

单词 udder
释义 ud·der 英ˈʌdə美ˈʌdɚAHDŭdʹər ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁵⁰⁵⁴⁰BNC⁴²⁶¹⁰iWeb³²⁵³⁶
mammary gland of bovids cows and sheep and goats来自古英语 udder,来自拉丁语 uber,牛羊等的乳房,乳汁,词源同 exuberant.udder size乳房大小udder shape乳房形状udder edema乳房水肿udder circumference乳房围udder disturbance乳房机能失调…pendulous udder下垂的乳房udder attachment乳房附着udder fat乳房脂udder texture乳房结构caked udder乳房水肿
近义词 bag袋breast乳房

用作名词The calf fumbled for its mother'sudderfor milk.小牛摸索着妈妈的乳房找奶吃。
A cow'sudderhangs loosely between its legs and produces milk.母牛的乳房垂於腿之间用来产奶。
Dolly was the only lamb born from 277 fusions of oocytes withuddercells.多利是277组卵母细胞和乳腺细胞的配对中唯一克隆成活的。as in.breast
同义词 bosom,chest,nipplebust,front,mammilla,teatmammary glands
breastnoun front of upper body
bosom,bust,chest,front,mammary glands,mammilla,nipple,teat
breastsnoun front of upper body
beings,bosoms,characters,cores,emotions,essential natures,hearts,minds,psyche,seat of affections,sentiments,souls,spirits,thoughts A consistent milking routine is key to producing high- quality milk and improving udder health.
一致的挤奶程序是生产高品质牛奶和改善乳房健康的关键。 cow-info.cn

Also, the udder becomes hot, painful, and enlargedAndand the animal may not eat.
还有乳房发热、疼痛和变大,动物不吃东西等症状。 hjenglish

Cows, sheep, goats and other animals can get mastitisandan inflammation in the udder, the organ where milk is produced.
奶牛、绵羊、山羊和其它动物会得乳腺炎,产奶器官乳房的一种炎症。 hjenglish

During the milking process, if the machines are not properly maintained, they can send painful electric shocks through the udder several times a day.
在挤奶环节,如果挤奶机没能好好保养,一天内有好几次会漏电,带给母奶牛的乳房痛苦的电击。 yeeyan

Edema extending from the udder to the umbilicus is frequently observed during late gestation in cows and mares.
牛和马在妊娠期自乳房至脐部常出现水肿。 dictall

Her udder shrivels and the milk goes dry.
她的乳房皱缩,乳汁快要流干了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Often, extended antibiotic therapy can help achieve a true cure, in which the bacteria are no longer present in the udder.
通常情况下,延长抗生素的治疗时间可有助于达到真正的治愈,使乳房中不再有细菌存在。 cow-info.cn

Resistance to Mastitis and Longevity of dairy cows can be improved by selecting partial udder traits and Foot&Leg.
选择部分乳房性状和肢蹄性状可以提高奶牛群乳房炎抗性及长寿性。 fabiao

She was created not out of the union of a sperm and an egg but out of the genetic material from an udder cell of a six- year-old sheep.
它不是精卵结合的产物,而是由取自一头六龄羊的乳腺细胞的基因材料生成的。 kekenet

Skim milk may one day come straight from the udder, if New Zealand research goes to plan.
或许有一天低脂牛奶可以直接来自于奶牛挤出的牛奶,新西兰正在着手该计划研究。 iciba

The monsters had slit the udder of the finest milch cow, so that she had to be put out of her misery immediately.
魔鬼们把最好的奶牛的乳房割下来,这样它就可以马上解脱。 yeeyan

The results showed that acute mastitis model was duplicated by inoculating colon bacillus with the method above in one side of udder chamber of rats.
结果表明,按上述方法在大鼠乳房内接种大肠杆菌可复制出典型的大鼠急性乳房炎病理模型。 cnki

The results showed that acute mastitis model can be duplicated by inoculating the above amount of bacteria in one side of udder chamber of lactating goats.
结果表明按上述方法乳房内接种金黄色葡萄球菌可复制出典型的奶山羊急性乳房炎病理模型。 cnki

The results showed that buttocks length, udder depth, body height, thorax measurement and teat length were feebly positively correlative with milk product.
结果表明:尻长、乳房深、体高、胸围、乳头长与其产奶量呈弱正相关; cnki

The milk in the udder would stick to the chopstick, so when they pulled out the chopstick, it looked like jade, and some people thought it was delicious.
乳房里的牛奶就粘到铁条上,当铁条被拔出来时,看起来就像是白玉一样。有些人认为这就是美味。 zzstep.com

The result was Dolly, the identical twin of the original sheep that provided the udder cells, but an identical twin born six years later.
其结果就是多利羊,即与提供乳腺细胞的那头羊一模一样的孪生羊,只是这头孪生羊晚出生了6年。 kekenet

The udder cell's genes took up residence in the egg and directed it to grow and develop.
乳腺细胞的基因在该卵子中安营扎寨,令其生长发育。 kekenet

They heated an iron chopstick until it was red hot, and then pushed that into a cow's udder.
他们先把一根铁条烧红,然后把它插到一只母牛的乳房里。 ebigear

This means the quads are genetically identical to each other, as well as to Dolly, and to the ewe that donated the udder tissue.
这意味着这四头羊互相之间以及与多莉和取样乳房组织的母羊之间的基因是相同的。 cri

Using CMT inspect method and body cell count skill, We detect the recessive udder mastitis of the healthy dairy region, Heilongjiang partial milk farm and door.
应用 CMT检验法,同时配合体细胞计数法,对黑龙江部分奶牛场和奶牛户的健康乳区进行隐性乳房炎的检测。 chemyq

Where this condition is recognised as a problem the immediate response must be to relieve the pressure in the udder.
一旦这些条件被当作一个影响因素,那么可以通过以下几点减轻乳房的压力。 zztianyu

Wilmut fused the udder cell with an egg from another sheep, after first removing all genetic material from the egg.
威尔莫特先将取自另一头羊的卵子中的所有基因材料取出,再将该卵子与这一乳腺细胞融合。 kekenet




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