

单词 unappealing
释义 un·ap·peal·ing 英ˌʊnəˈpiːlɪŋ美ˌunəˈpilɪŋAHDun'ə-pēʹlĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁸¹⁶⁶BNC⁷³⁰²³iWeb⁴⁰²⁶⁵Economist¹⁵⁹⁸⁵
of characters in literature or drama tending to evoke antipathetic feelings;

all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic

not able to attract favorable attention;

they have made the place as unappealing as possible

was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess

un无|不-appeal-ing动名词⇒adj.不能打动人的⁵⁰;不吸引人的⁵⁰近义词 ugly丑陋的unlikable不讨喜的unlikeable不讨喜的unattractive无魅力的disagreeable不愉快的unpleasant使人不愉快的…uninviting不能吸引人的…unsympathetic不表同情的unappetizing引不起食欲的…反义词 appealing引起兴趣的

用作形容词Though Mr.Boyle finds city lifeunappealing, it is now up for reconsideration.虽然波义尔认为城市生活并不吸引人,但是现在也该再考虑一下了。adj.not appealing
同义词 disgusting,dreary,ugly,unappetizing,unattractive,unpleasantbanal,dull,insipid,plain,somber,subfuscous,trite,unbeauteous,uninviting
反义词 agreeable,attractive,good,pleasant,pleasingappealing
unacceptableadjective not suitable or satisfactory
below par,damaged,disagreeable,displeasing,distasteful,exceptionable,half-baked,ill-favored,improper,inadmissible,insupportable,lousy,not up to snuff,objectionable,obnoxious,offensive,reject,repugnant,undesirable,uninviting,unpleasant,unsatisfactory,unwanted,unwelcome,won't do
unappetizingadjective distasteful
unattractiveadjective ugly
bad-looking,beastly,deformed,disfigured,disgusting,frightful,gross,grotesque,hideous,homely,horrid,monstrous,not much to look at,plain,repelling,repugnant,repulsive,revolting,unalluring,unappealing,unsightly
uninvitingadjective disagreeable, not pleasant
awful,bad,disgusting,displeasing,distasteful,nasty,nauseating,offensive,repulsive,rotten,sickening,sour,unappealing,unappetizing,unpalatable,unpleasant Did some of the phases sound unappealing to you?
有些阶段对你来说并不具有吸引力? yeeyan

The arrogance of big money, Mrs Astor wrote once, “ is one of the most unappealing of characteristics”.
阿斯特尔夫人曾写到:财大气粗的傲慢,是最让人讨厌的个性特征之一。 ecocn

The best information model in the world will sit unused if the repository's interface is confusing, complex, and unappealing.
如果存储库的界面令人混淆、复杂和没有吸引力,那么即使世界上最好的信息模型也会被闲置不用。 ibm

The soldier and lawyer arguments are being made, in this case, by unappealing extremists.
如果这样,军人和律师的辩论正在被那些不讨人喜欢的极端分子挑起来。 yeeyan

With Pakistan’s myriad economic and political problems, and the urgent need to focus military resources on the Islamist insurgency, the prospect of power looks unappealing.
巴基斯坦经济政治问题错综复杂,又急需将军事资源集中用于镇压伊斯兰叛乱,因此掌权的展望看起来并无吸引力。 ecocn.org

A third of the women thought they would be more unappealing and the same proportion said entering their fourth decade' filled them with dread'.
三分之一的受访女性认为自己的魅力会下降,同等比例的受访者称进入人生的第四个十年“让他们觉得恐惧”。 ebigear

A third of the women thought they would be more unappealing and the same proportion said entering their fourth decade“ filled them with dread”.
三分之一的受访女性认为自己的魅力将会下降,还有同等比例的受访者表示进入人生的第四个十年“让她们心存恐惧”。 kekenet

All of those developments would be deeply unappealing. But is it worth going to war to stop them?
所有那些事情的发展一点都无趣.但是为了阻止它真值得我们去发动一场战争么? yeeyan

And America’s creditors are having to cope with the unappealing combination of holding low- yielding Treasury bonds in a depreciating currency.
而且美国的债权人不得不面对一个毫无吸引力的组合,即以一个贬值货币持有低收益国债。 ecocn

As much as it may be unappealing to many, diving is just apart of the game of soccer.
虽然很多人对假摔行为嗤之以鼻,但它其实也是足球比赛的一部分。 examw

But there are still some unappealing realities just behind the beautiful facade of Indian democracy.
但就在印度民主的美丽外表之下,仍掩藏着一些不那么美妙的现实。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even more than first-timers, individuals considering remarriage may find at least one meaning of marriage unappealing.
比起第一次结婚者,考虑过结婚的人至少会发现一个婚姻无吸引力的意义。 yeeyan

Fly to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, and take the ferry from this unappealing and dusty city to Zanzibar, where life moves slower.
飞到坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆,再坐渡船从这个毫无吸引力且满是尘土的城市去桑给巴尔岛,这儿的生活节奏更慢。 yeeyan

For now, advice from the business community is to embrace the unappealing prospect of unpaid or low-paid work, as a means of gaining experience that will be valuable later.
现在商业界的建议是,先做前景不引人注目的无报酬的工作或低收入的工作,作为一种获取今后宝贵经验的方法。 yeeyan

If you have any objects made from silver or plated with silver, you know that the bright, shiny surface of silver gradually darkens and becomes dull and unappealing.
有银器或是镀银器物的朋友们知道,原先光鲜亮丽的银的表面久而久之会变得暗淡无光毫无生气,不再诱人了。 yeeyan

Previous attempts at creating melt-proof chocolates have resulted in unappealing, rock- hard bars.
之前的防融化巧克力尝试最终结果令人沮丧,硬得像石头。 yeeyan

The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident.
如果外星人对人类使坏,即便是偶然地,最不理想的结果可能会出现。 yeeyan

The idea that an opaque government might come to dominate global capitalism is unappealing.
不透明的政府能够主导国际资本市场的观点是没有吸引力的。 yeeyan

Unlike the English, the Scots retain a“ not proven” verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.
与英国不同,苏格兰在刑事案件中保留了“证据不足”的判决,眼下令人不快的景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。 yeeyan

What is your most unappealing habit?
什么是你最讨厌的习惯? yeeyan




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