 unbridgeable
释义 un·bridge·a·ble 英ʌnˈbrɪdʒəbəl美ʌnˈbrɪdʒəbəlAHDŭn-brĭjʹə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁶³²⁵⁸BNC⁴⁴²⁴⁴iWeb⁵³⁴²⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
not bridgeable;

a wide unbridgeable river

unbridgeable generation gap

蒋争熟词记忆un-不bridge桥-able能能…的⇒不能架桥的;不可逾越的un-不bridge桥able能…的⇒不能架桥的;不可逾越的反义词 bridgeable可架桥的

用作形容词By the next day, it had risen 9 meters, becomingunbridgeable.第二天,水位升到九米,已无法架桥。
He believed there was anunbridgeablegulf between him and his parents.他认为自己与父母之间有不可逾越的鸿沟。 Mr Mbeki promptly sacked Mr Zuma as the country's deputy president, causing a rift in the ruling party that rapidly grew into an unbridgeable chasm.
祖马受到指控后,姆贝基立即解除了他副总统的职务,这使得执政党内部原本的一条小裂缝迅速发展成一道无法逾越的鸿沟。 ecocn

The gap between the right of the Republican party, which is providing the angriest critics of the reforms, and the left of the Democratic party, which thinks the proposals too timid, is unbridgeable.
提出愤慨的批评改革的共和党右派和认为提议过于谨慎的民主党左派之间,二者的分歧是不可逾越的。 iciba

The industrialization is an unbridgeable period in the process of economy development in every country.
工业化是各国经济发展过程中不可逾越的一个阶段。 blogbus

The principle of continuity demands that there are no unbridgeable chasms to cross in evolution; therefore, the two systems may have existed side by side for some time before one gained ascendancy.
连续性原理要求在进化过程中没有不可桥连的断层。因此,这两个系统同时存在了一段时间直到其中一个发展出后代。 yeeyan

While Israel’s leader refused to accept the two- state idea, it was unbridgeable.
以色列领导人拒绝接受两国共存主张,这是无法弥合的。 ecocn

But the gap between what the Palestinians had in mind on the refugee issue and what former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was willing to offer was not just vast but unbridgeable.
但是巴勒斯坦人所要求提供的回归人口数与以色列前总理奥尔默特愿意的数量实在差距太大,难以弥合。 yeeyan

For Ross there is an unbridgeable distinction between moral and non moral properties.
对罗斯来说道德属性与非道德属性之间存在着明确的区分。 blog.sina.com.cn

Life was reasonably comfortable for the well-educated, but social mobility was blocked by party apparatchiks. The gap between expectations and reality was unbridgeable.
对于受过良好教育的人来说生活是安逸的,但是社会的流动性却被党政官员堵死,期待和现实之间的鸿沟不可逾越。 ecocn

Philosophers have preached that there exists between man and beast an unbridgeable distinction.
哲学家们宣扬,在人与兽间存在着不可逾越的鸿沟; ecocn

This must ultimately depend on the context in which the message is processed, and unbridgeable gaps are bound to emerge in the domain.
这从根本上取决与信息加工的环境,而其中必定会出现不可填补的差异。 fanyi7

This indicate that there are an unbridgeable gap in the tragic theory and A Dream of Red Mansions.
这一线索表明,悲剧说与作为文化大书的《红楼梦》之间,存在着难以逾越的鸿沟。 cnki

We believe that because share a common goal, we will never communicate with your presence unbridgeable divide, as some have a collision point of view, do not affect our friendship ignited the spark.
我们相信,因为有着共同的目标,我们与您的沟通决不存在不可逾越的鸿沟,因为某些观点产生碰撞,也不影响我们点燃友谊的火花。 tietai.net

We either all get along. Or an unbridgeable divide develops.
我们要么就适应,要么任其分化。 yeeyan

Yet there was an unbridgeable gap between IBM and China's behemoths.
在 IBM和中国的大型公司之间存在着不可逾越的鸿沟。 renren

Yet the strikes do not reflect an unbridgeable divide between capital and labour: rather, nearly all South Koreans are capitalists, and many of the strikers had voted for Mr Lee.
但罢工并未反映出资本和劳动力之间无法逾越的沟壑:相反,几乎所有的韩国人都是资本家,而许多罢工者依然将票投给了李明博。 ecocn

Unbridgeable gaps existed between these three groups.
这三个群体间存在不可逾越的鸿沟。 yeeyan




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