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词汇 Ukraine
释义 U·kraine juːˈkreɪn;英juːˈkreɪn美juˈkren 高Economist²⁷⁰

a republic in southeastern Europe; formerly a European soviet; the center of the original Russian state which came into existence in the ninth century乌克兰的英文名Ukraine来自俄罗斯语或波兰语Ukraina边疆,由前缀u-在和krai边缘组成。公元9世纪时,作为俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和乌克兰三国共同祖先的基辅罗斯公国成立,定都于现乌克兰首都基辅,其主体民族是东斯拉夫人和来自北欧的瓦良格人混杂而成的古罗斯人。13世纪时,基辅罗斯被蒙古人征服,大部分土地被蒙古人占领,但位于乌克兰的加利西亚和沃伦公国却没有被蒙古人统治。这两个公国位于原基辅罗斯的西南边境地区,该地方的古罗斯人就被称为Ukrainian乌克兰人,意思就是“住在边界上的人”。从此以后,乌克兰人从古罗斯人中分化出来,开始形成为具有独特语言﹑文化和生活习俗的单一民族其余古罗斯人则分化为俄罗斯人和白俄罗斯人。乌克兰人所居住的地方就被称为Ukraine边界。近义词 Ukrayina乌克兰

A comparison with what happened after the1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine might put the finding into perspective, however.
不过,可以用来对照的是1986年乌克兰切尔诺贝利核泄露事故后的造成的灾难。 yeeyan

I visited Mount Everest and it was like a revelation to me, a different world, a different way of life, almost a different universe to what I had known in the Ukraine.
来到珠穆朗玛峰对于我来说就是一个启示,一个完全不同的时间,另一种生活方式,甚至有别我在乌克兰时对于世界的认知。 cri

The focus of this activity will be Crimea, a southern province of Ukraine.
这一活动的重点将在克里米亚,乌克兰的一个南部省份。 ecocn

When they work together, they can be effective, as they were in bringing Ukraine into the World Trade Organisation.
他们共事时可以很有效率,比方说他们已成功将乌克兰带入世界贸易组织。 ecocn

“ First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body,” she says in an interview.
“首先,我们需要在乌克兰建设欧洲,因为只有在一个国家具有相同血型的情况下,它才可以融入欧盟。否则,它将被视为异己分子,难逃被排斥的命运,”她在一次采访中这样说道。 yeeyan

“Instead of throwing the teeth in the wastebasket, the dentists send them to us, ” Chumak says;6000 have been collected in Ukraine so far.
“牙医们将本来会扔在废纸篓的牙齿都寄给了我们,”丘马克说;到目前为止,他们在乌克兰收集了6000颗牙齿。 yeeyan

And that is also to ask if Ukraine, with no tradition of statehood, can be a successful country.
或许也可以这样问:如果乌克兰是一个整体,她是否能成为一个成功的国家。 ecocn

But three delegates from a far-right party in Ukraine failed to get Japanese visas.
但是来自乌克兰一个极右政党的三名代表未能获得日本签证。 ecocn

Earlier, Ukraine shut all four of its pipelines that ship the fuel to Europe.
早些时候,乌克兰关闭了向欧洲输送燃料的所有四根管道。 ebigear

Fears rose that Ukraine might refuse to abide by the terms of an IMF bail-out and default on its debt.
由于担心上涨,乌克兰可能会拒绝遵守国际货币基金组织的保释条款,履行其应付债务。 ecocn

He stayed there until Vladimir Putin replaced him, and sent him more or less into exile to be the ambassador to Ukraine.
他呆在那里直到普京取代了他,把他或多或少算式流亡到乌克兰当大使。 ecocn

If it wants to influence such important neighbours as Turkey or Ukraine, the EU must keep its doors open to them.
如果欧盟想要提高其在土耳其或者乌克兰这样重要的国家中的影响力,它就必须向他们敞开大门。 ecocn

If Ukraine goes for “ normalisation” too, that would be game, set and match to the Kremlin.
如果乌克兰也“正常化邦交”,那将只是与克里姆林宫设置比赛的一场游戏。 ecocn

In addition to Norway, the mutation has been observed in Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and the US.
除了挪威,这种变异在巴西、中国、日本、墨西哥、乌克兰和美国都被已观测到。 yeeyan

In the eyes of the Kremlin, Ukraine is a failed state.
在克林姆林宫眼中,乌克兰是一个失败的国家。 ecocn

In Ukraine nothing is ever fixed.
在乌克兰,没什么事是确定的。 yeeyan

It will host the European football championships in 2012, jointly with Ukraine.
2012年,它将与乌克兰联合主办欧洲足球锦标赛。 ecocn

It would be wrong for any leader in so fragile a country as Ukraine to renege on all the pledges he makes to avoid conflict.
即使在乌克兰这样一个脆弱的国家,为了避免冲突使得所做承诺无一兑现,这对任何一位领导者来说都是不可取的。 ecocn

Russia and Ukraine offer great supplies of cheap labour, not much farther away.
俄国和乌克兰提供了大量的廉宜劳动力,并未更远离去。 ecocn

So how should the West deal with Ukraine under a new president, whoever it is?
因此,不论是谁当选新总统,西方应如何处理与乌克兰的关系? ecocn

Special friends of the superpower, such as Britain, and those that wanted to become special friends, such as Poland and Ukraine, volunteered for duty in Iraq as well.
这个超级大国的特殊盟国例如英国和那些想成为特殊盟国的国家例如波兰和乌克兰义务性的承担了美在伊拉克的职责。 ecocn

These materials were deposited mainly over countries in Europe, but especially over large areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
这些物质主要沉积在欧洲国家,但是特别覆盖白俄罗斯、俄罗斯联邦和乌克兰的广大地区。 who

To escape this crisis, Ukraine does indeed need the squabbling duo to set aside their rivalry: and not just for show.
要逃脱这场危机,乌克兰的确需要争吵的双方搁置他们之间的敌对,而不仅仅是为了作秀。 ecocn

Ukraine seemed to be on a fast track to freedom and democracy.
乌克兰似乎快速行驶在通往自由和民主的大道上。 hjenglish




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