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词汇 UI
释义 UI ˌjuːˈaɪ Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
abbr.用户界面=user interface
And yet we’re being promised not only that we’ll see the slates, but that they’ll in fact be running the beautiful UI.
但是我们得到承诺不仅仅是看到平板产品,事实上它们还应该在漂亮的用户界面上运行。 yeeyan

There should be a way for the user to access non- mainstream activities, but the UI should not be optimized for its use.
此外对于用户而言,也应当有方法来让他们访问到非主流的活动,但是 UI不应当为此而进行优化。 infoq

This is where all business rules are applied as data passes from the Presentation Layer UI, through the Business Layer to the Data Access Layer, and back again.
当数据从表示层 UI传递过来的时候,全部的业务规则都在这里执行,通过业务层到数据访问层,然后再倒过来。 yeeyan

We’re so used to hearing and talking about UI design patterns that we sometimes forget about them!
我们已经惯于听到并谈论用户界面设计模式这个有时被我们忘却的概念。 yeeyan

For example, when we find some UI problems in the function test phase, how do we choose the activity for the defect?
比如,当我们在功能测试阶段发现一些 UI问题时,我们怎样来为这个缺陷选择具体的活动呢? ibm

For this example, we are ignoring possible changes to the object hierarchy in the application that result from UI changes.
对于此实例,我们将忽略对由于 UI变更导致的应用程序中的对象层次的可能的变更。 ibm

For this step, you must have your UI plug-in, which will define the editor and file extension for the resources being opened.
对于本步骤,您必须拥有自己的 UI插件,它将为正在打开的资源定义编辑器和文件扩展名。 ibm

From iteration to iteration they want to see the whole system working, including the UI, the Database, and the frameworks.
在每次迭代完成的时候,他们都希望看到整个系统可以正常工作,包括用户界面、数据库和框架。 infoq

How does an extension to the UI know about basic events like selection?
对用户界面的扩展如何知道类似于“选择”这样的基本事件? ibm

How and where will the extension be shown in the UI?
在用户界面中,如何显示扩展,显示在何处? ibm

How have you been successful with such UI driven testing on your projects?
在您的项目中,您是如何成功地运用 UI驱动测试的呢? infoq

However, he interestingly points out that although they are the majority of the users of the product, their needs are often neglected in the UI design.
尽管如此,他饶有兴趣地指出,虽然中级用户是产品的主要使用群体,但是他们的需求却往往在 UI设计中被忽视。 infoq

I have hated almost every UI toolkit I have ever used, in almost any environment.
我几乎讨厌过所有曾使用过的任何环境下的用户界面工具。 infoq

If the user can change settings directly on the UI, do not include those settings in the Settings view.
如果用户可以从 UI直接进行某些设置,则不要将这些设置放在设置的视图界面中。 cnblogs

If the UI is used by another system, we can check that the two systems can communicate.
如果是另一个系统使用这个 UI,我们可以检查两个系统是否能够通信。 infoq

If I want to validate this code in a white box manner, I have to separate UI- specific code from business code, which requires some refactoring.
如果我想以白盒方式验证这段代码,就必须分离业务逻辑和特定于用户界面的代码,这就需要进行重构。 ibm

In JSF, an UI event handler method can determine which page to display next by returning the string name of a navigation rule.
在 JSF中,一个用户界面事件处理器能通过返回导航规则名称,决定下一步该显示哪个页面。 infoq

Look at the UI as an implementation of the OODA loop, and come up with a list of questions that you should ask at each step in the design process to help the user quickly make decisions.
您将 UI视为 OODA循环的一种实现形式,并针对设计过程中的每个步骤想出一些应向用户询问的问题,并将它们放在一个列表中,旨在帮助用户快速做出决策。 ibm

Most of these are not suitable for sophisticated UI evaluation but can serve you well for simulation and analysis of performance.
其中大多数并不适合于复杂的 UI评估,但是它们可以很好地应用于模拟和性能分析。 ibm

Natural language, speech, and voice are going to be fundamental to the changing UI, and we have to invest.

Once these pages are created, they are linked to the appropriate step by defining a step processor for that step and assigning the URL of the UI page to it.
这些页面被创建后,它们将被链接到适当的步骤,具体方法是为对应的步骤定义一个步骤处理器并将这个 UI页面的 URL分配给它。 ibm

So, the question that remains is how do you take these test definitions, load them into the DOH's UI, and execute them.
所以,剩下的问题就是如何获取这些测试定义、如何将它们加载到 DOH的 UI中以及如何执行它们。 ibm

The paging UI allows you to navigate backwards and forwards through displayed data, displaying a fixed number of records at a time.
该分页 UI使您能够在所显示的数据之间向前和向后导航,并且一次显示固定数量的记录。 cnblogs

This step usually focuses on the user interface UI or key uses cases of the application but can also be used for technical issues and product selection.
这个阶段通常重点关注于用户界面 UI或者应用程序的关键用例,但是也可以用于技术问题和产品选择。 ibm

This will ensure that all of the areas you add to this UI are arranged vertically in one column.
这将确保向这个 UI添加的所有区域都将被垂直地组织到一个列内。 ibm

This would be a miserable UI for the real program, of course, but this is just a mock-up.
对于实际的程序来说,这可能是一个糟糕的 UI,但是,这当然只是一个模型而已。 ibm

User interface UI options should all be set in one location.
用户界面 UI选项全应该设置到一个位置上。 ibm

When you create a composite application to cover the functionality of your domain, major UI elements may focus solely on your domain and make sense only in the context of your domain.
在创建一个涵盖自己领域的功能的复合应用程序时,主要的用户界面元素可能只与这个领域相关,只在这个领域的上下文中有意义。 ibm

You should design the UI fairly early in the process, soon after you have gathered the requirements.
您应在过程中早些设计 UI,当您将需求汇集在一起不久以后就应着手。 ibm

UI is important because it affects the feelings, the emotions, and the mood of your users.
用户界面非常重要,因为它影响到感觉,情绪,当然是你的用户的情绪。 yeeyan




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