

单词 unadorned
释义 un·a·dorned 英ˌʌnəˈdɔːnd美ˌʌnəˈdɔrndAHDŭn'ə-dôrndʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高GTCOCA³³²³⁶BNC³⁷²⁹³iWeb³²¹⁷⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinctionun无|不-adorn-ed如|被…的⇒adj.没有装饰的²¹;不加渲染的¹⁴;朴素的⁶⁵近义词 pure纯的bare赤裸的bald秃头的plain清楚的simple简单的austere简朴的undecorated未加装饰的反义词 adorned动词adorn的过去式,…

用作形容词Evenunadornedmasks are selling.甚至没有装饰的口罩销售也在增加。
That roomunadornedwith pictures or curtains looks bare.不挂图片或窗帘的房间看上去空荡荡的。
His works were simple,unadornedand very moving.他的作品朴实无华,非常动人。
We advocate simple andunadornedlife.我们提倡俭朴的生活。
She was beautiful even whenunadorned.即使没有化妆,她也依然美丽。adj.plain, simple
同义词 austereundecoratedbare,bare-bones,basic,modest,stark,stripped-down,unembellished
artlessadjective simple
direct,genuine,guileless,honest,ingenuous,innocent,naive,natural,open,plain,pure,sincere,straight,straightforward,talking turkey,true,unaffected,uncontrived,unpretentious,unsophisticated,up front
austereadjective grim, barren
bare-bonesadjective basic
factualadjective based on facts
absolute,accurate,actual,authentic,card-carrying,certain,circumstantial,close,credible,descriptive,exact,faithful,genuine,hard,legit,legitimate,literal,objective,on the level,positive,precise,righteous,specific,straight from horse's mouth,sure,sure-enough,true,true to life,unadorned,unbiased,undoubted,unquestionable,valid,veritable
featurelessadjective nondescript
mereadjective nothing more;absolute
bald,bare,blunt,common,complete,entire,insignificant,little,minor,plain,poor,pure,pure and simple,sheer,simple,small,stark,unadorned,unadulterated,unmitigated,unmixed,utter,very Buddy competed unadorned, unlike many of his rivals. They dressed up as fairy princesses, rock stars, cheerleaders, bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.
参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和 Mr. T。 kekenet

He gave a start. He had never thought she went around so well equipped with makeup; he had always thought that her unadorned face was a work of art by itself.
鸿渐一惊,想不到孙小姐随身配备这样完全,平常以为她不修饰的脸原来也是件艺术作品。 jukuu

The blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will.
他直率的诗句,对尊重的朴实坚持,并承诺一个新的不妥协的秩序,军事化的纪律,靠着纯粹的意志力稳步前进。 yeeyan

There is a classic esthetic which romantics often miss because of its subtlety the classic style is straightforward, unadorned, unemotional, economical and carefully proportioned.
浪漫主义往往不能被冠以经典之名,是其缺乏成为经典应有的直观、朴素、理性、扼要及其合理构思。 iask.sina.com.cn

Even unadorned masks are selling.
甚至没有装饰的口罩销售也在增加。 yeeyan

It now unfolds, unadorned and mostly unexplained, in displays of hair, shoes and other remains of the dead.
如今它面向世界,原原本本地、更是无须赘述地向世人展示着那些死者的头发、鞋子和其它遗物。 yeeyan

Occasionally in girls’ schools for example unadorned male- style surnames were used.
偶尔例如在女子学校,也使用具男性风格的直呼姓氏法。 ecocn

Once politicians understand that everything is public, they are much less likely to offer the unadorned truth, at least to ordinary voters.
一旦政客们明白了所有事情都是公开的,他们就不太会提供未经雕琢的事实,至少不会向普通选民提供。 ecocn

So at 9:15, the six, in their dressy flying uniforms unadorned by rank or ribbons, started loading the food, in boxes and coolers, into a van, and then onto the 757.
因此,在9点15分,6名乘务员身着考究的飞行制服没有任何军衔或者绶带装饰就开始将盒子和冷却器里的食物装载到一个货车上,然后装上波音757飞机。 ebigear

They're pickled, then served unadorned as snacks or in soft buns with onions and gherkins for lunch.
荷兰人将鲱鱼腌起来,然后直接当零食吃,或者配着小面包、洋葱、腌黄瓜当午饭。 yeeyan

Walden is a fantastically good book, and Thoreau's unadorned style feels shockingly contemporary, even if his analysis of networks differs from our own.
《瓦尔登湖》是一本绝好的书,而梭罗那朴素的文风惊人地贴近当今——虽然他的文学批评网络和我们的不同。 yeeyan




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