

单词 umma
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the Muslim community or people, considered to extend from Mauritania to Pakistan;

moderate Muslims urge the Ummah to reject the terrorism of radical Muslims

近义词 Ummah穆斯林乌玛…
A spokesman for Jaish al- Umma Army of the Muslim Community, the largest of the four armed Salafist groups, calls such acts“ aberrations”.
Jaish al- Umma外界称为“伊斯兰社区军”是四个萨拉菲斯特武装团体中规模最大的,其发言人称这些行径是“精神失常”的表现。 ecocn

At the end of the day the Umma team took a long drive through a vast shanty town on the fringes of Omdurman itself, damningly known as the “ black belt” to the lighter- skinned Arabs of Khartoum.
一日将尽的时候,乌玛成员远远地驱车穿越了就位于恩图曼本身外围处的一个贫民区,即喀土穆的浅皮肤的阿拉伯人所谓的该死的“黑暗地带”。 ecocn

“ Maybe they were underground, ” joked an Umma official.
“没准儿他们是从地底下冒出来的”,一位乌玛官员开玩笑道。 ecocn

But ultimately, as Adam Madibu, the deputy chairman of the opposition Umma party, says: “ The election is the best way to get the transformation of Sudan, and we will have lost it.”
但是最终,就如 Adams Madibu,反对派 Umma党的副主席所说:“这场选举是改变苏丹的最好途径,而我们将失去它。” ecocn

He called it “a crime against religion and the entire Muslim umma community”.
他称焚烧古兰经这种行径是“对宗教和整个穆斯林社会犯下的罪行”。 ecocn

In Islamic tradition, they argue, the ambitions of any individual are set aside for the common good of the umma, or community.
作为穆斯林,他们会争执不休,但是在集体、派别利益面前,他们又能首先放下个人的野心。 ecocn.org

SOUNDBITE English Sadiq Al- Mahdi, head of the Umma Party: Self determination is a decision by the people of Sudan to seek voluntary unity.
SOUNDBITE英文萨迪克马赫迪,乌玛党的负责人:自决是苏丹人民的决定,寻求自愿团结。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org

That’s not all. The Iraqi newspaper Al- Umma al- Iraqiyya carried an open letter signed by400 Iraqi intellectuals, both Kurdish and Arab, defending Alusi.
这还没完,伊拉克报纸 Al- Umma al- Iraqiyya登载了一封由支持 Alusi议员的400个伊拉克知识分子---包括库尔德和阿拉伯人签名的公开信。 yeeyan

The Umma party, the strongest northern opposition group, boycotted the polls.
北部最强大的反对党乌玛党拒绝参加这次选举。 ecocn




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