释义 |
UHPM 基本例句 超高压变质作用¹⁰⁰ Strong tectonism is thought to have made a great contribution to the formation of eclogite in the DabieUHPMzome.同位素资料分析表明,大别地区榴辉岩系地壳成因,这对于榴辉岩是壳内产物的认识提供了进一步证据。 As a typical orogeny of continental collision, Qingling has no condition for large scaleUHPMformation, although scatteredUHPMmay not be excluded.秦岭作为典型造山带,虽然不排除零星超高压变质的可能,但不具备大规模超高压变质的条件。 Conversely,the isotopic characteristics will be well explained by assuming that theUHPMoccurred in the crust instead in the upper mantle.相反,如果认为大别山超高压变质岩就在地壳内形成,则大别山超高压变质岩同位素的所有特征就很好解释了。 Four coesite inclusions have been first discovered in zircons from paragneisses in the NBD, which reveal the final demonstration ofUHPMterrane for this area.通过详细的激光拉曼光谱研究,首次在都兰北带与榴辉岩互层产出的副片麻岩锆石中发现了4颗柯石英包裹体,从而证明了研究区是典型的超高压变质地体。 |