

单词 ultraviolet radiation
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radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays近义词 UV紫外线(=ultravi…ultraviolet紫外线的ultraviolet light紫外线
用作名词Ultraviolet rays can penetrate through clouds.紫外线可以穿透云层。
What are infrared and ultraviolet rays?什么是红外线和紫外线? It is therefore likely that the addition of sulphate to the stratosphere would result in a loss of ozone, and thus in more ultraviolet radiation getting through.
因此,向平流层添加硫酸雾很可能会导致臭氧的损耗,从而使更多的紫外线穿过大气层。 ecocn

The wispy pink and yellow cloud in the new Hubble photo, which scientists released Tuesday, is made of mostly hydrogen gas heated by fierce ultraviolet radiation from the new stars at its heart.
在科学家周二发布的新哈伯照片中,微弱的粉色和黄色星云是大部分是由星云中心的新星发射的紫外线加热的氢气组成。 yeeyan

During the two-year quiet spell, our upper atmosphere, normally heated and inflated by the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation, cooled off and shrank.
在这轮为期两年的平静期,正常情况下被太阳极端紫外线加热而膨胀的地球高层大气,却发生了冷却,体积缩小了。 yeeyan

They should have been destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.
他们本应被紫外线杀死的了啊。 hjenglish

This last cooling effect is caused by a decline in ozone in the stratosphere which prevents it absorbing as much ultraviolet radiation from the sun above.
最后一项变冷效应是由于平流层臭氧减少所致,而臭氧可抑制平流层从太阳吸收紫外线。 yeeyan

To deal with this, the Living Machine often includes components at the end of the system that sterilize the water with ultraviolet radiation, ozone or chlorine.
为了对付这些病菌,LM系统的末端通常会配有紫外线、臭氧或者氯等的消毒装置。 yeeyan

Yet, each year millions of Americans strive for that perfect tan and even spend their hard earned money to purposefully expose themselves to artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation.
然而,每年都有数百万计的美国人为完美的棕色皮肤奋斗,甚至用他们辛苦挣来的钱让他们暴露于人工的紫外线辐射源。 yeeyan

Ultraviolet radiation and violent stellar winds have blown out an enormous cavity in the gas and dust enveloping the cluster, providing an unobstructed view of the cluster.
紫外线和猛烈的星际风,在气体以及包裹星群的灰尘上吹出了一个硕大的洞,为人类提供了一个畅通无阻的观察星群的视野。 yeeyan




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