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词汇 Ugandans
释义 Ugandans juːˈɡændənz Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
乌干达人¹⁰⁰原型ugandan的复数 As the jihadists foundered, the Ugandans and Burundians thrust forward in a pincer movement towards the Bakara market, the city’s commercial hub.
伊斯兰圣战战士们失败之际,乌干达和布隆迪军以钳形攻势迅速冲向该城的商业中心 Bakara市场。 ecocn

THE bombs went off as Ugandans were watching the football World Cup final on the evening of July11th.
7月11号晚当乌干达人民正在观看世界杯决赛之时,发生了连环爆炸。 ecocn

The Ugandans, some of them veterans of peacekeeping in Somalia, fought alongside troops from the armies of Congo and south Sudan.
乌干达战士们其中一些是在索马里参与维和的老兵与来自刚果与南苏丹的军队并肩作战。 ecocn

The Ugandans have also pushed the Shabab back from the presidential palace, a significant success.

The Ugandans managed to cope with the present outbreak largely on their own.
乌干达人对于目前疾病爆发主要依靠自己来设法解决。 ecocn

The Ugandans were to have been backed up by other African forces but none has shown up.
乌干达预料将会得到其它非洲军队的支援,可遗憾的是,没有任何国家的军队在维和中露面。 ecocn

Africans, or at least the Ugandans, are very open and have a great sense of humour, certainly a similar sense of humour to mine!
非洲居民,或者至少是乌干达人,非常的开放并且富有幽默感,更棒的是这种幽默感与我的非常合拍! gounahaozi

And the country’s tiny middle class fears being swamped in a common market by better-qualified Kenyans and Ugandans.
同时这个国家的弱小的中产阶层害怕在共同市场中被更有竞争力的肯尼亚人和乌干达人击溃。 ecocn

But banana- based diets are deficient in iron and vitamin A, leaving many Ugandans malnourished.
但是这种以香蕉为主的饮食缺乏铁元素和维生素 A,这造成很多的乌干达人营养不良。 yeeyan

David Kato was one of a group so tiny, hated and hounded— indeed, illegal—that most Ugandans had never knowingly met one.
大卫·卡多所属的组织很小,且招人厌恶,有不断的麻烦,事实上,它还是非法的。 因此,大多数乌干达人刻意的躲开它。 ecocn

Despite the grumbling of human- rights groups, Parliament is likely to pass the law with the overwhelming support of Ugandans.
尽管来自人权组织的反对声不断,议会还是可能在压倒性的乌干达人的支持下,通过此项立法。 ecocn

Given their low incomes, only about a quarter of Ugandans have a mobile subscription, but street vendors offer mobile access on a per- call basis.
由于收入低下,只有约四分之一乌干达人拥有手机,但是街头小贩们提供按通话付费的手机服务。 yeeyan

It will probably be stripped of its more controversial bits, such as the death penalty for“aggravated homosexuality” and the prosecution of Ugandans who engage in homosexual sex abroad.
但是有可能当中更具争议的条款,如,对“顽固同性恋者”实施死刑,和对在国外参与同性恋行为的人提起起诉等,将被删除。 ecocn

Meanwhile, in Kenya, which has long lorded it over its poorer neighbour, exploration firms keep drilling dry holes, to Ugandans’ delight.
与此同时,使乌干达感到欣慰的是,肯尼亚,这个老是把乌干达看作穷邻居而抬举自己的国家,石油公司在那里一直只能钻出干井,还没能见到半点石油。 ecocn

Nigeria, Malawi and Ghana have shown no sign of honouring their pledges to send troops, nor is it clear that any other AU country has the logistical back-up the Ugandans and Burundians are asking for.
尼日利亚、马拉维和加纳虽然信誓旦旦说要派遣军队,但是看起来丝毫没有履行诺言的意思;其他的非盟国家是否具备乌干达和布鲁迪所要求的后勤支援尚不明晰。 ecocn

Nor is it likely that the African Union will add to its few thousand peacekeepers, mainly Ugandans, in Mogadishu.
而让非盟向摩加迪沙对目前少数几千的维和军主要是乌干达军增援也不太可能。 ecocn

Now packed minibuses and private cars pass up and down, and the Ugandans have handed over many of the checkpoints to lightly armed Somali government troops.
现在挤满了人的小巴士和私家车来来往往,而乌干达军也将很多关卡交给了没有重武器武装的索马里政府军。 ecocn

Of Ugandans who die of cancer, 96% never see a medical practitioner.
死于癌症的乌干达人中,有96%的人没就医过。 ecocn

Some Ugandans also resent Indians' domination of many businesses, particularly small-scale retailing.
一些乌干达人也抱怨印度人掌控了许多生意,特别是小型零售业。 ecocn

Some Ugandans also resent Indians' domination of many businesses, particularly small-scale retailing. Indeed, small- business owners of Indian descent bore the brunt of this month's outburst.
一些乌干达人也抱怨印度人掌控了许多生意,特别是小型零售业。事实上,印度裔的小生意人成了本月冲突的导火索。 ecocn

Tanzania has usually been the one to put the brakes on the EAC, fearing it will be overrun with land speculators and better- educated Kenyans and Ugandans.
通常坦桑尼亚是 EAC进展的减速器,因为担心共同体会让它被土地投机者和教育更好的肯尼亚人和乌干达人所控制。 ecocn

The Ugandans say they were well received by the Congolese at their barracks, though Congo blames Uganda for a number of atrocities during a five-year Congolese war, which ended in 2003.
乌干达战士们表示,他们是在刚果军的兵营被接纳的,尽管刚果仍责备乌干达在2003年结束的5年的刚果内战中犯下许多残暴的罪行。 ecocn

They've also given him an opportunity forcibly relocate a number of“ vulnerable” northern Ugandans into displacement camps, where he said they might be more easily protected.
也为他迁移一些“易受伤害的”北部乌干达人至难民营一个充分的机会,因为他宣称在那里人们更容易受到保护。 yeeyan

Together with other opposition figures he organised peaceful protests, asking Ugandans to forego motorised transport and walk to work.
贝克杰联合其它反对派人士举行了和平的示威活动,呼吁乌干达人民放弃公共交通工具,步行上班。 ecocn

Two years ago seven people were killed in a couple of skirmishes between Congolese and Ugandans, in one case involving a British contractor, on Lake Albert.
两年前,在几起刚果人与乌干达人之间发生的冲突中,有七个人被杀,其中有一起涉及一个英国承包商,就发生在阿尔伯特湖边上。 ecocn

Ugandans endorse this stance.
乌干达人赞同这一观点。 yeeyan




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