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词汇 Umno
释义 UmnoCOCA¹⁵⁷⁶⁷⁶BNC⁵⁵¹³⁹
United Malay National Organization 联合马来民族组织
His United Malays National Organisation UMNO, the main party in the coalition, is keen to be seen as the defender of Malay- Muslim identity.
马来民族统一机构 United Malays National Organisation,又称巫统作为联盟的主要成员,希望被视为马来穆斯林的维护者。 ecocn

Since Malaysia’s independence from Britain in 1957, UMNO’s chosen leader has always become the country’s leader.
1957年,马来西亚摆脱英国统治;自此之后,巫统的领导人选总是能顺利成为国家领袖。 ecocn

That is particularly true if UMNO decides to play on tensions between Malaysia’s majority Malays and its ethnic-Chinese and Indian minorities.
尤其是如果巫统决定挑起马来西亚多数马来人及其华裔同印度少数民族之间的紧张气氛时。 ecocn

The detentions looked like the start of the wider crackdown that some fear a cornered UMNO might yet launch, to save its skin.
一些人担心为了挽回局面,狗急跳墙的巫统会制造更大的镇压活动,关押这三个人才仅仅只是一个开始。 ecocn

The government of Malaysia has been controlled by one political party, the United Malays National Organization UMNO since independence in 1957.
自从1957年马来西亚独立以来,马来民族统一机构,也就是巫统,一直控制着马来西亚。 voanews

The coalition that UMNO dominates has ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957.
自1957年马来西亚独立以来,巫统占绝大多数的联盟就一直占据统治地位。 ecocn

The once- mighty United Malays National Organisation UMNO, which leads a13-party multiracial governing coalition, looks increasingly vulnerable at a future election.
曾经强势的马来民族统一机构巫统,领导着13个不同人种的执政联盟,目前看来在未来选举中处境越来越不妙。 yeeyan

Bumiputra perks yield a stream of uncontested, negotiated contracts and other forms of patronage to UMNO politicians.
布米普特拉人的额外福利给巫统政客带来了一系列的无竞争议定合同以及其他形式的赞助。 topsage

But details may be sketchy, as Mr Najib tries to contain a backlash, including from the ranks of his own party, the United Malays National Organisation UMNO.
但详细情况可能是粗略的,因为纳吉布先生试图遏制强烈的反对,包括来自他所在政党——马来西亚全国巫人统一机构 UMNO,简称“巫统”——的反对。 topsage

Experts say it is much higher and that it suits UMNO to pretend otherwise.
除此以外,专家认为这个标准更高了,是巫统所僭望的。 ecocn

For the opposition, the prospect of Dr Mahathir helping UMNO destroy itself is“ exciting”, as Nik Aziz Nik Mat, a leader of the Islamist Party, a member of Mr Anwar’s alliance, gleefully put it.
对反对党来说,马哈蒂尔博士帮助巫统自我灭亡的前景,正如伊斯兰党的领导人聂阿兹乐滋滋地形容的那样,是“令人振奋”的,他也是安瓦尔联盟中的一分子。 ecocn

Further, Mr Najib has to contend with a ginger group, Perkasa, that claims to defend Malay rights within UMNO.
此外,纳吉先生必须要对付那些声称要捍卫巫统马来人的权利的黄色的群体 Perkasa。 ecocn

His party, the United Malays National Organisation UMNO, was devoted to promoting the interests of the Malays so that they could catch up with the better- off Chinese minority.
他所在的政党——马来西亚全国巫人统一机构 UMNO,致力于提高马来人的生活水平,使得他们能赶上富足的中国少数民族。 ecocn

In getting out its message, the opposition has been helped by an explosion of internet opinion that has undermined the influence of the UMNO- controlled mainstream media.
在传达反对统治党信息的过程中,安瓦尔得到了网络舆论之助,大大削弱了巫统控制的主流媒体力量。 ecocn

Its leaders also know that any hint of corruption will be pounced on by law- enforcement agencies run by UMNO appointees.
其领导人也深知,只要有关于贪腐的一丁点把柄被巫统抓住,由巫统任命的执法机构定不会轻饶。 ecocn

Mr Badawi was blamed by party bigwigs for the big losses that UMNO suffered at the general election in2008.
当时巴达维先生由于在2008年大选中遭受惨败被巫统党内权贵的指责。 ecocn

Perak was indeed the start of something, but not the rollback of Malaysia’s opposition, as foreseen by UMNO and its ruling coalition partners.
霹雳州确实发生了政变,但是马来西亚反对党没有倒戈,巫统和其执政联盟已预见到了。 ecocn

Photographs of the former aide who brought the accusations show him with UMNO members, including people close to the current prime minister, Najib Razak.
把他送上法庭的前任助手在照片中同巫统成员打成一片,其中几人还同现任总理纳吉布.扎拉克关系密切。 ecocn

Professor Chin says Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak would likely be forced to resign if UMNO does not regain its two-thirds majority in parliament in the next election.
詹运豪教授说,如果在下届选举中巫统不能获得议会三分之二的多数,马来西亚总理纳吉布.拉扎克很可能会被迫辞职。 tingvoa

Rather, he owes his position to an internal coup within the ruling party, the United Malays National Organisation UMNO, that saw him take over from his former boss, Abdullah Badawi, in April2009.
相反,他在执政党马来民族统一机构党巫统内部政变中获得目前的总理地位,在2009年4月巫统亲眼看着他从他的前任阿卜杜拉巴达维那里接管了国家。 ecocn

The bigger question posed by the proxy war in Perak is what happens if the levers of federal power should one day slip from UMNO’s hands, as has seemed inevitable since last year’s election.
构成霹雳州代理权争斗的最大的问题是,如果某一天州权力的操作杆从巫统的手中滑脱将会发生什么?自从去年的大选后,这看起来是不可避免的。 ecocn

Then he shocked his former colleagues by joining UMNO, where his rise was spectacular.
随后,他加入巫统,让从前的同僚们大跌眼镜,在此之后,他芝麻开花节节高。 ecocn

Yet that is exactly what UMNO fears most after a run of embarrassing defeats in state and federal polls.
然而,在州和联邦的民意调查遭遇一连串令人尴尬失败后,这正是巫统最害怕的。 ecocn

UMNO has been scheming to weaken the opposition, which won five out of13 states in March2008 elections that stunned the ruling coalition.
巫统一直预谋要弱化反对党,反对党在2008年3月的选举中赢得了13个州席位里的5席,这震惊了执政的巫统。 yeeyan




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