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词汇 UDR
释义 UDR 英ˌjuːdiː'ɑːʳ美ˌjuːdiː'ɑːr 
abbr.Ulster Defence Regiment 北爱尔兰防卫团
A functional index cannot be created on a UDR that returns a large object.
不能针对返回大对象的 UDR创建函数索引。 ibm

Compile the C UDR and create a shared library.
编译 C UDR并创建一个共享库。 ibm

Here the term UDR is used generically to refer to functions that return a value.
这里的 UDR一词通常用来指代返回值的函数。 ibm

Note, however, that large objects can be passed to the UDR as arguments.
然而,需要注意,可以将大对象作为参数传递给 UDR。 ibm

The UDR Series High Temperature Refrigerated Air Dryer provides clean, dry, compressed air for auto body repair shops, auto service centers, dental offices, and small manufacturers without more…
在尿嘧啶核苷系列高温冷冻式干燥机用于汽车车身修理店清洁,干燥,压缩空气,汽车服务中心,牙医诊所,也没有更多的小制造商… testmart

There are limitations on the number of arguments that can be passed to a UDR used by a functional index.
对于用于函数索引的 UDR,传递给它的参数在数量上有所限制。 ibm

This means that the UDR always returns the same value for given arguments, and that the UDR does not modify the database or variable state.
也就是说,对于给定的参数, UDR始终返回相同的值,而且 UDR不能修改数据库或变量状态。 ibm

This demonstration VTI UDR shows only four of the complete set of purpose functions.
该演示 VTI UDR仅显示完整的目的函数集中的4 个。 ibm

This tutorial shows you how to compile and run your VTI UDR as a shared library.
本教程向您展示如何编译并将您的 VTI UDR作为共享库运行。 ibm

This tutorial also shows you how to debug UDR code that resides in a shared library.
本教程还向您展示如何调试位于共享库中的 UDR代码。 ibm

When each functional index is created, its associated UDR is executed to pre-process the images and store the results as the index key.
在创建函数索引时,将执行与其相关的 UDR来对图像进行预处理,并将结果作为索引键保存。 ibm

You must explicitly specify NOT VARIANT when you define a UDR that is used for a functional index.
当定义 UDR并将之用于函数索引时,您必须显式将其指定为 NOT VARIANT。 ibm

You will need to implement all of the remaining purpose functions for a complete VTI UDR.
您将需要为完整的 VTI UDR实现所有其余的目的函数。 ibm

A UDR used by a functional index cannot have arguments that are collection data types.
如果将某个 UDR用于函数索引,则该 UDR不能使用集合数据类型作为参数类型。 ibm

UDRs in cross- database and cross- server distributed operations to most contexts where a UDR is valid in the local database.
从跨数据库和跨服务器的分布式操作中的 UDR,扩展到大多数本地数据库中存在有效 UDR的环境中。 ibm




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