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词汇 ugliness
释义 ug·li·ness AHD-lēnə̇s,-lin- 高COCA²⁶⁰⁵⁸BNC²⁴⁵¹¹iWeb²³⁹³⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

qualities of appearance that do not give pleasure to the sensesthe quality of being wickedugly丑陋的
ugli-ness名词后缀⇒n.丑陋近义词 malice恶意cruelty残酷violence猛烈foulness纠缠vileness可耻hostility敌意wickedness邪恶hideousness可怕viciousness恶意obnoxiousness可憎nefariousness邪恶unpleasantness不愉快disfigurement外貌损伤反义词 beauty美人

用作名词Nobody wants to look at theugliness.谁也不想看这丑陋的东西。
There are numerous forms of psychologicalugliness.有许多形式的心理上的丑陋。noun.unattractiveness
同义词 disfigurement,hideousness,homeliness,offensiveness,plainness,repulsiveness,unseemliness,unsightlinessmonstrousness
反义词 attraction,attractiveness,beauty,fairness,handsomeness,pleasantness,righteousnessnoun.nefariousness
同义词 unpleasantnessfoulness,frightfulness,horridness,odiousness,wickednessmonstrousness
反义词 attraction,attractiveness,beauty,fairness,handsomeness,pleasantness,righteousness
contortionnoun distortion, mutilation
contortionsnoun distortion, mutilation
deformitynoun disfigurement, distortion
frightnoun horrifying or unpleasant sight
unpleasantnessnoun disagreement
argument,bother,conflict,disharmony,dispute,disturbance,quarrel,trouble,ugliness And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
一场没有硝烟的美丑之战;一个被抛掷在陌生、丑陋、卑鄙的荒原上的孩子,对一切纯洁、古老、高尚的传统的渴望。 yeeyan

The best painter in the world, as he was often said to be, seemed intent on rubbing the world’s nose in human ugliness.
一如他常常为世人所称道的那样,他是当世最杰出的画家,他似乎下定决心,要表现世间人性中的丑陋面目。 ecocn

But as mentioned, this is one scenario wherein ugliness is intentional and kind of works.
像上述提到的那样,设计者是故意将界面弄成这么丑的。 yeeyan

But I chafe at the idea that great American debates, in all their ugliness and splendor, should be tempered for terrorists and their attempts to recruit.
但是我还是对那些美国大人物的做法表示恼火,在他们丑陋和光辉的做法下面,他们应该缓和一下对恐怖分子和他们试图招募新兵的恐惧。 yeeyan

But some have argued the government is complicit in the ugliness.
不过也有人认为,政府与这种丑恶沆瀣一气。 yeeyan

By inflicting sufficient ugliness upon us, the modern artists believe, they will wear down our capacity to see beauty.
现代艺术家相信,只要对我们施以足够多的丑,就能够毁掉我们对美的感知能力。 yeeyan

Fashion is a kind of ugliness which is so unbearable so that we have to renew it every five months.
时髦是一种如此难以容忍的丑恶,以至于我们不得不每六个月变换一次. putclub

God hates sin; He cannot stand to look at its ugliness.
上帝讨厌罪恶;他无法忍受去面对罪恶的丑陋。 yeeyan

God hates sin; He cannot stand to look at its ugliness. Therefore, unconfessed sin in our lives comes between us and damages our relationship with the Lord.
上帝讨厌罪恶;他无法忍受去面对罪恶的丑陋。因此,生命中未供认的罪行会会伤害我们与上帝的关系。 yeeyan

How should one define automotive ugliness?
大家应当如何定义汽车的丑陋呢? yeeyan

I asked the three whether the wall made a greater statement in its original state of ugliness or as a canvas for artistic expression.
我问他们三人,是否会创作一幅大型的原始的丑陋之态或是油画来表达他们的艺术理念。 yeeyan

In the court of public perception, it is already guilty as charged of institutional ugliness and governmental stupidity.
在公众们的认知中,这座建筑表现了公共体制的丑陋和政府的愚蠢。 yeeyan

In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.
在过去,我们总是把美貌等同于真善美,而把丑陋视作假恶丑。 hjenglish

Its enemies were the middle classes and the aesthetic ugliness it associated with an industrial economy powered by bourgeois energies.
它的敌人,是中产阶级和审美意义下的丑陋制品。这些制品,与中产阶层精力驱动下的工业经济紧密相联。 yeeyan

Joe also taunted him about his “ ugliness” and adolescent skin problems, sowing self- doubt that later manifested itself in cosmetic surgery fixation.
乔还揶揄迈克尔的“丑陋”和青少年时期的皮肤问题,随之而来的自我怀疑让他后来去做了整形。 yeeyan

Like any country, it is complex, it has its beauties and its ugliness, but I am struggling to get my head around the extremes it seems to straddle.
像其它任何一个国家一样,这是一个复杂多面的国家,既有她美丽的一面,也有她丑陋的一面,但我极力让我的思维跨越两个极端。 yeeyan

Marina: I’m interested in juxtaposing binary opposites within my dolls: beauty and ugliness, love and violence, eroticism and repulsion.
马瑞娜:我喜欢有二元对立的元素在娃娃身上并存:美与丑、爱与暴力、情色与性排斥。 yeeyan

Our time, on the other hand, has fed its despair on ugliness and convulsions.
相反,我们的时代,丑陋与诸遭动乱也正孕育着绝望。 yeeyan

Roads attract ugliness and provoke ugly behaviour. But trains allow you time to meet a cross section of your fellow passengers, a cross section which, hopefully, reflects local society.
道路吸引丑陋,挑起丑陋行为,但是火车允许你有时间和你的旅伴有些许的交流,这些交流有时候反映了当地社会。 yeeyan

Some of our purebred pets like this bloodhound look like little mutants, and we love them, not in spite of their ugliness, but because of it.
像猎犬这样的一些人类纯种宠物看上去有时也像突变体,并且我们之所以喜欢它们,恰恰是因为它们的丑陋之处。 yeeyan

Such ugliness can only go so far: local politicians cannot close the border to traders from the wrong nationality, for example, or sack workers with the wrong background: it would be against EU law.
这种丑事只能到此为止:当地的政府人员还不能对贸易者关闭边境,如国籍不符之人或背景不纯的搬运工:这样做有违欧盟法律。 ecocn

The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.
第六次是当她轻蔑一个丑恶的容颜的时候,却不知道那是她自己的面具中之一。 ebigear

The advert was trying to“ show the ugliness of the illness, not of aids victims”, he added.
他补充道:“这则广告旨在显示这个疾病的丑陋,而不是艾滋病患者本身。” yeeyan

This is a film about women in all their vanity, insecurity, ugliness, beauty and frustration.
这是一部表现女人虚荣、不安、丑陋、美丽和挫败的影片。 yeeyan




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