

单词 ultrasonic waves
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By using ultrasonic waves to break the cell of strain B. 9, and with acetone as the abstracting liquid, more carotene would be abstracted.
用丙酮作提取液,以超声波破碎菌体的方法类胡萝卜素得量较高; cnki

The nonlinear and linear acoustoelectric interactions due to ultrasonic waves and carriers in semiconductor are reviewed.
本文回顾了超声波与半导体中的载流子之间的声电相互作用。 cnki

The action of intensity ultrasonic waves on electrochemical polishing process and the influences of ultrasonic waves on polishing quality have been analyzed.
分析了功率超声波对电解抛光过程的作用及对抛光效果的影响。 cnki

The equivalent circuit for partial discharge- generated ultrasonic waves is found.
建立了局部放电产生超声波的等值电路; cnki

The high-energy ultrasonic waves in general accelerate the rate of textile wet processes.
通常高能量的超声波提高了织物湿处理的速度。 chemyq

The physical foundation of the ultrasonic waves is presented. A contactless ultrasonic sensor in seam tracing is developed.
介绍了超声波的物理基础,研制了焊缝跟踪中的非接触超声波传感器。 cnki

The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, specifically to visualize an internal body structure, monitor a developing fetus, or generate localized deep heat to the tissues.
为了诊断或治疗而运用超声波,尤其是显示内部身体结构,监测发育中的胎儿或给组织施以局部深热。 hotdic

Cracks will come out clean when treated by ultrasonic waves.
如果以超声波处理,缝隙就会变得很洁净。 xkdwyx.com

Four kinds of rock were measured with ultrasonic waves.
对四种岩石进行了超声波测试。 cnki

Local heating usually uses instruments equipped with electric fields with low frequency and high frequency, ultrasonic waves, microwaves or short waves to heat the tumor directly.
局部加热通常采用低频电流场、高频电流场、超声波、微波式短波等仪器直接对肿瘤加热。 cnki

The results showed that all the auxiliaries improved their soaping effects under ultrasonic waves.
结果表明:在超声波条件下,各种助剂的皂洗能力均获得提高; cnki

Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonic waves, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be.
各种机器零件无论多么脏,也不管形状多么不规则,当把它们用超声波处理后,都可以清洗得非常洁净,甚至会洁净得象新的一样。 xkdwyx.com

Via the ultrasonic solid- liquid reactive ball milling equipment, a lot of original powders are milled with ultrasonic waves and without ultrasonic waves in the distilled water solution.
通过超声波固液反应球磨机,探索性地研究了多种金属粉末、非金属粉末以及氧化物粉末的超声波固液反应球磨和固液反应球磨。 fabiao

Wave distortion will occur when finite amplitude ultrasonic waves propagate in elastic solids, resulting in the production of higher order harmonics.
有限振幅的超声波在固体中传播时会发生波形畸变,伴随着高次谐波的出现。 cnki

We describe a new ultrasonic sensing technique which uses broadband and noncontact capacitive transducer to generate or receive ultrasonic waves.
我们介绍了一种新颖的超声波检测技术,它用宽带,非接触的电容换能器实现超声波的激发或接收。 cnki

Work theory, measure method of ultrasonic waves flowmeter and its application in salt production is introduced, some questions in selection and application of the flowmeter are pointed out.
介绍了超声波流量计的工作原理,测量方法及其在制盐生产中的应用,并提出了选用时应注意的一些问题。 dictall

Ultrasonic waves produce pulsed signals, by means of which various defects in metal can be detected.
超声波能产生脉冲信号,用以检测金属中各种缺陷。 xkdwyx.com




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