

单词 UBS
释义 UBS高Economist⁶¹⁷⁹
abbr.瑞士联合银行¹⁰⁰总部所在地瑞士;主要经营银行=United Bank of Switzerland原型ub的复数 The Swiss government followed this up by declaring that it would actively prevent UBS from handing over the client data, even if the bank were ordered to do so by the US court.
尽管瑞士联合银行已经被美国法院勒令这么做,瑞士政府接着还是宣布将积极防止瑞士银行交出客户信息的违法行为发生。 ecocn

“ Microsoft is way behind the competition and the chances of it catching up are fairly low,” says Brent Thill of UBS, an investment bank.
“微软在竞争中远远落后,赶上的机会也极为渺茫,”一家投资银行瑞士联合银行 UBS的布伦特•希尔称。 ecocn

“ There is some sign of rebalancing, ” said Tao Wang, an economist at UBS Securities.
瑞银证券经济学家王涛音译说: “存在某种重新平衡的迹象。” yeeyan

A recent study by economists at UBS, a Swiss bank, suggested that the costs in each of these eventualities would be forbiddingly high.
最近一份来自瑞士联合银行经济学家的调查研究表明,各种可能性都会带来的高昂的代价。 ecocn

A simulation by economists at UBS gives a sense of the risks.
由 UBS经济学家所做的模拟结果给出了这些风险的后果。 ecocn

Among those present will be UBS, which must now try to ensure that any bad smells at its bond- trading desk do not pollute other businesses, particularly its prized wealth-management arm.
瑞士银行也位于会议出席者之列,它必须试图确保国债交易的任何不良名声不会危害到其他业务,特别是它珍视的理财业务。 ecocn

Bad loans will rise again this time, but Tao Wang, also at UBS, argues that banks are in a stronger position than in1998.
不良贷款也是这次的风险,但是王涛,工作在瑞士银行,认为现在银行比1998年时有更有利的地位。 yeeyan

Better by far to draw up more sensible pay schemes in the first place, which UBS has now started to do.
显然更好的办法是在第一时间就设计更切合实际的薪酬方案,现在瑞士联合银行已经开始着手了。 ecocn

But both UBS and Goldman are undoubtedly delighted to be firmly ensconced in China as their rivals watch in envy.
但是,毫无疑问 UBS和高盛都很乐意在中国进行扎根,而这让其对手无比嫉妒。 ecocn

Europe has let lots of blood, too: the bosses behind fiascos at UBS, Fortis and Royal Bank of Scotland RBS have gone to the guillotine.
欧洲也进行了大放血:瑞士联合银行,富通银行以及苏格兰皇家银行 RBS惨败幕后的很多老板都被送上了断头台。 ecocn

Getting the risk management right is one of the reasons why banks like UBS prefer to have full control of operations in the region.
取得风险管理的权力是为什么像 UBS这样的银行更愿意在这些地区的运营拥有完全的控制权的原因。 ecocn

Purchases from Japan in particular slowed sharply, points out Tao Wang of UBS, thanks to the disruptions in that country's supply chain.
特别是从日本的进口急剧减缓,这是由于该国供应链的断裂,瑞士银行 UBS的王涛音译指出。 ecocn

Shao helped Goldman Sachs and UBS set up their ventures in China.
邵曾帮助高盛和瑞士银行在中国设立合资企业。 yeeyan

The question for UBS: did the bank need all this capital?
瑞士银行面临的问题是:它真的需要这么多资金吗? ebigear

What business has lost UBS the most money in recent history?
历史上 UBS损失最大的一次是在什么业务上? ecocn

UBS’s analysis suggests that the financial health of firms and governments also matters for productivity growth.
UBS的分析家认为公司和政府的金融健康情况同样和生产率相关。 ecocn

UBS’s own post mortem found that “ at no stage” did managers have a decent assessment of its subprime exposure.
瑞士联合银行事后分析发现,经理们“没有在哪个阶段”对公司的次贷风险做过像样的评估。 ecocn

UBS notes that capital goods companies were not performing as well as the rest of the market when they beat earnings estimates.
UBS指出,当资本货物公司超出盈利预期时,它们的市场表现并不像市场的其他股票那么好。 forbeschina

UBS turned over approximately250 client names as part of that deal, and will turn over more in coming months.
作为协议的一部分, UBS交出了大约250名客户的名单,在今后的几个月中还将提供更多姓名。 yeeyan




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