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词汇 berlin wall
释义 berlin wall
By the end of the decade, with the Berlin Wall in pieces, the number of articles and letters to the editor mentioning globalisation surged.
十年后,随着柏林墙的倒塌,无数的文章以及写给编辑的信件一窝蜂的使用这个词。 ecocn

Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.
但自柏林墙倒塌与日本泡沫经济破裂同时发生的那刻起,自民党就时日无多了。 ecocn

THE fall of the Berlin Wall was not big news in Russia.
对俄国人来说,柏林墙的倒下并不是什么大新闻。 yeeyan

This was reinforced by the fall of the Berlin Wall, when many of the repressive regimes that thrived on Cold War allegiances became vulnerable to demands for greater democracy.
柏林墙的倒塌促进了民主进程的发展,因为由于无法保证诸多明主,赞成冷战而遭到残酷镇压的许多国家摇摇欲坠。 yeeyan

Tyrants' abuse of the principle of“self- determination” has been contested since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
自从柏林墙倒下后,关于极权统治对“自决原则”的滥用的争论一直没有停止。 yeeyan

MANY, many generations ago there stood a massive concrete structure called the Berlin Wall.
好几世代前,那里矗立着一座巨大的混凝土建筑物——柏林墙。 ecocn

She is proud of what Egyptians have accomplished, comparing it to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
她以埃及人实现的变革为自豪,把它和柏林墙的倒下相比较。 yeeyan

The boundaries that separate our conversations look like the Berlin Wall today, but they're really just an annoyance.
今天,那些分离我们会话的边界正和柏林墙一样,但他们也只不过是些小丑。 yeeyan

Their implosion after the fall of the Berlin Wall confirmed that such welfare states on steroids were an historical dead end.
在柏林墙倒塌后他们的解体证明了这样的“服用兴奋剂”的福利国家最终走进了历史的死胡同。 yeeyan

Unlike them, he had no siege mentality, and needed no Berlin Wall to huddle behind.
与他们不同,他没有四面受敌的心态,也不需要蜷缩在柏林墙后。 ecocn

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, hammers and bulldozers, not artillery, brought it down.
1989年推倒柏林墙的是铁锤和和推土机,而不是洋枪大炮。 yeeyan




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