

单词 UFO
释义 UFO 英ˌjuːefˈəʊ美ˌjuɛfˈo;英ˌjuːef'əʊ美ˌjuːef'oʊ ☆☆☆☆☆高iWeb¹¹⁹⁷⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
👾abbr.不明飞行物=unidentified flying object名词复数UFOs;名词复数UFOs

an apparently flying object whose nature is unknown; especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins近义词 flying saucer飞碟unidentified flying object不明飞行物

Have any of you actually seen aUFO?你们中间是不是有人确实看到过飞碟?
No, it can not be a ufo.不,不可能是个不明飞行物。noun.unidentified flying object
同义词 rocket,spaceshipextraterrestrial spacecraft,flying saucer,rocketship
aircraftnoun airplane
airliner,airship,balloon,blimp,chopper,dirigible,flying machine,flying saucer,helicopter,jet,zeppelin
flying saucernoun spaceship
UFO,extraterrestrial spacecraft,extraterrestrial vessel,spacecraft,spaceship,unidentified flying object
spacecraftnoun spaceship
UFO,flying saucer,rocket,rocket ship,satellite,shuttle,space capsule,space probe,space shuttle,unidentified flying object
unidentified flying objectnoun unknown flying object
UFO,extraterrestrial spacecraft,flying saucer,spacecraft,spaceship It can now be found among the many mysterious incidents featured in official UFO files released today.
在官方今天公布的不明飞行物档案里,这份报告现在可以在许多专门记述神秘事件的文件中找到。 iciba

It's also worth noting that UFOs may not be saucer-shaped. The famous“ flying saucer” description of the first UFO has since been revealed as a reporting error.
值得注意的不明飞行物可能并不是飞碟形的。描述为“飞碟”的著名的第一个不明飞行物已经被发现是报告的错误。 yeeyan

“The Ministry of Defence has no other interest or role regarding UFO matters and does not consider questions regarding the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life-forms,” it said in May.
“国防大臣对于 UFO没有更多的兴趣,也从来没有考虑过是否有其他星球生物和我们共存的情况”这导致至今仍然还有很多事情得不到合理的解释。 yeeyan

Contrails appear most vivid around sunrise or sunset, and it's not uncommon that one showing up in an unexpected location will generate whispers of a UFO or experimental military aircraft.
凝结尾在日落和日出时,会显露得非常生动,这种情况并不少见,一个意外的位置上所显露出来的现象将产生与 UFO或实验用军事飞机相类似的低低声音。 yeeyan

Countless websites have made the claim that a UFO craft was responsible for the fiery damages, while others began to question NASA.
无数的网站声称一个不明飞行物的飞船造成了火灾,而同时其它人开始怀疑美国国家航空和航天管理局。 yeeyan

He had earlier claimed to have been shown round a UFO in2001.
他曾称自己在2001年参观过一个不明飞行物。 cri

However, the UFO files being released by the British National Archives contain cases that clearly should be of concern, and I am not alone in this opinion.
尽管如此,英国国家档案馆披露的 UFO文件却含有明显值得关注的报告,而且不只我一人持有此观点。 yeeyan

I disbelieved reports of UFO sightings.

Immediately report the event to a UFO research organization.
马上跟不明飞行物研究机构报告。 hxen

In 2007, a panel of experts called on the US government to resume UFO investigations through the US Air Force or NASA.
2007年,有专家小组呼吁美国政府应责成美国空军或美国国家宇航局重启 UFO调查行动。 i21st

In fact, the last batch of files includes correspondence between the Ministry of Defence MOD and two high level military officials who were adamant that UFO cases should be taken more seriously.
事实上,档案馆披露的最后一批文件中,还包含了英国国防部 MOD与两位英国高级将领的通信记录。 这两位将领固执地认为, UFO问题应当被更严肃地对待。 yeeyan

In January of this year, a series of videos showing what appeared to be a UFO hovering over Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock caused a stir.
今年的一月份,一系列的视频引起了轰动,这些视频好像是一个 UFO正在耶路撒冷的圆顶清真寺上盘旋。 yeeyan

Many of the UFO reports in this release were filed in1996, the year of Will Smith's heroics in Independence Day and the growing popularity of TV's The X- Files.
此次公开的许多不明飞行物的报告是1996年提交的,那是威尔·史密斯在电影《独立日》的壮举和电视片《 X档案》越来越受欢迎的一年。 iciba

Members of the local media ran with the UFO theory— are aliens tampering with our livestock, or is this somehow a side effect of radiation from spaceships?
当地的媒体成员的说法充满了 UFO的理论——是不是外星人在胡乱地摆弄我们的牲畜,或者说是来自宇宙飞船某种方法的辐射所产生的副作用? yeeyan

Miyuki Hatoyama, Japan's new first lady, claims in a book that her soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO to Venus while she was sleeping, the Daily Telegraph reported.
据《每日电讯报》报道,日本未来首相夫人鸠山幸在书中写道,曾在身体沉睡的情况下,灵魂乘坐三角形不明飞行物前往金星。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Recently, however, interest in the site had skyrocketed, said the mayor, with online UFO websites, many in the US, advising people to seek shelter in Bugarach as the countdown to Armageddon commences.
“最近,这座法国小村庄又引起了大家的浓厚兴趣”,市长说,“是因为许多美国的 UFO网站建议人们来这里寻找躲避圣战的避所。” ebigear

Reports given to Churchill claimed that a reconnaissance aircraft returning to Britain from a mission was shadowed by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.
丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。 iciba

Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies.
俄罗斯是 UFO比较活跃的地方,军方和民间组织经常发现疑似外星人飞船。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The blazing orange light from a UFO eloping through a living room door was the master image Steven Spielberg chose to sum up his entire film career.
从卧室门里潜逃出来的 UFO那耀眼的橘色光是史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格选作总结他整个电影生涯的代表形象。 yeeyan

The officer returned to his home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, and contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.
警官回到威尔特郡马尔伯勒的家中。他和超自然现象专家取得联系,告诉他们自己刚刚发现了一个 UFO。 yeeyan

This is a delicate point: find a proof that an UFO visited us.
由此争论的症结便出来了:找到一个 UFO造访我们的证据。 yeeyan

Undeniably, more and more people begin to care about this mysterious object— UFO.
不可否认的是,越来越多的人们开始关心 UFO这个神秘的物体。 cri

UFO debunkers thought Mr Taylor might have seen a magnified image of Venus distorted by the earth's atmosphere, which had made him fall down in an epileptic fit.
那些对不明飞行物嗤之以鼻的人们认为,泰勒所看到的不过是大气不均导致扭曲放大的金星的图像,而这一图像让他陷入了一种癫痫状态。 ecocn

UFO experts expressed anger at the decision.
UFO专家对于这项决定表示不满。 hjenglish

UFO reports spiked from117 in 1995 to 609 in 1996.
不明飞行物报告从1995年的117份剧增至1996年的609份。 iciba

UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets and whether extraterrestrials have visited Earth.
在全世界各地不同时期都有 UFO目击的报告,引起人们关于外星生命以及地外生命是否访问过地球的争论。 yeeyan




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