

单词 unbending
释义 un·bend·ing 英ʌnˈbendɪŋ美ʌnˈbɛndɪŋAHDŭn-bĕnʹdĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁰³⁹⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb⁵⁶⁴⁶⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances;

a rigid disciplinarian

an inflexible law

an unbending will to dominate

un-,不,非,bending,弯腰的,屈服的。即不屈服的,顽固的,固执的。unbend伸直bending and unbending test反复弯曲试验,曲折试…unbending spirit坚定的精神
unbend-ing动名词⇒adj.不妥协的²⁵;坚决的³³;不屈的¹²;倔强的动词unbend的现在分词.近义词 iron熨斗rigid坚硬的fixed固定的stony石头的formal正式的constant不变的resolute坚决的obdurate固执的dogmatic教条的pitiless无情的obstinate固执的unyielding不屈的courageous勇敢的adamant坚定不移的inflexible不可弯曲的inexpiable不能补偿的straightforward易懂的doctrinaire教条主义者uncompromising不让步的

用作形容词Then, anunbendingoptimist bought the company.后来一位坚决的乐观主义者收购了这家公司。
Despite their fearful losses Russian resistance remained tough andunbending.尽管俄国的损失惨重,他们的抵抗却仍然顽强不屈。
She is a girl of anunbendingcharacter.她是个性格倔强的女孩。adj.rigid, tough
同义词 crisp,firm,obstinate,reservedaloof,distant,do-or-die,dug in,formal,hard as nails,hard-line,hold one's ground,hold the fort,hold the line,incompliant,inelastic,inexorable,inflexible,intractable,locked-in,obdurate,relentless,resolute,set in stone,severe,single-minded,standing one's ground,standing pat,sticking to one's guns,stiff,strict,stubborn,uncompromising,unflexible,unrelenting,unswayable,unyielding,uptight
反义词 flexible,soft,yieldingbending,pliable,pliant,relaxed
adamantadjective unyielding
determined,firm,fixed,hang-tough,hanging tough,hard-nosed,immovable,inexorable,inflexible,insistent,intransigent,obdurate,pat,relentless,resolute,rigid,set,set in stone,standing pat,stiff,stubborn,unbendable,uncompromising,unrelenting,unshakable,unswayable
adamantineadjective stubborn
all-or-nothingadjective accepting no less than everything
balkyadjective uncooperative
callousadjective cruel, insensitive
apathetic,blind to,careless,case-hardened,cold,cold-blooded,deaf to,hard,hard-bitten,hard-boiled,hardened,hardhearted,heartless,impassive,impenitent,indifferent,indurated,inflexible,insensate,insensible,insensitive,insentient,inured,obdurate,soulless,spiritless,stiff,stony,stubborn,thick-skinned,torpid,tough,toughened,unaffected,unbending,uncaring,uncompassionate,unconcerned,unfeeling,unimpressionable,unresponsive,unsusceptible,unsympathetic
decidedadjective determined, strong-willed
assertive,bent,certain,cocksure,decisive,deliberate,earnest,emphatic,established,firm,fixed,inflexible,intent,iron-jawed,mulish,positive,purposeful,resolute,resolved,serious,set,settled,strong-minded,sure,unbending,unfaltering,unhesitating,unwavering,unyielding All at once, i understand it turns out to be at his pains just because of my unbending words- unavailable mobile phone, not for taking photos of Guangzhou trip at all.
我才突然醒悟原来乔乔一心是想带给我用,只是因为我跟他随意说过我手机不好用,有些问题,而不是他所谓来广州玩借来拍照而已。 tianya

Lincoln was an unbending foe of slavery.
我要讲的题目是:美国的奴隶制。 bab

The overly willful and unbending child may have trouble obeying teachers or coaches, for example, or trouble keeping friends.
过度任性和矫正孩子可能服从教师或者教练有困难,例如,或者保持朋友的麻烦。 iask.sina.com.cn

The technology of multi-spot unbending and progressive unbending has been widely adopted in the continuous casting equipment.
多点矫直技术和连续矫直技术已经在连铸设备得到广泛的应用。 chemyq

These letters have official letters and personal letters, official letters seems formal, while his personal letter looks unbending.
李鸿章的信件主要分为公函和私函,公函上的字迹看起来正式一些,而私函则随意一些。 hf365

Who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

“ Jane Eyre” is Charlotte Bronte's best works. In the novel the heroine Jane Eyre is pure, ordinary, simple and ideal. She has the character of being forthright and unbending.
《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃郎特的最好的一部作品,文中女主人公简·爱为人单纯,平凡朴实,有理想和追求,性格直爽,倔强。 http://dict.cnki.net

Body drawing up, unbending. Left and right have each three times.
身体挺直,不要弯曲,左右各三次。 qikan

Citizen cannot choose surname unbending and can only follow father or mother.
公民不可随意取姓,只可随父或者随母。 cnki

Endless night, boundless monsoon, remote journey all engraved with a lonely and unbending soul.
茫茫黑夜,漫漫雨季,迢迢路途,镌刻着一个孤独而倔强的灵魂。 bbs.gxsd.com.cn

Even during the darkest days they do keep a smile on their faces, they demonstrate themselves by their confidence, iron- willed, unbending and optimistic personality.
记录不同的人物在困难的时候表现出来的坚强性格的励志型记录片,他们用他们的自信、坚强不屈与乐观的个性证明自己的存在的意义; blog.sina.com.cn

France, he said, should be“ flexible” over subsidies, but“ unbending” in its demands for more regulation of market prices and for “community preference” ie, favouring EU produce over imports.
他称,法国在农业补贴政策方面应表现灵活,但在坚持市场价格管制和欧共体特惠制如与进口农产品相比,优先选择欧盟农产品方面则应“毫不妥协”。 ecocn

He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.
他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。 iciba

His hearty accents faltered and fell away as he noticed the stern unbending look on the countenances of his silent friends, and his invitation remained unfinished.
可是,看到几位朋友全都绷着脸,沉默不语,蟾蜍那热情洋溢的话变得结结巴巴,说不下去了,对他们的邀请也只说出一半。 iciba

In the real world, teams often have trouble working together, unbending decisions tend to be made early even prematurely, and estimates are binding.
在现实世界中,团队之间经常存在协作问题,往往较早地甚至不成熟地做出不可更改的决策,而且评估方法是固定的。 ibm

Oh! how pitiless men are! or rather, for I am wrong, it is God who is just and unbending.
啊!人是多么残酷无情!不!更应该说天主是铁面无私的。 xddhy

On this basis, a new kind of unbending drill collar tool has been designed, which is probably to be a new kind of inclination preventive tool.
为此,设计了一种压不弯钻铤装置,此装置有可能成为防斜打直的一种全新的井下钻具。 chemyq

Rigid, unbending thoughts appear as crystallized thought, as stuck energy where there is very little flow of thoughts.
僵硬、不变通的想法看起来像是凝结的思想,是阻塞的能量,流动很微弱。 qiudao.net

Staunch traditionalist deplores secularism, consumerism and moral relativism, unbending on birth control, gay marriage and ordination of female priests.
坚定的传统愤世嫉俗者,主张节制消费和道德相对主义,反对节育,同性恋婚姻和女祭司制度。 yeeyan

The fragility of the markets has prompted some normally hardline reformers apparently to question the wisdom of an unbending approach.
市场的脆弱态势,使得一些通常态度强硬的改革者怀疑采取一种毫不妥协的方法能否奏效。 cjzg

Then, an unbending optimist bought the company.
后来一位坚决的乐观主义者收购了这家公司。 kekenet

We maintain on unbending attitude toward this problem.
对于这个问题我们采取坚定不移的态度。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

With lively strokes and minimal shapes, Kawano Ayako expresses her unbending heart.
轻松的笔触、极简化的造型,表达了河野纹子一颗随意的心。 www.mahoo.com.cn

You have unbending, never willing to shed a drop of tears easily, and I could not bear to see you shed tears either, then often lied about the rain condition to the court of the sky.




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