

单词 unaddressed
释义 un·ad·dressed 英ʌnəˈdrest美ʌnəˈdrɛstAHDŭn-ə-drĕstʹ 高COCA⁵¹¹⁰²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb³²¹¹⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

not addressed;

an unaddressed envelope

反义词 addressed标记地址的
However, there are still unaddressed problems, the IG concluded.
然而,该报告总结,仍存在尚未解决的问题。 www.etiri.com.cn

If feelings of gender confusion go unaddressed, extreme depression may occur.
如果感到自己性别归属混乱以致无法启齿,就会出现极度忧郁沮丧。 yeeyan

In2005, Mandela spoke publicly and candidly about his son's death from AIDS, helping to combat the stigma around the disease that was largely unaddressed during his presidency.
2005年,他公开地直言不讳说其儿子死于艾滋病,以助于克服围绕该疾病的羞耻感,而此问题在其总统任期内是没怎么解决的。 yeeyan

It leaves a series of landmines in the path of the economy over the next14 months while leaving America's longer-term fiscal challenges unaddressed.
就好比给美国经纪未来14个月的路上埋了无数的地雷,同时对美国财政面对的长期挑战撒手不管。 renren

It leaves a series of landmines in the path of the economy over the next14 months while leaving America’s longer-term fiscal challenges unaddressed.
这将给美国长期财政带来难以解决的困难,为未来14个月的经济复苏之路埋下一系列暗雷。 yeeyan

They can improve OER based on their own experiences in the classroom and create new OER for previously unaddressed areas.
他们可以根据自己在课堂上的经验改进开放教育资源,并为以前的未知领域创造新的开放教育资源。 yeeyan

Very often the gap between young and old, rich and poor gets too painful though unnoticed and unaddressed by wide publicity.
老少之间、贫富之间的差距往往得不到广泛的关注和解决,显得尤为悲惨。 yeeyan

We had so many things in common that we couldn't allow frictions to build up unaddressed.
我们不能任由摩擦产生而束手无策,在这一点上我们是有许多共同之处的。 hjenglish

Whether it can be right to cure someone of what is not yet considered a disease remains unaddressed.
不过,为某些人治疗一种尚未被认为是疾病的身体状况之做法是否正确,则尚未得到解答。 ecocn




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